Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2601: Vine forest

"Why ... I didn't get anything, but I almost died." The lady Xiu Di sitting next to Qin's body said breathlessly.

Qin Shuang also sweated with a look on his face, his eyes retracted from the next door, and he turned to look behind him. The appearance of alertness in the eyes:

"Look, what's that?"

Jin actually waited for Xianzun to turn around and looked, and saw a green.

"Is that a tree?"

"Is that a vine?"

"It's like a tree and a vine!"

Everyone's eyes showed strangeness and alertness. These five monks are all well-informed people. But the species that appeared before them made them wonder.

The species in front of them is indeed very similar to vines, but they all know that vines are entwined with large trees or grow on walls. Otherwise, the vines will lie on the ground softly.

However, there are no big trees or cliffs here, but the vines grow up like big trees, and they also swirl like horns.

And this thing has nothing to climb, but it grows very tall and sticks into the sky.


"Only this kind of thing, there is nothing else on the ground, not even a weed." Qin Shuangning whispered.

The five were gathered together, all very dignified.

On the way, they went through the big head monster and the stone hand. When they saw the vine-like thing in front of them, they never dared to look down on it.

The most important thing is that they can't release the Taoism right now. If they can release the Taoism, their hearts will be much more stable. No matter what it is, a fire-based Taoism will be released, and maybe the vines will be burned out.

"Let me try!"

Jin actually took another piece of fairy crystal out of the backpack, rounded his arms, and threw it towards a vine, and that fairy crystal was like a shooting star, radiating towards a vine.


The fairy crystal hit the vine and bombarded the vine that was as thick as an adult's thigh with a transparent movement, passing by.

The vine shook a bit, and then gradually stabilized. The green liquid dripped into the hole through which the vine was penetrated, and then the hole began to squirm. The hole narrowed rapidly. Within five breaths, it was penetrated by the fairy. The opening of the cave disappeared, and it was restored as before without any trace left.

Everyone was silent.

Halfway through, Kim said, "No matter what it is, we need the best form."

At this point, the five immortals consumed a lot, so they nodded and sat cross-legged one by one, took out the elixir, and began to adjust their interest rates.

This time, it took everyone half a day to fully adjust their rates, and all of them were fully restored.

After opening their eyes, everyone invariably looked at the vines in the distance, and their eyes appeared uncertain.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Jin actually asked.

The celestial deities are silent, and Qin Shuang has no choice. In the end, Jin actually jumped up and said:

"Since there is no way, let's meet again." His eyes looked at the four humanities: "Now we five must cooperate. Lord Qin, we used to be the enemy, but here we need not only cooperation, but sincere cooperation . "

"I understand!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"I believe in Master Qin." The female nun who peaked at the beginning of the land respect said sincerely.

The remaining two deities also nodded, and since they saw Qin Shuang saved that land deity, their vigilance against Qin Shuang was much less.

"We need to know each other's strengths, strengths here." Jin Juran said: "My name is Jin Juran, and it is the Jinpeng tribe. All magical powers are forbidden here, so we have the ontological power. We take the human race as the Standard, my current strength is equivalent to the peak of the third floor of the human race. If I change back to the original shape, it can be equivalent to the fourth floor of the human race.

"My name is An Yu. The butterfly family has no advantage in the strength of the body. Even if it changes back to its original shape, it is only a three-level peak."

"My name is Qiu Shuzhen, the fox family. The ten-level peak of human respect. After returning to its original shape, there is no advantage. However, it has an abnormal smell of treasure."

"My name is Xiao Sanlang, the wolf tribe, and the top ten levels of human respect, returning to its original form, with the power of a half step respect and the speed of a first respect."

"My name is Qin Shuang, Terran. Humanity has four peaks. Refined ground and one floor."

The other four Xianzun heard a word of joy, and in this space, Qin Shuang's strength has ranked third. After Jin Juran and An An, the stronger Qin Shuang's strength is, the greater their help is.

"Let's take a closer look at a vine first." Jin actually said.

The five immortals approached the vine, holding their respective immortals, carefully. When entering the range of the vine attack, they were more careful and their speed began to slow down.

However, the vine did not launch any attacks. When they stood under a vine, there was nothing unusual about that vine.

"Qiu Shuzhen, you are on guard all around, the rest of the Taoist friends stand on their own." Jin actually whispered.

Qiu Shuzhen stood still, looking at the other vines to avoid those vines suddenly attacking them. However, the four immortals of Qin Shuang were physically moved, and they surrounded the vine to occupy the four directions of the southeast and northwest, and carefully observed the vine.

"There is nothing abnormal on my side," Jin actually said.

"Nothing abnormal," Qin Shuang said.

"Nothing abnormal," said An An.

"Nothing abnormal," Xiao Sanlang said.

This vine has thick adult thighs, spirals, and circles into the sky.

"I want to go up and see, who will go up with me?" Jin actually said.

No one spoke, Qin Shuang groaned slightly, "Let me go up and take a look."

Jin actually thought about it for a while, and felt that Anzhen, the landlord, was left. He and Qin Shuang were equivalent to the landlord. The allocation was very reasonable.

"Okay, we two go up."

Jin actually clenched the fairy sword in his hand, and with a little force under his foot, his figure jumped over the vine, and walked carefully around the spiral vines. Qin's toes lightened, and he jumped up, keeping a distance of three meters from Jin.

After taking a few steps, Qin raised his feet and kicked the vine vigorously. The vines shook slightly, and felt the plant's elasticity under their feet.

Feeling the shaking at his feet, Jin actually looked back at Qin Shuang and gave a questioning look. Qin Shuang frowned slightly:

"It feels like a plant under your feet."

Jin actually understood the thoughts of both sides of Qin, and then he took a moment on the vine, then nodded gently:

"Is it really a plant?"

"Whether the plant is unimportant!" Qin Shuang said as he walked. "The important thing is whether it is born with intelligence or aggressiveness."


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