Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2662: aisle

No movement!

Xu Nianzu couldn't help frowning and kicked his feet to the formation again.

"Brother Kaiyun!"

Xu Nianzu's face couldn't help but change, he turned back to the opposite Dongfu, flexed his fingers, touched the formation, and shouted to Dongfu:

"Senior Ao!"

"Buck!" Xu Nianzu looked horrified.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Brother Kaiyun might have ran out!" Xu Nianzu's face appeared anxious.

"Sneaking away?" Qin Shuang thought about Xu Kaiyun's temperament, it was really possible.

"Senior Ao is gone. If Senior Ao and Xu Kaiyun left together, they will definitely report it. But not, it means that Kaiyun ran away, and then Senior Ao went out to find him.

"that is……"

At this time, Qin Shuang saw a crane falling down towards this side.

"That's the communication crane." Xu Nianzu glanced.

The fairy crane landed in front of Xu Kaiyun's Dongfu and kept pecking at the formation of Dongfu with his mouth. When Xu Nianzu grabbed the fairy crane, the fairy crane turned into a paper crane, fell on Xu Nianzu's hand, and then heard a voice from inside:

"Brother Xu, there are your younger Yuan Tong, Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen coming to the mountain gate to find you."

"My apprentice is here!" Qin Shuang's face appeared surprised.

"Qin Shuang, I'm going to find Qin Yang's ancestor."

Qin Shuang nodded, she knew the danger of Xu Kaiyun outside, and knew Xu Nianzu's worry about him. At this time, I really can't help, because I don't even know where Xu Kaiyun is. And the powerful Taixu Sect does not need their own help. Do n’t delay Xu Nianzu, just say:

"You go, I went to the mountain gate to pick up some of my apprentices, and then I left directly."

"Qin Shuang ..."

"Needless to say, I understand. I will also look for Kaiyun news along the way. If there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"thank you!"

"No need between us! You go quickly."

"it is good!"

Xu Nianzu Fei left, and then a figure rose into the sky and followed behind Xu Nianzu. Qin Shuang also flew towards the mountain gate and admired Xu Kaiyun in his heart.

This kid also has a guardian. How did he run out without the guardian?

After more than two quarters, Qin Shuang fell in front of the mountain gate. Those monks who guarded the mountain gate saw that Qin Shuang was stunned. This is the person greeted by Qin Yang's ancestor.

"Master?" There were three amazing voices outside the mountain gate.

"Little boy, hate Qing, out of dust." Qin Shuang also felt a little excited in his heart.


This time it was a determined and excited voice. The three little guys rushed towards Qin Shuang like Ru Yan throwing a forest. Yuan Henqing plunged into Qin Shuang's arms, and Zhang Chuchen held his waist tightly. Yuan Tong was also holding Qin Shuang's hand excitedly.

Qin Shuang let them hug, hold, and look lovingly at his three apprentices.

"It's all fairy kings!"

When they first ascended by themselves, these three little guys were not cultivated to the highest level, but they did not expect that they were the first to ascend.

"Master, have you joined the Taixu Sect?" Yuan Tong first calmed down, but his expression was still a little excited.

"No! Go, Master takes you to Master's door."

"it is good!"

The three people let go of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took the three people down the stairs, sacrificed a flying boat, took San Xiao into the flying boat, and then flew in the direction of the wild continent.

First of all, I listened to the spiritual world things that San Xiao told himself and the current situation of some friends he cared about. Then Qin Shuang selectively told San Xiao about the situation of Xianjie and his experience.

"Master!" Yuan Henqing said worriedly in his eyes: "The current Tianxing Sect is under siege by the Baizu Xianzun?"

"Master, let's kill them." Zhang Chuchen is still a brave character.

Yuan Tong is more and more like a brother, and he calmly looked at Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen:

"Have you forgotten? Master has set up a large protection sect."

"Yeah!" Zhang Chuchen waved his fist: "Master, Zong Men's okay, let's go back quickly and kill them."

"Slap!" Qin Shuang slapped on Zhang Chuchen's head with a slap: "Your temper ... Ah ..."

Qin Shuang always wanted to pass on the position of the lord of the Tianxing Sect to Zhang Chuchen, because Zhang Chuchen is the congenital five-element spirit root. But today I saw her temperament ...


Qin Shuang's heart was full of bitterness.

"Don't hurry!" Qin Shuang waved his hand: "The master formation arranged by Master, even if there are so many Xianzun, can't be broken. From here, we need to take two teleportation arrays to reach the entrance to the barbarous continent. It takes about seven years. During these seven years, Master will direct you to practice and at the same time sharpen you, hoping that when you reach the Sect, your cultivation will at least enter the middle of the fairy king. "


For seven years, he passed quickly in cultivation and experience. Whenever Qin Shuang felt that the three small repairs needed improvement, he would choose a place, put the three small ones down, and let them fight against the chaotic beast. In this way, while pointing and sharpening his three disciples, he hurried on the road, and after seven years, a group of four people finally came to the entrance to pass through the barbarous continent.

In these seven years, with the guidance of Qin Shuang and the assistance of huge resources, Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing both broke through the sixth floor of the fairy king, and Zhang Chuchen also broke through the fourth floor of the fairy king. However, even if Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing joined forces, they couldn't beat Zhang Chuchen. This is the power of Wuxing Linggen. The practice of Qin Shuang also broke through the ninth floor of Zun Zun.

"Let's go, this passage can't take a flying boat anymore. At your speed, it also takes three months."

At this time, the passage exit.

The two deities sat cross-legged on the exit floor, and the one on the left said a little boringly:

"It's really waste. Until now, Tian Xingzong has not been defeated. When will we stay here?"

Di Zun on the right said: "Yes, we have killed a lot of monks who want to go in and out over the years. If we go on like this, we might be exposed."

"That's not enough." Di Zun on the left shook his head: "As long as the human race enters and exits here, it's all killed. Other races are also here to kill Qin Shuang, and the news will not be disclosed."


The two Di Zun stood up suddenly, turned their heads and looked in the direction of the passage. I saw a figure appearing quickly.

"Daoyou, please stay!" Di Zun's eyes on the left showed a dignity, he felt the strength of the other side.

The flying figure slowed down, landed on the ground, and then walked towards the two places without any effort.

"Hundreds? What are you doing here?"


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