Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2628: Island-like heaven


The three crazy demons did not know whether it was accidental or intentional, as if they were shooting at the same time to a demonic deity, blasting that demonic deity to death. A lot of gray chaos rules splashed, disturbing the space.

The remaining nine demons were uneasy, and the attack power released towards the three crazy demons was more reserved.

Nine to three!

The three crazy demon clans gradually occupied a slight advantage.

The thick clouds in the sky were blasted by rising mushroom clouds, turned into sieves, and then shredded.

A shadow flows like water on the ground.

Do not!

Countless times faster than flowing water.

Suddenly, the shadow that lay on the ground stood up, a thin piece of shadow, raised his hand to make a gesture of lookout, and then ran out in the direction of the fierce Demon Celestial Master.

"Boom boom boom ..."

At this time, the three crazy monks have lost their health, and some have lost their arms and some have lost their legs, but they are still frantically attacking. Of the ten celestial beings who originally besieged them, only eight remained, and two fell. A total of eleven Great Celestials have disturbed the space to the extreme. Not only shattered the space, but also prevented their strength from being fully released.

The situation is becoming more and more dangerous to the Eight Supreme Masters.

A black shadow approached silently, raised his head from the ground, and looked at the battlefield. A murmur murmured from Shadow's mouth:

"The three in the middle seem to have lost their mind, which is too easy to devour."

That shadow was on the ground, oozing towards the battlefield.


The power of Dafa distorts the shadow on the ground, but the shadow still flows to the center in a distorted manner. No one noticed the shadow, and in the roar of rubble, the shadow poured down to the foot of a crazy big deity, and then got into the shadow of the big deity. One with the shadow of that deity.

"Om ..."

"Hmm ..."

The mad Datianzun stopped suddenly, his essence and blood blasted out from his body, and poured out toward the shadow on the ground. The heart of the shadow on that ground was a strange red.

That's the blood demon bloodline!

It is also the devouring function of the blood demon blood that is quickly devouring everything of that demon deity.


As soon as that crazy big deity stopped, there was a world-like power, and he fell on him from a few big deities who besieged him. His body exploded without resistance. However, the broken body converged on the shadow on the ground, covering that shadow.

Several big deities were ecstatic, no matter how the crazy big deity died, they immediately rushed to the remaining two big deities. Did not find the shadow on the ground covered with flesh and blood.

"Hmm ..."

The pile of flesh soon turned into a layer of powder.

"Flop ..."

That layer of lotus root suddenly flew up, the shadow ...

Do not!

Can no longer be considered a shadow!

No longer a thin piece, but like a real body. It's just black, without features, like a shadow.

"Om ..."

The shadow turned into a black streamer, radiating towards a crazy big deity in the battlefield. The eight celestial beings under siege perceived the existence of the shadow this time, and the instinct flashed to the side, and the shadow ran down and plunged into the shadow of a crazy demon monk.

"Hmm ..."

The fine blood was ejected from the body of the crazy demon Datianzun and absorbed by the shadow.

"What monster?"

The expression of the eight heavenly respects froze, and at the same time, there was a fear in his heart. Never seen this kind of thing, like a shadow.


The last crazy demon monk rushed to the past, and three big deities near him joined together to meet the crazy demon monk, and exclaimed:

"Bomb that monster!"

It's a pretty continent.

Between the wild mountain forest, a group of monks form a line, walking through the green forest.

Their bodies floated half a foot away from the ground, so that they would not leave traces, but they did not dare to fly high and were afraid to show traces. Everyone's face was tired.

"Everyone hurry up, we have to rush to the misty forest within half an hour, and completely shake off the barbarians behind."

It was Xu Kaiyun who issued the order. The handsome face is full of vicissitudes.

The team formed a winding line, galloping quickly in one direction in the forest. Looking down from a height, the line in the forest was densely packed with thousands of people.

Ten years later, Xu Kaiyun saw the strength of Qin Shuang in the five-color forbidden ground, and honestly returned to the retreat of Tai Xuzong. With the aid of Tai Xuzong's huge resources, he broke through the Emperor Xian in one fell swoop.

However, Xu Kaiyun's character is a person who can't rest, and has been able to retreat for more than ten years. The second month after breaking through the Emperor Emperor, he secretly left Taixuzong and headed towards the barbarous continent.

When he entered the passage leading to the barbaric continent, he found traces of fighting in front of it, and countless chaotic beasts died in the passage.

Xu Kaiyun knew that he and Xu Nianzu were both people who were cherished by the hundreds of peoples, so he immediately converged and left the channel, entered the area of ​​chaos law, pressed against the channel, and headed towards the barbarous continent.

When he saw from a distance, at the entrance to the barbarian continent, there were two incapable monks guarding it, and his heart hung up. He instantly thought that these hundred monks came for Qin couples.

He and Xu Nianzu were remembered by the hundreds because they were the roots of the five elements. Qin Shuang is also the root of the five elements. How can it not be remembered by hundreds of people?

He immediately left the passage, went deeper into the area of ​​the Chaos Law, and sneaked into the barbaric continent from another direction. Then he met a group of monks who were hunted down by the barbarians. Xu Kaiyun stepped in and rescued more than a hundred ethnic monks, and learned from them the situation of the pretty continent today.

Qin Shuang disappeared into a crack in the space, and then one year later, several hundred monks came one after another, the highest respect was the highest, and the highest was the highest. They came from one continent to another, and then researched around the Great Formation of Heaven.

Eight years later, the human and land respects from all continents have surpassed sixty, and they came to the barbaric continent first, attacking the continent of the nine great monks of the Heavenly Sect, and sent monks again. The monks sent again are all land worshippers, and the strongest is already the peak of land worship, and the monks from these nine continents total more than forty. The total number of Xianzun has been increased to more than one hundred.


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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