Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2592: Remote kill

All the monks flashed their eyes, at this time they all thought that if the martial arts friends were not completely immersed in the original understanding, Qin Shuang would have no chance to kill the martial arts friends. Even if Qin Shuang's strength is very strong, if a person respects eight layers, if he is fully prepared, he cannot be killed by a single blow. In other words, it is not dangerous for any of them to go for bait.

So, is it possible to stop Qin Shuang?

Of course there is no problem!

But here are two peaks of the early stages of respect for the earth, two peaks for ten, and eight peaks for two. If you want to intercept the Qin Shuang, as long as the Qin Shuang comes out and you want to escape, how can that be?

Thinking of this, one of them respected the eighth floor and said, "Everyone, I'm going to lead the piano and come out."

"Okay!" Jin actually nodded. "Be careful."

"no problem!"

The eighth layer of that man's face showed a smile, and then he repaired himself to reveal the appearance of the late Emperor, sneaking in the white clouds, and in the upside-down Zhou Tianjian array, on the moon peak, Qin Shuang saw that Human deeds narrowed his eyes slightly, a little puzzled.

"What does that man do?"

After seeing that the man was far away from Jin actually, they showed their body from the white clouds, pretending to fly from other directions, came to the heavenly sect, flew slowly, and were immersed in the research array. appearance.

Qin Shuang's mouth could not help but a hint of sneer, how could she still guess those Xianzun thoughts?

"I wanted to lead me out, **** myself!"

Qin Shuang pondered for a moment, and by using time rumors himself, he might not be able to kill a person in eight respects. Since she practiced in the martial arts continent, she has deeply realized that one thing is to never despise any monk.

Can you leapfrog challenge, can others not?

Always regard yourself as someone who can challenge step by step, but treat other monks as ordinary, this is death.

If that eighth floor of that person also has a step card, and he can't kill the opponent with one hit, there is a great chance that the several immortals over there will intercept himself and make himself unable to return to the gate. Then he besieged himself.

"Can not Go Out!"

Only a moment later, Qin Shuang made a decision. However, Qin Shuang's eyes still showed a smile and couldn't go out, but it did not mean that he didn't hope to kill each other.

Her violent bells are able to kill the ground lord now. The reason why she has not attacked the celestial lords with violent bells is because the celestial lords are all together. If those Xianzuns shot together, they would be able to smash the violent bell sounds without waiting for them to work.

However, now that the opportunity has come, there is a man who ran out of the eighth layer alone to make a bait, and did not kill you, all up to God's will.

Qin Shuang's lips opened slightly, and a sound of vibrations rang from her lips.

At this time, the eighth-floor of the man was flying very slowly, and his face was completely immersed in his comprehension, but his spirit was tense, and he always paid attention to the Heavenly Sect below. And Jin actually concentrated their minds, ready to rush out at any time to intercept Qin Shuang's retreat.

at this time……

Jin actually waited for Xianzun to suddenly grow his mouth, one by one in his eyes.

Then he saw a quaint big bell suddenly appearing on the head of the eighth floor of that man, and the big bell was covered with mysterious road patterns. The big clock snapped eight layers of human statues in it all at once.


A huge bell rang, and in the vision of several immortals, the big bell broke down and dissipated instantly. They saw that the eight-layered head of that person was gone, and blood was still spraying from the neck cavity, the body fell downward, and fell into the line of heaven.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly awakened, Jin yelled, the hearts of everyone were stunned and concentrated. Qin Shuang on the heart of Qin Yuefeng couldn't help sighing. It seemed that the idea of ​​a sudden attack had failed.

However, she did not have much regret. Originally, she did not think that the violent bell sound could be successful.

"Will you try it?"

Qin Shuang squinted his eyes, and finally decided to give it a try, anyway, the violent bells had been exposed. But wait until they relax their vigilance.

However, one day later, Qin Shuang gave up and waited. The monks who can become Xianzun are very strong in mind and vigilance. Qin Shuang has already seen that, just waiting another year, the few Xianzun will not relax their vigilance.

"Try it!"

Qin's eyes looked at the immortals, her lips opened slightly, and a sound of shaking came from her lips.

"Om ..."

A big clock appeared on the heads of the immortals.


As soon as the big clock was revealed, the magical powers of the immortal gods were released. Together, they broke the newly revealed big clock.

"Huh ..." Qin Shuang exhaled a long breath: "It really doesn't work."

At this point, the white clouds in the air had been scattered by the magical powers of the geniuses, revealing those immortals that Jin actually had, they were still full of vigilance, and there was a hint of tension on their faces.

However, Qin Shuang stopped paying attention to them and moved into the town's demon tower as soon as he thought. The town demon tower is still absorbing the body of the Chaos tribe upside down. And in the town demon tower, using the time flow rate, a large number of corpses have been decomposed into materials suitable for refining.

Qin Shuang chose some common materials and began to make the sage crossbow.

The first thing to make is the bow, which is not very difficult for Qin Shuang. After the refining is successful, the rune pattern should be carved on it. For Qin Shuang, it started to become difficult.

The most difficult part of the Puppet Crossbow is on the rune. According to the tradition, if the rune pattern of the late peak of the Grand Master can be carved, it is a threat to the holy master monk. Qin Shuang is only in the middle period of the Grand Master. It is really difficult to engraving the rune pattern of the crossbow of the immortal, and it is necessary to raise his realm to the peak of the middle period of the Grand Master.

However, Qin Shuang is not in a hurry. The most important thing in the town demon tower is time, and she also has so much material to consume. As long as the rune of the Wuxian crossbow is engraved repeatedly, it is only a matter of time to improve the realm.

There are no years in the town demon tower, and three years have passed. The outside world just passed the day. The white clouds in the sky thickened again, and they enveloped Jin. However, Jin actually felt very heavy.

They met on the barbarous continent and knew each other's purpose. There were a total of three land lords and five human esteems, and each fairy lord had a playful mood. In their opinion, let alone kill a Qin pair, then It is only a matter of time to kill all the races of the barbarous continent.

However, they did not expect that they only saw the shadow of Qin Double once and did not see what the Qin Double looked like.

It was a shame to them.


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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