Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2682: Great Light

According to the exercises of the Dark Holy Land, darkness is eternal at this time, and light is only an ornament in the darkness.

Although Qin Shuang does not think so, Qin Shuang feels that light and darkness are complementary, just like yin and yang.

It was also at this thought that Qin Shuangyin had a feeling that the reason why he didn't break through to Di Zun was that he was incomplete in yin and yang, but only realized the light attribute but not the dark attribute. If you comprehend the dark attributes, and then integrate the dark attributes into the five elements, then you will have all the five elements, and you will have both yin and yang. Maybe it will be able to break through to Di Zun.

Over the past 100 years, she has spent more than seventy years to repeatedly understand the jade slips of the Dark Holy Land to understand the laws of darkness, and have already realized these jade slips to the extreme. But still unable to integrate into the five elements, the road is yin and yang. However, Qin Shuang is not afraid, she knows that there is a sky tower, where the best place to integrate the law of darkness.

Qin Shuang came out of Zhenyao Tower and sat cross-legged in the hall, while combing his experience, waiting for three months to arrive.

One day and three months later, Qin Shuang put away the market, walked out of the hall, and saw Da Ri Tian Zun standing outside with his back to himself. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned and smiled:

"Qin Daoyou, how?"

"Do not disgrace the mission!"


The two left the small world and returned to the ground of the Holy Land. At this time, what he saw in Qin Shuang's eyes was no longer a ruin, but a bustling city. All the buildings are completed, but there are still many monks laying signs on various buildings.

To build a variety of families, for monks, it is just a matter of waving their sleeves. There are all kinds of Taoism, and these are simple things. However, the runes on the building are to be carved a little bit, and they must be carved. Otherwise, these immortal statues in the Holy Land, with a laugh, shattered these buildings.

"Qin Daoyou, when are you going to set up?" Dayi Tianzun asked softly.

"Now. It will take about two months. After setting up early, I will leave as soon as possible."

Dayi Tianzun knew that Qin Shuang also had other saints' trust, and there was a color of gratitude on his face.

"Thank you, Qin Daoyou, what kind of big array are you planning to set up?"

"Great light array!"

"Okay!" Dayi Tianzun's eyes lit up: "There is work!"

"You're welcome!"

Qin Shuang stepped on the sky, flew up, and flew towards the edge of the Holy Land. Da Ri Tian Zun followed, flying beside Qin Shuang to protect Qin Shuang.

Each of the Immortal Venerables looked towards Qin Shuang, and as the news spread, more and more monks came out of the Dong Mansion, and they all got the news. Set up a large array. Most monks are dissatisfied.

Quite a continent?

Just that **** continent?

A **** master from the **** sect gate of a **** continent has been invited to set up a sacred place?

Was Da Ri Tian Zun fooled by the Dark Holy Land?

This is that the Light Holy Land has just experienced the shame of being broken by the Dark Holy Land and shattered their pride. Otherwise, at this time, they had already protested to Dayi Tianzun.

Even so, they watched indifferently, to see what kind of large group can the **** master of this **** continent lay out?

Qin Shuang flew around the Holy Land unhurriedly. He flew into the formation while flying.

For more than a month, all of the formations were driven in, and then they began to surround the Holy Land again and entered a line of flags. These flags are not just into the ground, but also into the void. It was only this hand that gave the Immortal Array Masters of the Light Holy Land a look, wanted to throw the array flag into the void, and then concealed it. This is not a simple matter.

A month passed, and there was a flag in his hands, and the smiling pair of Da Ri Tian Zun who had been beside him said:

"It's done!"

Da Ri Tian Zun's face also appeared excited, arched and said: "Also invite Qin Dao You to open the formation."

"it is good!"

Qin scored a tactic in both directions.

"Bum ..."

I saw a circle of light slowly rising from around the light holy site. The light was not dazzling, but rather soft, and gradually became like a big bowl with an upside down, covering the whole holy site. From afar, like the rising sun that has risen by half at the beginning of the same round.

"Senior, you can summon all the gods of the Holy Land to go out, and then attack the mountain protection array together."


Even the Dayi Tianzun who trusted Qin Shuang did not have much confidence at this time.


Dayi Tianzun took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay!"

Then glanced below, and said with a loud voice: "All the Immortal Venerables will follow me and join forces to attack the large array."

All the immortals respected and heard it, they were stupefied. But then it was shocked, surprised at Qin Shuang's boldness.

What does Qin Shuang mean?

Before the original large formation of the Holy Land, but could not withstand the combined attack of all of their Immortal Venerables, the Immortal Venues of the Dark Holy Land were similar in number and strength to them. The original large formation was bombarded for seven days in a row, and it broke.

How long can the large array of pianos be set up?

But in any case, this is a test of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang dared to let go of his rhetoric, which made them look down on Qin Shuang's heart and gave birth to a trace of expectations. Immortal Venerables flew out of the Holy Land.

He flew out of the Holy Land and looked back, his eyes showing a fascination.

Looking inside and outside, there is not much feeling.

However, looking from the outside to the inside, it was like a large formation rising to the rising sun. These monks, who were already enchanted and bright, became obsessed one by one.

There was a reluctance in their hearts, if such a magnificent array breaks up ...

What a pity ...

Dayi Tianzun took a deep breath and freed his emotions from obsession. He knew that it was useless to look good, and it was the most important to withstand the blow. A long roar awakened the obsessive monk, Then shouted:

"Join together, listen to my orders!"

One by one, the monks moved their bodies quickly, forming a joint battle array in the air. I look forward to it more and more. If this large formation can withstand their attack, there is such a large formation. This is the Holy Land of Light!



The sky suddenly splendidly blossomed, and countless Taoism poured out towards the large array, and a thunderous roar rang through the sky frantically.

The large array rising like the rising sun is only slightly rippling, like the ripples of a lake, then ... there is no more ...


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