Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2635: unusual

"No, why?" Bao Minggu waved his hands again and again: "Then we are going."

"Go on!"

Bao Minggu and the other two deities peak left the hall from the side door to find their own chance. The deity held his hand and looked at the picture on the wall. After thinking about it, he reached for the picture and was rebounded. come back.


Tianzun's eyes appeared greedy, then slowly converged, and then slowly backed away, about ten meters away from the picture, standing with his hands on his back, watching the picture silently.

Silence was restored in the hall, and time passed in silence.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Inside the scroll.

In the middle of the lotus pond, Qin Shuang slowly opened her eyes, and joy floated between her brows.

This time, her understanding of the avenue reached the apex of this realm, that is, the peak of the human respect period. For the Five Elements Avenue, the peak has been realized, and the five elements have been cut to an extreme, forming the five elements grinding wheel. And her practice has also been promoted to the seventh level of human respect.

Looking down, the splendid magnificence in the pond has disappeared and turned into clear water. The ninety-nine altars are still decomposing the laws of chaos, but the addition to the pond is trivial. Instead, the vitality of the decomposed fairy is still strong.

"The harvest is huge, it's time to leave."

Looking around, the law of chaos is already full.

"How should I leave?" Qin Shuang frowned slightly.

Qin shook her shoulders slightly, her figure flew up from the pond and landed on the lotus platform. The moment she jumped out of the pond, a beam of light enveloped her, and then she found she was standing Inside the main hall of the Lotus Temple. Her eyes narrowed, she saw a monk standing opposite her, about ten meters away.

A strong breath came.


Qin Shuang suddenly stood in a horrible mood, and Tian Zun on the opposite side did not have a shot, but looked intently at Qin Shuang.

"Qin Shuang?"

"Om ..."

Qin Shuang did not even say hello, and instantly opened his own realm, enveloped that deity in his realm.

That deity didn't look down on Qin Shuang at all. He heard Bao Minggu said that Qin Shuang was very powerful. Although it is only a human respect, it seems to have the magical power of time, defeating the ten-level peak of Bao Minggu.

However, he is not a land lord, but a heaven lord. Even if Qin Shuang is more powerful, it is also a personal respect, he can suppress Qin Shuang by turning his hands.

Therefore, instead of rushing, he looked intently at Qin Shuang. She wanted to see if this Qin Shuang had three heads and six arms, and how she defeated Bao Minggu, the ten-level peak of Dizun.

However, he did not expect that the other person ’s small deity even dared to take the lead in working with him. Although he was only one level, he was very different from the earth ’s respect, and he could not make up for it. Nature.

The moment he fell into the realm of Qin Shuang, a **** force fell on him.

In the realm, the master of the realm is the master of the realm, which has a bonus on himself and a suppression on the enemy.

This is not news, and this deity knows it.

It was just that he felt funny, but felt that Qin Shuang was acting as a car in the mantis arm, and she dared to pull herself into her realm. Didn't she know that her realm was too far away from herself, could she destroy her realm?

Once the monk's realm is destroyed, the heavy person will die and die, and the light person will be severely injured and seriously injured.

Qin Shuang doesn't understand?

She certainly understood that she was released out of bounds not to suppress the other party, but to fight for a chance to escape.

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang exhibited a pair of fire thunder wings on the back and flew away!

It was only the moment when Zun Shuang was enveloped by Qin Shuang's realm that day, which surprised him in the heart. Qin Shuang had already bypassed him and flew out of the hall. At the same time, the world that enveloped him was simply closed, but with Qin Double as the center, released a three-meter circle, turned into a thunder, and passed away.

That Tianzun's face was iron-blue, which was definitely played by Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang was not swollen and wanted to fight with him, but took advantage of his momentary misconduct and escaped.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

The Tianzun's brain was blue and nervous, and his heart was extremely angry. If he was fled by Qin Shuang in this way, he would be laughed at for a lifetime.

"Bang bang ..."

He couldn't fly in the space full of chaos laws, but a Tianzun ran, and the speed was also amazing, and he followed the Qin Shuang closely.

"Kacha Kacha ..."

Qin Shuang flew along the passage, and she was not too afraid at this moment. She is still in the passage, and there are still some speed restrictions. As long as she is rushed out of the Lotus Temple, there is no limit, and her speed will further increase. It is impossible for that deity to catch up with her.

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang rushed out of the Lotus Palace and flew in one direction. In fact, she couldn't figure out the direction either. The first problem was to get rid of the Tianzun behind.

"Bang ..."

The Tianzun's big foot on the ground slammed on the ground, and his body and mind rose up. Each time he crossed it, it exceeded a hundred miles. After landing, he rose up again. Although the distance with Qin Shuang was widened in a trace, but the speed of stretching was extremely slow. That deity never let Qin Shuang disappear into his field of vision.

"Tough enough, see how long you can chase!"

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang didn't go round, she just flew straight in one direction. She didn't want to worry, she just wanted to throw away the Celestial Master at an absolute speed, and then figured out how to leave this chaotic space.

"Kacha Kacha ..."

After flying for half a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang frowned slightly, not because she hadn't shaken the deity, but because she saw the monks of the Leopard race along the way. This should be entering this chaotic space and facing other people. The Leopard monk looking for an opportunity made her doubt, and felt a little disturbed that she had flown for so long without even seeing a Chaos tribe.

This is not normal!

In the past ten years, Qin Shuang, An An, and Xiao Sanlang have walked through many places in this independent space. Almost every few days, they will encounter the Chaos family here. They fought a battle. How could they fly for so long, but Didn't see a Chaos clan?

"Kacha Kacha ..."

Qin Shuang was still flying at the fastest speed, and after another quarter of an hour, she glanced back. She could no longer see that Tianzun, but still felt that she was locked by that Tianzun.

"Tianzun is really different! In this place full of chaos law, even by instinctual perception, you can continue to lock yourself."


She saw the Chaos, flying in the sky and running on the ground.


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