Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2685: Alert forest

Qin Shuang was surprised by the sight in front of her, and the Tiantian Continent was a vast continent, but what surprised her was that she saw a floating continent in the high sky, between the white clouds ...

Do not!

It cannot be regarded as a continent, just like an island floating in the ocean.

Since I can enter the Sky Continent, I see an island floating in the sky. There should be many such islands on the Sky Continent?

Qin Shuang stood on the ground, looking up at the island in the sky. After thinking about it, he flew towards the suspended mountain. Qin Shuang's eyes flashed a bit of surprise when he landed on the suspended mountain.

The concentration and law density of the Xianyuan gas in this suspended mountain is not comparable to that on the ground, and it is more than five times thicker than that on the ground. Profound consciousness explored from all directions, and I realized in my heart that the reason why the concentration and law density of the fairy spirit on the suspended mountain is more than five times stronger than on the ground is from the suspended mountain at the foot.

The suspended mountain at this foot turned out to be a large patch of stone.

This made Qin Shuang even more curious and walked towards the suspended mountain, just like a suspended mountain on a big island, with a city, a sect gate, and a family. Qin Shuang walked into a city. The scene in this city was no different from other places. There were various shops and numerous monks shuttled.

Qin Shuang walked into a restaurant and ordered a box. Then took out a top-grade fairy crystal, put it on the table, and said to the man:

"Something to ask you!"

The man saw a top grade fairy crystal, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and skillfully put away the top grade crystal, politely said:

"Guest officer, may I ask."

"Can you tell me the reason for this suspended mountain?"

There was a proud look on the face of the man: "Is the guest official coming to make up the mainland for the first time?"


"According to legend, the Tiantian Continent once cracked, and our ancestors excavated the Tiantian Stone everywhere. Did you know the Tiantian Stone?

It is an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth. It exists in the depths of the earth, and the birth conditions are extremely harsh. The ancestors have experienced thousands of hardships and spent thousands of years to find enough to make up the stone, and then refining it .

However, when supplementing the sky, a lot of the supplementary stone broke and fell from the sky, which is today's suspended mountain. "

Qin Shuang nodded, regardless of whether the legend was true or false, and only once the Sky Stone was released from the earth's imprisonment, he could be suspended in the air. Only Tiantianshi can absorb the more immortal spirit and laws.

"In this way, there are a lot of suspended mountains on the Tiantian Continent?"

"Not bad!"

"Then the Holy Heaven is also on the suspended mountain?"

"Of course!" The man gave Qin Shuang a strange look. The place where the saint lived was naturally the best place. Could he still live on the ground?

Qin Shuang nodded and said, "How do you know how to go to the Holy Land? Come to the mainland, if you can't go to see the Holy Land, it's a pity."

Guys don't care, they don't know how many monks there are every year. When they come from other continents, they have to go to see the Tiantian Holy Land and Tiantian Temple. Then he gave Qin Shuang a detailed description of the direction to Bu Tian Gong, and then said:

"The visitor came by accident!"

"Why?" Qin Shuang asked.

"I don't know the true or false. It is said that some years ago, some people dared to break into the Tiangong Temple, so now it is not easy to go to the Tiangong Temple."

Qin Shuang's heart was awkward, and it should be that Chaos broke through the Tiantian Temple.

"But I don't know whether it is true or false. I think it is false. Who dares to enter the Tiantian Temple? That's where the saint lives."

Qin Shuang asked all of the questions, and then ordered, and let the guys go. After resting and eating a meal here, Qin Shuang left Hua Taixiang, sat on Hua Taixiang's back, and flew in the direction of Bu Tian Gong.

At the speed of Huataixiang, I flew more than April, and I saw a huge suspended mountain in the distance. And around that huge floating mountain, there are 36 small floating mountains floating. Before Qin Shuang approached, a team of monks flew out on a small suspended mountain opposite her. Qin Shuang patted Hua Taixiang's big head, and Hua Taixiang also stopped. Qin Shuang came down from Hua Taixiang's back and stood on top of Xiangyun, arching towards the opposite monk:

"Dear friends, Tian Xing Zong Qin Shuang, please see Pu Guang Tian Zun."

A monk headed is a fairy emperor peak. After hearing Qin Shuang's words, his eyes showed disdain and said lightly:

"Can Puguang Tianzun see you if you want?"

Qin Shuang couldn't help frowning slightly, and then stretched out.

Think about it too, Puguang Tianzun is the first master of Butian Palace except Lin Suifeng Saint. I am afraid that even the monks who make up Tiantian Palace are rare to see. How can it be possible to come alone and see each other?

So, she took out the token and handed it to the immortal emperor: "Please give this token to Puguang Tianzun, and Tianzun will meet me naturally."

The immortal emperor did not accept Qin Shuang's token at all, although he could perceive that Qin Shuang's cultivation level was higher than him.

But what about that?

where is this place?

Tiantian Temple!

I do n’t know the so-called person, holding a so-called token, and he glanced at the token. He didn't know him at all. If this is before, he will also receive the token and hand it over to his boss to let the boss see if he knows the token.

However, not now!

Butian Temple is now in a state of tension.

After the person who broke into the Tiantian Palace before left, the Tiantian Palace was on alert. And all the monks in the make-up palace felt a little nervous.

It has never happened before that someone dared to break into the Tiangong Temple.

However, the saints of his own family are not there, and there is no news until now.

Everyone knows that someone was forced into the Tiantian Temple. But helpless, this influence is gone. The reason why Butian Continent hasn't been a big mess until now is because Butian Continent has no hostile forces like the Dark Holy Land in the Bright Continent. Bu Tian Gong naturally has its hostile forces, but it has no power to launch a war of the scale of the Dark Holy Land.

However, this does not mean that the mainland of the Tiantian now is calm and calm, but it is surging undercurrents, and many hostile forces appearing in the Tiantian Palace have become active.

This is a temptation and a development.

If it cannot be effectively contained, these hostile forces will quickly develop and then join forces to become the enemy of the Tiantian Palace.

Therefore, Bu Tian Gong severely cracked down on active hostile forces at the same time, but also guarded Tian Tian Gong in its own nest. It has become extremely difficult to enter the Tiantian Temple.


Thank you very much!)



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