Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2657: The death of Wuman River

However, a lot of holy-level priests' understanding of the heavenly path was added to this large array, which is too complicated and complicated. In a year, Qin Ying felt that his realm of fairy array was about to reach the peak of Grand Master later, but the distance broke through this large array ...

Do not!

Even if this large array is opened to a gap that can enter and exit, there is still a long distance.

"Maybe ... the moment I cracked this fairy array was the moment I understood the Saint-level Avenue." Qin Shuang's eyes appeared brilliant:

"I don't know what Qin Shuang is doing now?

When the figure is not separated, I know everything she knows. After the figures were separated, they did not know each other. Anyway, she does n’t know that I ’m about to reach the peak of Grand Master later, hahaha ...

Don't know what she did this year?

What will she do? "

Qin Ying leaned on his chin and thought for a while: "Forget it, still study this formation. If there is really a chance in the formation, maybe I can use this to get hope of breaking through the Holy Class."

In a year's time, there are still many monks in Wangchuan Mountain, but the monks have changed a lot of waves. After all, Shangyuan is very large and different in distance. One wave left, another wave came again.

Qin Ying didn't care about anyone, he just studied the formation. However, she did not take care of others, and did not think others ignored her. A lonely woman, but still very beautiful. There are many people who want to make an idea, and for a lonely woman, there are also many monks who want to rob money.

However, all this did not interfere with Qin Ying, and even Qin Ying did not know that all monks who were tempted by Qin Ying were dealt with by Chaos. It is too easy for a holy priest to deal with a monk, so that even people who are standing next to that monk will not notice it.

Of course, Chaos did not kill those people. He had vowed that except for the seven Saint-level monks Xu Ziyan, he would not hurt other monks, so he just moved those monks away and moved them thousands of miles away. The monks felt that they suddenly flickered, and when they opened their eyes again, they stood in a strange place, one by one, frightened to escape to their homes. Where would they dare to forget Chuanshan again?

Quite a continent.

After several collisions, Xu Kaiyun was forced by the Wuman River to fall to the ground from the sky. Today's Xu Kaiyun is already the pinnacle of the early days of the Immortal Emperor. Although he can fight with the Wuman River, he is still not an opponent of the Wuman River, who has been half-stepped. After getting rid of the Wuman River with the Great Seal technique last time, Xu Kaiyun took the human race monks to kill the Quartet, taking advantage of the seal of the 50,000 monks in the Wuman River, and slaughtered many monks of the barbarians, but when the Wuman River led After more than 50,000 barbarian monks broke the big seal, Xu Kaiyun, with a team of more than 80,000 monks, began the escape journey.

This time, he was bitten by the Wuman River again, and after more than a year of chasing, the Wuman River has gathered nearly 200,000 barbarian monks and chased and blocked Xu Kaiyun.

Xu Kaiyun looked at the fierce fighting field around him, a flash of helplessness flashed in his eyes. His eyes fell on a bracelet on his wrist.

At the beginning, Xu Qinyang and Danyue Wu rushed into the Dragon and Phoenix tribes. As a result, the Dragon and Phoenix tribes each sent a peak of Di Zun to protect the two for a thousand years. The monk who protects Xu Kaiyun is the strong dragon. The dragon clan was afraid of Xu Kaiyun's accident, so he made a bracelet, which sealed his consciousness. Reserved for Xu Kaiyun to save his life.

This dragon clan really feels a sense of crisis. Even so, he did not expect that Xu Kaiyun would secretly escape from Taixuzong. Not knowing yet, he thought Xu Kaiyun was retreating in the cave.

However, Xu Kaiyun really didn't want to move this bracelet. Once the consciousness in this bracelet was released, the dragon clan would perceive, even across the two continents, the direction of Xu Kaiyun. In this way, Xu Kaiyun will be arrested and want to escape again ...

Ha ha……

With an experience of Taixu Zong, how could Xu Kaiyun be given another chance?


Xu Kaiyun sighed softly, took off the bracelet, and threw it into the air.

The bracelet magnified like a portal in the air, and then saw a dragon monk coming out of the portal. Looking around blankly, he saw Xu Kaiyun:

"This is not too sect ..."

Xu Kaiyun pointed to the Wuman River in the air: "Not to mention useless, he wants to kill me."

The Dragon Clan strongman looked at the Wuman River, and his vicious and murderous intention was revealed in his eyes. Raised a hand and patted towards the Wuman River.

In Wu Manhe's eyes, a terrified look instantly appeared. At this moment, with the cultivation of his half-step respect, he was imprisoned in the air and could not move.

"Too Xuzong, that kid really is too Xuzong person!"


His thoughts had just risen, and his whole body was photographed into powder. Then, the dragon clan waved his hand, and the light hit the barbarian monks violently downward, and the barbarian monks exploded and died.


The barbarian monks ran furiously in all directions, and the dragon clan did not continue to attack, but fell on Xu Kaiyun's body and prayed with his eyes:

"Xu Gongzi, I don't care if you ran out like this. Would you hurry back? Okay? Once my consciousness is released by you, it won't last long."

"I will be fine." Xu Kaiyun's face showed a trace of apology: "Trouble you."

"I'm not in trouble, it's just a consciousness. But this consciousness cannot communicate with the ontology. Even if you tell me where it is now, you can't receive it on the side. After a while, my consciousness is scattered Go, the ontology will only vaguely perceive the direction here. If you want to come to protect you, it will take time. "

"I won't go back first."

"Don't make trouble!" The dragon clan feels tired: "You will die."

"No!" Xu Kaiyun shook his head: "The monk you shot to death is the strongest monk of the barbarian. No one but the barbarian is my opponent."


The words of the Dragon Clan haven't been finished yet, and that consciousness dissipated. Xu Kaiyun looked at the monks gathered around him.

"The Wuman River is dead. Let's fix it and start the counterattack."

"Xu Daoyou, there is Xian Zun over Tian Xingzong. We will counterattack, will we attract them?" Some monks worried.

"The same is true." Xu Kaiyun nodded and said, "We are not going to Tian Xing Zong's side, farther from Tian Xing Zong Zong, we will first sweep out a place where we can stand."

Sky city.

Sky Tower.

Qin faced the six-character light man on both sides and stabbed a sword.


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