Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2694: attack

Qin Shuang started practicing alchemy step by step. Half an hour passed quickly.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and the entire Bu Tian Pavilion was shaking violently, and many alchemists were affected.

"Dangdang Dang ..." The alarm bell in Tiantian City sounded.

"Booming ..." Outside the Tiantian Pavilion, there was a dense and tremendous roar.


An attack landed on Butian Pavilion, and the runes on the ceiling and walls of the Butian Pavilion flowed rapidly, and the Bu Tian Pavilion shook violently. The audience in the stands quickly exited and became a mess. The alchemist on the field was also running outside the make-up pavilion. Sun Xing and Yao Cao remember Qin Shuang's words, and quickly came to Qin Shuang's side, his face nervous:

"Fairy Qin ..."

"Not in a hurry!" Qin Shuang looked at the monks around like a tide, swarming toward the gate, crowded together, and said:

"It should be the safest here for the time being. It's hard to squeeze out now, and wait for them all to go out, we will go out again."

Hearing Qin Shuang said so, the tension between Sun Xing and Yao Cao was relaxed. This is true of the pure alchemy master, although cultivation is not weak, how can it be regarded as a fairy emperor. However, all his life energy and time are spent on alchemy, and there is little actual combat experience. Faced with such a sudden attack, it is inevitable to panic.

Of course, Qin Shuang will not stay here all the time. Although there is a rune defense in this make-up pavilion, Qin Shuang is not optimistic. Although he didn't go out, Qin Shuang also expected that the moat formation of Butian City must have been opened. However, if all the moat formations were bombed, this make-up pavilion would certainly not be able to withstand the attacks of the Tibetans. At that time, it was like catching a turtle in a urn, and staying inside was even more dangerous.

If the monk wants to go out from a certain place, there are still many ways, and the speed is also very fast. In Qin Shuang's eyes, it is not a person at all. I squeezed out and poured out a streamer. In less than two quarters of a quarter, the three people who fell in the last Qin Shuang also walked out of the Bu Tian Pavilion.

"Booming ..."

As soon as I walked out of the gate of Butian Pavilion, the deafening resonance sounded in my ears. Qin Shuang paused and looked up into the air. I saw that if there was a big bowl at this time, Bu Tian City would be upside down It was a large array of moats, a layer of transparent mask. Outside the mask, countless monks were attacking the large array.

Those are races that are slightly shorter than humans and have only one eye in the middle. But their power to release Taoism is not small.

"That's the Tibetan people?" Qin Shuang asked, looking at the Tibetan people outside the large array.

"Good!" Sun Xing and Yao Cao nodded nervously.

At the same time, there were countless monks in the Butian Temple who attacked from the suspended mountain and countless Tibetan monks greeted them. They did not want to attack Butian Temple, but just wanted to intercept the monks who came from Butian Temple. At the same time, there is also a killing in Butian City. That was before the Tibetan Tibetan monks killed the Tibetan Tibetans in Butian City before they could open the moat.

Therefore, it is divided into three battlefields at this time.

The most fierce battlefield is in the high altitude outside the Tiantian Temple. There, the monks diving down from Butian Palace collided violently and densely with the intercepted Tibetan monks. It has been two quarters since the outbreak of war, and the two sides are still in a stalemate. However, Qin Shuang can see that the Tibetans are in a weak position. They rely on quantity and fighting to intercept, and they are fighting for the Tibetan monks who are besieging the city below.

The second battlefield was the monks who attacked the moat. Qin Shuang just glanced at it, and the tension in his heart dropped. If only with this attack density and attack intensity, the Tibetans really can't break through this large array.

At this time, Qin Shuang had the energy to observe the third battlefield. That is the war in the make-up city.

Butian City did not usually open the moat array, so the Tibetans rushed in a lot of monks in a short time. At this time, they are fighting fiercely.

Not bad.

It is tragic!

No matter how many of them came in, they were not as many as the monks in Butian City, so the monks in Butian City had an absolute upper hand at this time. The moat army harvested the lives of Tibetans like wheat.

By this time, Sun Xing and Yao Cao were completely relieved. In their view, they are no longer in danger. The Tibetans in Butian City will soon be slaughtered. In addition to the Tibetan Tibetans breaking through the large array, the monks in the Tiantian Palace will be able to kill the intercepted Tibetan Tibetans. In this way, the raid of the Tibetans completely failed.

However, Qin Shuang's mind not only did not feel relaxed at this time, but the only relaxation that had only been found disappeared.

This is wrong!

If the Tibetan people are only of this strength, this preparation will come to attack the Tiancheng City, and this race should have disappeared long ago. Will not become more and more powerful now.

There must be something that needs time to brew! Or is there any powerful means that have not yet been demonstrated.

On the suspended mountain of Butian Temple, Puguang Tianzun and the two great Tianzun stood there, looking down, they did not participate in the battle. They have already seen that the three battlegrounds are at an advantage, so it's good. If they don't go down, the Tibetans will continue to attack, so they can eliminate as many Tibetans as possible. For Butian Temple, this is also a rare opportunity to bring together the Tibetan people and eliminate them.

not to mention……

They are the Great Heavenly Venerable, and both are the pinnacle of Heavenly Venerable. There is no problem with IQ, they also see what Qin Shuang sees. So they are waiting, are there any cards for Tibetans in other places?

"Kaka Kaka ..."

Qin Shuang Huo Ran turned his head and looked in one direction in the air. When I saw the void space, a white line suddenly appeared. The white line was hundreds of miles long, and then the white line split toward both sides. Just like a piece of fabric, a slit was cut.

"Come!" Qin Shuang was nervous.

"Kaka Kaka ..."

The hundreds of miles of cracks quickly expanded into a huge space crack, and then saw a giant come out from inside.

"this is……"

Qin Shuang's eyes widened suddenly!

It was not a monk, but a huge humanoid thing like a puppet. It is really too big. The two eyes of the piano are about two hundred miles high. The law of the whole body is lingering and bright.

"This is ... make up stone!"

Qin Shuang finally recognized that the giant was completely made of make-up stone, but Qin Shuang was even more shocked that the Tibetan people even mastered the ability to shuttle space.


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