Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2672: oath

This bomb was almost half an hour, and the time rumor finally entered the next chapter. At this time, those Baixian Xianzun had already gathered in the air away from the Tianxingzong, and what was the next discussion?

They are very embarrassed now, the Tuju is dead, they have no chance to break the battle normally. If you want to break the line, there is only violence. Let's not talk about whether the violence can break the line, if you want to break the line, you must be close to the Tianxingzong.

But close to Tianxingzong ...

Looking at the mushroom cloud that had not disappeared, they shuddered in their hearts.

Close to Tianxingzong, is that death?

However, the normal route cannot break through, nor can it be close to the Tianxingzong. What use do they have to stay here?

Could it stay here, monitoring Tian Xingzong from afar?

This is not without effect, at least it can trap the Tianxingzong, even Qin Shuang did not dare to leave the Tianxingzong, and was more than one hundred ...

Now there are only more than 90 Xianzun siege, but Qin Shuang has only fallen.

However, they have so many Immortal Venerables, but it is only here to trap the monks of the Tianxing Sect in the sect gate, what is the point?

Not only does it make no sense, this is simply a joke, a joke of a hundred people.

All of a sudden, they walked in and out of the valley, silently one by one.

And at this time, the piano inside the Tianxingzong doubled, just like the same time pouring out of the Tianxingzong.

too fast!

And completely unexpected, no one would think that at this time, Qin Shuang would come out of Tianxingzong. And even if Qin Shuang came out of Tianxingzong, so far away, they would give them enough reaction time.


When they reacted, they saw that Qin Shuang was no more than a kilometer away from them. They were not surprised and happy, Qin Shuang even dared to run out, and rushed towards them.

Isn't this death?

With a move in their hearts, they will be surrounded by Qin Shuang.

"Bum ..."

They saw a tower of Hua Qin's left hand holding a tower, and then they saw thirty-six monks appear out of thin air, each holding a crossbow.

"Bum ..."

Streamer pouring.


I don't know how many monks' bodies broke into powder, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky again.


Thirty-six monks quickly fired a second round of crossbow arrows, and another huge mushroom cloud was born.

"Shoot ..."

The remaining immortals, who were not shot, flew in all directions like fireworks in full bloom.

What not to escape?

Ordinary people can see that they rushed towards Qin Shuang like a target in the air, and let those thirty-six monks shoot them one by one.

It is not a matter of killing Qin Shuang now, but how can I save my life!

God knows ... Qin Shuang also has this big killer!


A Xianzun who was desperately fleeing was bombarded by the Zhuxian crossbow, and Qin Shuang collected thirty-six monks together, holding the town demon tower and chasing Xianzun in another direction.

too fast!

If it is Tianzun, with the current practice of Qin Shuang, the time rumor cannot be caught up. However, there is no Tianzun here. The strongest cultivation is the Dizun. Qin Shuang catches up with one and releases 36 people. A round of Zhuxian crossbow shoots it.

After more than half an hour, Qin Shuang stopped, because the time ballad was over, and without the aid of the time ballad, Qin Shuang couldn't catch up with those immortals. After all, those Xianzun fled in different directions, Qin Shuang chased back and forth, and some Xianzun disappeared long ago.

Ao Jiong's mouth that had been wide open could not be closed, and a shocked huh sounded in his mouth. Xu Kaiyun waved his fists desperately in the air:

"Boss, mighty!"

Nearly one hundred thousand monks have been boiling, and they have been hiding in Tibet for decades and will fall at any time. Although it was the barbarians who actually hunted them down, they knew that the real culprits were those of the hundred races. If there weren't those Bai Xianzun siege Tian Xing Zong, give the barbarians ten guts, they would not dare to cross the Langyue River to attack the human race.

Wu Manshan looked pale at the scene in the sky mirror. Thinking of the coming encounter of the barbarians, a spit of blood spurted out.

"The boss has gone to the passageway, let's go!"

Xu Kaiyun suddenly cheered, flew up, and flew towards the entrance of the tunnel. As soon as Ao Jiong caught in the sky, he captured Wuman Mountain in his hand and followed Xu Kaiyun behind him.

"Shoot ..."

Nearly one hundred thousand monks rose up into the sky, like the Tianhe, flowing away in the air toward the entrance of the channel.

However, before they flew to the entrance of the tunnel, they saw that Qin Shuang had arrived with 36 monks.

"Boss!" Xu Kaiyun greeted him: "How is it?"

"They all ran away! There should be Xianzun who didn't have time to escape, and still hiding in the barbaric continent, but also had no energy to find them."

After Qin Shuang finished speaking, he set his sights on Wuman Mountain, which was carried by Ao Jiong in his hands. Wu Manshan's face was disappointed:

"Let's go to the ancestral city, we complete the contract."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang nodded, Wu Man Shan could serve softly, and made Qin Shuang very happy. Otherwise, the war with the barbarians, although not afraid, but that is a clan war, will eventually wipe out the barbarians, but the human race may also have huge casualties.

A group of people flew in the direction of the barbarian ancestral city, and at this time, Hunting Sky also notified the Luoshui stream left by Tianxingzong. Luoshuiliu was about to send out the news, and almost all the monks who could fly Tianxing Zong flew out and flew towards the ancestral city of the barbarians.

Qin Shuang was right, at this time there are still hundreds of Xianzun hiding in the wild land. They also saw the actions of the human race, and also saw Qin Shuang and his entourage. Although they didn't know what Qin Shuang was doing, they saw Qin Shuang and the thirty-six monks. How dare they show up there?

As long as they dare to show up, those thirty-six monks must have a wave of immortal crossbows, or wait for Qin Shuang to pass them honestly, and then secretly leave the barbaric continent. Report the news to the family, and then see what the family means.


Ancestral city.

Qin Shuang and his party landed on the ancestral mountain of the barbarians from the air, where there was a thick totem pole. Wuman Mountain stood in front of the totem pole with a decayed face, bowed down, murmured in his mouth that he could not understand the spell, and soon the totem pole lit up, Wuman Mountain bowed to the totem pole again, then stretched out A hand was pressed against the totem pole.


His luck exploded his palm, and blood was sprayed towards the totem pole.

"Bum ..."

The totem pole rises into the sky with a column of blood and goes straight to the sky. Above the column of blood, the streaks are flowing and full of mystery. Wuman Mountain murmured another spell.


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