Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2643: Single channel

Their fairy ...

Not a fairy treasure, just a superb fairy.

And Qin Shuang's five-element sword is Xian Bao, or the ultimate Xian Bao.

Therefore, when a superb immortal treasure is superimposed with the speed of time flowing, the power brought can be imagined. The five-element sword cut off the divine artifacts of the two Di Zuns. The figure of Qin Shuang passed through. The body of the two Di Zuns was cut in half and fell from the air.

Then came the second echelon behind.

However, even Di Zun can't stop Qin Shuang, let alone Ren Zun?

Sixty-eight deities do not stand thinly in a row, they still have thickness. But even so, they couldn't stand Qin Shuang's time ballads and superimposed five-element swords. They passed through like a streamer, and the eight deity's bodies were torn apart.


But more or less hindered Qin Shuang's trace of time, won a trace of time for the two Di Zun pinnacles on the cliff.

Only this short time is enough for the two Di Zun.

The peaks of the two Di Zuns radiated from the cliff to Qin Shuang like two meteors. The two figures in the sky were shining laws, one after another, one after another.

In an instant, two fairy swords hit Qin Shuang's five-element sword.


There was a sound that seemed to split the world, the tip of the best fairy sword in the hands of the two Di Zun shattered the size of the rice grain, and the mouth of the piano spurted a bit of blood, and the body seemed to be suddenly hit by a beating beast like a projectile Generally roll backwards.

It is not that her five-element sword is not sharp, nor is it that the two Dizun's superb fairy swords are of higher quality. But the practice of Qin Shuang is too low after all, and the other party is really too high.

Qin Shuang's figure twirled in the air like a streamer, and rushed towards the two Di Zun. However, this time, Qin Shuang did not choose to hit the opponent with the power of the body, but stabilized the tumbling figure and faced the two Di Zun moments again, then punctured the five-element grinding disc.

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang's body was like a porcelain, subjected to unbearable vibrations, and a trace of cracks appeared from her body surface, as if it would break at any time.


A huge grinding disc appeared between the sky and the earth, with a shining light shining on it, the five-element Dao rhythm rotating, and the sound of the avenue buzzing.

In just an instant, there were countless people and Di Zun's body grinded by the five-element grinding disc, which became ground powder. The two Di Zun peaks are sandwiched in the middle of the five-element grinding disc, and the law of one body is being quickly shattered. The two of them are struggling to bombard the five-element grinding disc.


Qin Shuang's figure had passed by and entered the passage. The streamer blew off, and it went a thousand miles.

With a move of heart, he entered the town demon tower. With a thud, he fell to the ground, and there were dense cracks on his body, like spider webs, and blood was flowing from the cracks.

"My present body can't bear the backlash of the five-element grinding disc!"

Qin Shuang immediately took the Elixir, and then took three vignettes in succession, then stubbornly got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and began to practice jade body quenching.

Three days.

Qin Shuang's body did not recover to her best, and a little disappointment appeared in her eyes. It is not always possible to break through, and she insisted on practicing the three-day jade body quenching tactics in the Zhenyao Tower, but it accelerated the recovery of the body, but did not increase the strength of the body.

However, she only had a trace of disappointment. She knew that she was able to recover because of the existence of Vientiane Fruit. Otherwise, even if she did n’t die by the road of the five elements, it would take thousands of years to recover. The Vientiane fruit made her basically recover as before in three days. However, Vientiane fruit can only restore her, but not to improve her cultivation. If she wants to improve her cultivation, she needs other talents.

The three days in the town demon tower, the outside world is only a moment. Qin Shuang stuck in the rhythm of the time ballads, and immediately came out of the town demon tower.


Behind her, at the entrance of the channel, the two Di Zun pinnacles finally broke through the five-element grindstone, but the two Di Zuns also had a dismal look, and they dared not chase Qin Shuang again.

"Shoot ..."

An old man with a wooden cane fell in front of two deities:

"How about Qin Shuang?"

"Run away!" The two Dizun peaks were ashamed.

The old man with a wooden cane glanced calmly at the passage. He did not blame the two Dizun Peaks, nor did he ask Qin Shuang what to do and what means he used.

Because of any means, it will become vulnerable in the presence of a deity.

His gaze fell on a bead at the top of the cane. The bead bloomed and showed the condition inside the passage, and a streamer-like figure was flying away.

No tricks, no singing, just a glance, the beads on the crutches caught Qin Shuang's trace. The old man took a step, and his figure disappeared at the entrance of the passage.

"The Five Elements Spirit Root, seven levels of human veneration, can actually kill the venerable venerable venerable venerable venerable prince. Why are human races so respectful of heaven?"

The old man's face suddenly showed a sense of anger, blowing across the passage like a strong wind.

Qin Shuang felt that his sweat was suddenly standing and his scalp was tingling. She felt a huge crisis looming over her quickly.

"Did Tianzun catch up?"

Qin Shuang in Liu Xie looked back, and the strength of her solidified metaphysical knowledge made her see the distant behind, a peak of the early days of Tianzun, which was drawing closer to herself.

Qin Shuang turned his head and continued to flee. Even the first peak of Tianzun was not able to catch up with her in an instant. The two streamers flowed in the channel, flowing back and forth.

Quite a continent.

Within the Tianxingzong.

Incomparably wide hall of deliberation.

The pearl of night inlaid on the ceiling exudes a soft and warm light, and the rich fairy spirit floats in the hall like fog, making the hall look even more immortal.

A personal respect, as well as a half-step respect and some fairy emperors, sat on top of the hall, the majesty pervaded from them.

Not bad!

Nowadays, Tian Xingzong has more than Bi Chongtian alone, Haizhen and Lietianxing have also broken through the respect.

Although at this time outside the Tianxing Sect, more than 100 people and Di Zun were cracking the Tianxing Sect, but the more than 100 monks in the hall did not have a nervous face. There are immortal venerable masters outside the large array, and in the center of the hall, there is also a light curtain, which shows the figure of more than one hundred immortal venerable people of all races.

"Quiet everyone!"

A happy smile appeared on Bi Chongtian's face, and the monks who were talking quieted down and looked at Bi Chongtian. All smiles on their faces.

"Everyone, you now know what this banquet is for. Our elder hunters have also broken through to honor!"

"Congratulations to Elder Hunter!" The big monks congratulated the Hunting Sky with excitement.


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