Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2689: Tibetan

The seventh floor.

Perceiving that Qin Shuang and others no longer stepped up the stairs, Situ Xin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If the other party is also a grandmaster, then he would have taken the risk. And Ximen Ye, who walked in front, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Xing and Yao Cao were even more relieved. When they entered the Baicao Hall, they could not care about the two welcoming guys at the entrance of Baicao Hall. Wanting to say something to Qin Shuang, when he saw the two guys, he swallowed what he wanted to say and waved to the two guys, and the two guys came over with the menu.

"Qin fairy, you order."

Qin Shuang took over the menu to open it, and even Qin Shuang couldn't help raising a trace of surprise.

too expensive!

Qin Shuang ordered two dishes, handed the menu to Hua Taixiang, Hua Taixiang also ordered two dishes, and then Sun Xing and Yao Cao ordered two dishes and a jar of wine, and then waved to make two The man withdrew and closed the door. Then he said to Qin Shuang fearfully:

"Qin Xianzi, how can you be so gifted?"

"Nothing!" Qin Shuang shook his head slightly: "The two of them are Grand Masters?"

"In Dabi 100 years ago, the three most dazzling alchemists were Lan Da, Situ Xin and Ximen Ye." Sun Xing's face appeared with worship:

"At that time, these three crowns were the best among the other eternal pill masters, and they became the three people with the highest voice of winning the championship. The three of them were the pinnacles of the early eternal princess grandmaster. As a result, Lan Da won the championship. three.

By the way, I heard that Grand Master Lan did not come? "

Yao Cao said angrily: "I heard a rumor that Grand Master Lan was attacked by someone. Lan Da finally escaped, but was seriously injured and his strength fell. It is impossible to participate in this competition."

"Who is it? Who dares to be so bold?" Sun Xingbo was angry.

"Anyone besides the Tibetan people?" Yao Cao sighed.

Sun Xing heard the expression stagnant, but also sighed, Qin Shuang could not help but asked curiously:

"Tibetan people?"

Sun Xing sighed again: "Tibetan people have a long history, and the legend is the first indigenous inhabitants of Butian Continent. They live underground and use Butianshi as their clan. Later, when the sky broke, monks from all over the world collected Butianshi In order to protect their clan and the monks in the world, the Tibetans had fierce battles.

They are strong!

However, no matter how strong they are, they are only a family, and they cannot be the opponents of all the monks in the entire Tiantian Continent. In the end, the Tibetans suffered heavy casualties and were expelled from each family land. The make-up stone that they depended on for their life was collected by surface monks and refined to make up the sky.

The Tibetans who lost the make-up stone cried and shook the earth. From then on, the Tibetans and the monks on the surface became deadly enemies. It's just that their strength has fallen sharply, and they lost their make-up stone. How can they be opponents of surface monks?

Especially after the appearance of the saints, they are deeply hidden underground. The surface monks also felt guilty for the Tibetan people. Then they did not chase down the Tibetans in droves, allowing the Tibetans to slowly recover some strength.

In the past, the Tibetan people did not need any immortality, they just needed to make up the sky stones. But now, under the surface, 90% of the supplementary stone was taken away by the surface monks. When they lost the supplementary stone, they had to use the Elixir. However, because they did not need immortality before, the Tibetan people did not have an alchemist, so they grabbed the alchemist on the surface. The alchemist on the ground was caught underground, imprisoned, and practiced alchemy for them. And they never disappeared the idea of ​​robbing Tianshi.

Although most of the topping stones were made up at the beginning, some of the topping stones were crushed by cracks and scattered into today's suspended mountains. So their eyes are on those suspended mountains. It also succeeded several times, killing the monks on the suspended mountain, forcibly imprisoning the suspended mountain, and brought it back underground. Later, surface monks became more and more guarded, and their opportunities became less and less. In the last tens of thousands of years, they have no chance. Therefore, they set their sights on the alchemist. Alchemy masters disappear every year, and they are taken away without asking.

However, this kind of thing doesn't happen much, after all, surface monks are not waste. And it has never happened that you want to catch the Grand Master. You must know that there are strong guards around each Grand Master. To capture a great master, the Tibetan people must be prepared for heavy casualties.

Unexpectedly, such a thing still happened, making up for the chaos in the mainland. "

"It's not because the Holy Land was attacked, and the Holy One didn't come out. The Tibetan people thought their opportunity was coming!" Yao Cao sighed:

"It's just that they don't have enough strength now, otherwise I think they will all launch large-scale wars!"

Qin Shuang slightly moved: "The Holy Land was attacked?"

"Yes!" Sun Xing and Yao Cao's faces showed a sad look: "A monk with unclear strength, blatantly shouting in the holy place, the holy man can't come out, then the monk walked away."

"It seems that Chaos really visited all the holy places! Except Taixuzong!"

Yao Cao suddenly worried: "Brother Sun, will you say that the Tibetans will come to destroy Dan Dao?"

"It shouldn't be! Dao Dadao, Bu Tian Gong pays great attention. If they dare to come, just wait to be eliminated."

Speaking of such a heavy topic, the two also forgot to blame Qin Shuang for offending the two Grand Masters of Immortals. The atmosphere was a bit dull, and the atmosphere was restored until the wine was half-hearted, but the two people were not good at blaming the piano Double, but the atmosphere becomes happy. Sun Xing and Yao Cao introduced Qin Shuang to the dishes. Qin Shuang could not stop eating and nodding, Bu Tian Lou was indeed well-known.

Having a happy meal, Qin Shuang also promised two people, and would give them a chance when they have time. Both of them are people who know each other. It is impossible for them to get around Qin Shuang every day, and they also need to comprehend Qin Shuang's instructions, so it was agreed in the banquet that Qin Shuang would point them once every ten days.

The following days were calm and calm. Qin Shuang came to Wudao every day and gave instructions to Sun Xing and Yao Cao every ten days. The two people benefited greatly, and there was some kind of speculation about Qin Shuang in their hearts. Qin Shuang might be A great master, it is really Qin Shuang's knowledge of Dan Tao that is too broad and profound, and when explaining the two of them, it is easy to understand, less than a certain level, it is impossible to reduce the complexity to such a degree.

In addition, the two of them recalled that when they saw the two grand masters of Situ Xin and Ximen Ye before, Qin Shuang did not give gifts, which made them both doubtful.

This surprises the two of them. If Qin Shuang is really a grandmaster, the two of them confusedly become a grandmaster, which saved the fairy world in his last life. The two did not dare to ask Qin Shuang, but when facing Qin Shuang, they became more respectful.


Thank you so much for Ziyan (900) and seaphay (100)!



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