Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2640: Self-explosion

In the air, the deity top waved a big hand, and the fan flew six bone spurs, but he was also penetrated by a bone spur on the palm of his hand, and he could not help but snorted. At this moment, the remaining four chaos deities broke free. Suppress and run away.

"Want to escape?"

The peak of the Leopard Celestial Chase chased towards the four Chaos Celestial Masters, but it disappeared instantly.


The Leopard Tianzun lying on the ground banged on Chaos Tianzun who fell from the air, and smashed the head of that Chaos Tianzun.


The body of Chaos Tianzun smashed on the body of Panther Tianzun. The Panther Tianzun was already seriously injured. After the last trace of power was killed to kill Chaos Tianzun, he was already in a state of trance and was respected as a mountain's corpse by this Chaos heaven Smashed and passed out.

Forget the mountains.


A brutal howling came out of a cave house.


The gate of a Dongfu was smashed, and Cheng Buming rushed out of the Dongfu, with mad face and spreading killing.


He smashed a cliff, like a meteor, towards the distance. Then hit the large array, ripples rippled in the air, showing tiny traces of cracks.

"this is……"

Among the remaining caves, one holy master monk opened his eyes arrogantly, his face changed dramatically, and his body disappeared instantly in Dongfu, appearing immediately outside Dongfu, looking at the figure that was being bounced down by the air in the air.

"Chengbuming ... He's crazy ..."


Cheng Buming was bounced by the large array, and fell **** the ground, throwing the ground out of a large pit.

Xu Ziyan waited for six holy monks, looking pale into a sorrow.

"Cheng Mingfei!"

"He's crazy!"

Xu Ziyan and others looked at Cheng Mingfei palely, and even a little panic appeared in his eyes.

Not bad!

Just panic!

They haven't had this kind of emotion for too long, but this time it emerged from their hearts again. Because they are very clear in their hearts, at this time they are the weakest time.

Although Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have eliminated 20% of the chaos laws, they still have a large number of chaos laws in their bodies, and they continue to devour the laws of their two bodies to generate the chaos laws. Most of them The energy must be used to suppress and dispel chaos laws. There is not much law power at all. Once used a little more, the body will not be able to resist the devouring of the law of chaos, and will eventually make them mad and lose their consciousness as if they were not crying.

The four of them are even worse. They did not expel the law of chaos as decisively as Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul, but continued to understand the law of chaos. There is already a trace of madness in their minds, so they suppress a trace of madness, which is more than the energy required by Xu Yan and the spirit of Yanshan to suppress and expel chaos. Only a small part of the remaining energy is used to continue. In understanding the chaos law, if they do it, I am afraid they will go crazy and lose their minds before Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul.

Cheng Buming jumping out of the ground suddenly turned his head and looked at the six monks Xu Ziyan. His face had been completely twisted, and the madness was flowing in his eyes.

The six major monks Xu Ziyan did not discuss at all, and attacked Cheng Buming at the same time.

No one knows the power of the Holy Monks better than them, and no one knows the terrible laws of chaos better than them.

While suppressing their insane thoughts, they output their methods as much as possible, and a seal is released towards Cheng Buming. They are thinking to seal Cheng Buming and then try to awaken Cheng Buming.


Cheng Buming launched an attack on them. At this time he was different from the six holy master monks of Xu Ziyan. He did not need to be suppressed. He released all his powers, and the laws of chaos covered the six holy master monks of Xu Ziyan. Bombed over.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The seal rules released by Xu Ziyan's six saint-level monks were instantly smashed into pieces, and Yu Wei of the Chaos Rule drowned towards the six saint-level monks.

"kill him!"

The six saint-level monks resolutely gave up the idea of ​​the seal becoming silent. The six saint-level monks are extremely experienced people. They do not know how many years and how many battles they have experienced. It was only one fight and they realized that if they still insisted on the seal becoming silent, the next moment, I'm afraid they could no longer suppress their crazy nods and become the same as Cheng Buming.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The six monks Xu Ziyan let go of his scruples. In addition to the necessary energy to suppress the need, all the remaining energy was attacking Cheng Buming and took out his strongest hole card.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The mountains and rivers within the large array shattered, the river evaporated and razed to the ground, and there was an instant ruin. The large array that shrouded them was shaking constantly, shaking violently.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Cheng covered his body with scars, the rules were exposed, and the whole body was broken in several places.

"not good!"

"He wants to blow himself up!"


Xu Ziyan's six holy master monks stepped back quickly, while releasing layers of defense. But they never thought that Cheng Buming would go crazy to such an extent that they suddenly exploded without any warning.

This is the self-destruction of a holy monk.

The sound of the destruction of the earth resounded over the entire Shangyuan continent.

The large array that shrouded here was destroyed in an instant, and the mountains outside the large array were broken, just like sand and sand. Thunder clouds quickly gathered in the air, the sky became dark, and the earth's vibrations spread sharply into the distance.

"Hmm ..."

Xu Ziyan's six holy master monks fly upside down, spurting nose and mouth. Banged to the ground from the air. Xu Ziyan quickly took out a flag and played a trick.

"Om ..."

Another large array rose from their surroundings, enveloping the square for thousands of miles, covering all the ruins, and from the outside, nothing changed.

The six holy monks immediately sat cross-legged and began to suppress the crazy thoughts in their bodies.

Chaos area.

Under the crater, the chaotic figure disappeared at the moment Cheng Cheng did not explode. At the next moment, he was already floating above the crater, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the look in his eyes showed a touch of shock.

"Sacred monk has fallen!"


He stepped forward, and the next moment, he appeared in the place where Xu Ziyan was hiding. A series of rules gathered into his eyes, breaking through all the falsehoods, he saw a large array, but could not penetrate the large array set by Xu Ziyan, and could not see a trace of the inside.


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