Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2633: A sword

The lake is not large, and you can see the circle in the eyes, but the continuous waterfall flows into the lake, but you can't see that the lake grows by one point. The entire lake is filled with water vapor and white.

The air was cold and humid, and the valley was full of peace. There were no flying birds hovering or jumping on giant trees in the valley.

Everything seemed so peaceful and peaceful.

On the cliffs in the valley, green vines are densely hanging like green curtains. Behind these dense vines, there are six cave houses.

At this time in a cave house, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul were sitting opposite each other. Both were driving away the chaos law in the body. Since the two people decided not to modify the chaos law, the chaos law in the body has been driven out by 20%.

"Soul of the mountain!" Xu Ziyan's mouth fluttered with exhaustion: "It is difficult to modify the law of chaos, but it is more difficult to dispel it."

Yan Shanhun opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan sitting opposite, softly:

"Smoke, it's already a blessing to get rid of it."

Xu Ziyan said for a moment in silence: "I don't know how many other Taoist friends, what is happening now? We should inform them about our drive to chaos."

"We haven't tried it yet!" Yanshan Hun shook his head and said, "They all closed Dongfu and set up a ban. If they are at a critical time, they are disturbed by us ... You know, the more we do this, at this time Being disturbed, the worse the results will be. "

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan sighed.

"Don't worry, we have left Yujian at the gate of their Dongfu. They will see it if they come out."

"Soul of the mountain, do you say we really can't change the law of chaos?"

"No way at the moment!" Yanshan Hun shook his head and said, "I always have a feeling that if we continue to modify the law of chaos, I am afraid it will have extremely serious consequences. I always feel that we lack a link, and it is precisely because of that link It ’s impossible for us to perfect the law of chaos. To change the law of chaos, we must first understand what we are missing? And find it. "

"Easy to talk about!" Xu Ziyan sighed. "I don't know why, have we deviated from our original purpose now? At first they were just for freedom and freedom. I don't know when we will get it. Freedom, gained great freedom, but still dissatisfied, has this lost heart? "

"No!" Yanshan soul shook his head and said, "We just want to explore the true meaning of life, explore the end of space, the source of time, and the origin of the avenue."

Xu Ziyan paused for a moment and sighed: "Yeah, since I felt wrong when I modified the law of chaos, I suddenly have a strong feeling. The reason why we cultivated to stand still is that the true meaning of this life has not been understood, It ’s not about revising some law of chaos. If life can be born in our world, it will become a real universe. Maybe at that time, we can find the true origin of the avenue and make a breakthrough. "

"Yes!" Yan Shanhun blinked his eyes, "I think so too, so we are no longer confused, we have a direction."

"The direction is there!" Qin Shuang frowned slightly: "But the modification of Chaos is really a fallacy. Now we are trapped by Chaos, and we do n’t know how long it will take to chase it. And we Now most of the energy is used to suppress the chaos law in the body, and less than half of the energy is used to expel the law of chaos. The whole person is almost a waste. "

Yan Shanhun laughed: "The last thing we need is time."

Lotus Temple.

In the scroll space, in a lotus flower in a sea of ​​lotus, two powerful monks fled in pursuit. Qin Shuang escaped, Bao Minggu was chased.

Bao Minggu has already appeared in its original form. It is a giant leopard, and the body is lingering with the light of a golden snake, flowing with horrible ripples.

The original shape of Baoming Valley is faster, like the wind. Even though Qin Shuang used the fire thunder wing, it was still overtaken by Bao Minggu from time to time and had to choose to bump into Bao Minggu.

Although from the perspective of the great realm, Qin Shuang's ontology and Bao Minggu are both in the same realm. But Bao Minggu is the ten-story peak of the ground respect, while Qin Shuang is only one ground level. Had it not been for the Five Elements, Qin Shuang would have been killed by Bao Minggu. But even so, Qin Shuang was scarred at this time.

"Qin Shuang, what are you still insisting on?" Bao Minggu teased sarcastically: "If you persist, you will be dead. You are not my opponent, but you will continue to struggle and give up!"

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang changed direction suddenly, avoiding one claw of Bao Minggu, and said coldly:

"Bao Minggu, you think too much. I won't die here, at most, I will be teleported out."

In the eyes of Bao Minggu, he did not conceal his killing intention: "Qin Shuang, even if you are teleported out, when I get the chance, I will definitely kill you after going out."

"After you go out, kill me?" Qin Shuangxi laughed. "I don't know who killed who. The outside is already full of chaos. At this time, can you still release the Tao?


But I can!

So, when you go outside, it is you! "


Bao Minggu gave an angry roar, and a beam of light spurted from his mouth.


The beam of light struck Qin Shuang's body and shot at the same time. At the same time, behind the Bao Minggu, a giant leopard composed of golden light slowly emerged. The giant leopard was ten feet high, and the roar in his mouth was full of authority. Pressure, that prestige overwhelmingly overwhelms the Qin Shuang's speed.


With the roar of Bao Minggu, the giant leopard constructed by the golden light began to swell, from the original ten feet to a hundred feet, thousands of feet.

That power also increased with its expansion. At this time, Qin Shuang felt that the pressure made the air around her thick, which affected her speed and movement.


The thousands of giant leopards roared back and jumped out from behind Bao Minggu. They flew straight to the piano, with fast speed, huge body, squeezing the air and making a rumbling sound.

On the wide lotus platform, the flying Qin Shuang was exhaling softly, and in her soul space, the life soul had already played the second part of the time ballad.

The giant leopard framed by the golden light has already come behind Qin Shuang in one slam, but the real Bao Minggu has killed Qin Shuang from another direction.


It was at this moment, the moment when the giant leopard framed by the golden light and the huge paw were photographed, Qin Shuang disappeared. The look of Bao Minggu was a stun, he seemed to feel the acceleration of time and seemed to see the timeline. Then he saw Qin Shuang suddenly appearing in front of him, and a sword had been chopped around his neck.


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