Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2698: rumor

"Is this Qin Shuang still a space root? Or is this monk who left a space wave mark not Qin Shuang?"


It must be Qin Shuang, this direction is straight toward the channel, and only Qin Shuang will go straight from Butian Temple to the channel.

This fairy fairy is really mysterious!

Sure enough, a person who can be chased and killed by a hundred people, but still alive and kicking, is not easy. "

Shangyuan mainland.

The news that the continent of Starlight Continent, Lost Continent, Butian Continent, Bright Continent, and Giant Continent was attacked by chaos has finally spread. At this time, monks in teahouses and restaurants in Shangyuan Continent are talking about this time. In a small city not far from the entrance of Philo Continental Passage, in the lobby of a restaurant, two monks were sitting in the corner with wine glasses in their hands, but their expressions were extremely dignified.

These two monks are the late Tianzun and Dizun in Philo. They were the monks who were ordered to go to the barbaric continent, preparing to destroy the Tianxing Sect and to kill Qin Shuang.

However, at this time, the hearts of the two people were extremely shocked!

"The holy place is in trouble! And all five holy places are in trouble. They were all beaten into the holy place by a mysterious monk. The holy place could not be resisted at all. It was just that the mysterious monk did not slaughter the holy monk. When he saw that the holy man was not there, he left.

what does this mean?

And the saint has never been out!

It seems that only Taixu Zong has not been visited by the mysterious monk!

Did the Seven Saints really have an accident? "

The Tianzun pondered for a moment, and said to the opposite Dizong in the later period of metaphysical knowledge: "Don't go to the barbaric continent first, let's go to the recently lost continent to see."

"This ..." The Di Zun later hesitated: "Uncle Shi, the order we got was to go to the barbarous continent."

"That's not important!" Tianzun shook his head slightly: "A barbarian continent is a low-powered continent. Tian Xingzong is just relying on a large formation. Going early or late will not affect the result of the destruction of Tianxingzong and the death of Qin Shuang. However, if something happens to the Holy Land and the Holy One never leaves, this is the big deal. The rumor is not credible, we have to see it with our own eyes and find out for ourselves. "


The two paid Xianjing, and drifted away, and drove towards the lost mainland.

In this period of time, from entering the Yuan continent to the Yuan continent, those who were preparing to go to the barbaric continent to destroy the Tianxing Sect, all changed their directions one by one. Or go to the star continent, or go to the lost continent, or go to other saint continents. They all chose to be closest to each other. They gave up going to the Barbaric Continent and went to the Saint Continent to seek the truth.

This truth is too important for hundreds of people!

Too Xuzong.

Xu Qinyang's negative hand stood on Qin Yangfeng, his expression dignified.

A graceful figure came and stood on Xu Qinyang's side: "Qinyang, don't worry too much, Ziyan won't be a problem."

"I know!" Xu Qinyang sighed softly: "Moon Dance, the news that the five holy sites are now visited by the mysterious monks one by one has begun to spread throughout the fairyland. The mysterious monk must be chaotic. The current situation is very bad. There is no chaos He came to Taixuzong because he knew that Taixuzong ’s large formation was stronger than other holy places. Even if he came, he could not get a cheap price, and since he had determined that the saints in the five holy places were not there, he could speculate Ziyan and Mountain Soul must be with the five saints. Then there is a great possibility to speculate that the seven saints have an accident. I am worried that I will find them.

Dan Yuewu's face also appeared worried.

"This is only one of them!" Xu Qinyang whispered: "There is also news of the saint's accident, and the original hundred people who are about to move, I am afraid they will take action. They have long coveted the Yuan continent, this opportunity they will not let go Ever. "

"But we still have time!" Tan Yue Wu whispered: "Those hundred people are very careful, they will definitely go to the Saint's continent to investigate, and then return to their respective continents. And like this attack on the Shangyuan continent, I want to Occupying one territory on the Shangyuan continent, and even expelling our human race from the Shangyuan continent, is not something that one of the hundreds of continents can do. They must unite.

However, if one hundred continents want to unite, they only need to notify each other to determine a place to gather and discuss, which will take a long time. It is estimated that it will take at least hundreds of years, or even a thousand years. After they have negotiated, they will return to their continents, gather the elites of their respective continents, and prepare to jointly attack the Shangyuan continent. This will take another hundreds of years. With thousands of years of time, it is enough for our race to prepare. "

Xu Qinyang nodded and said, "We need to contact the Nine Great Sects."

Qin Shuang did not encounter any danger along the way, nor did she encounter the Tibetan monks to intercept her. On the one hand, the Tibetan people are busy hiding now, on the other hand, the Tibetan people do n’t know Qin Shuang ’s identity. go away.

Therefore, after Hua Taixiang opened the space supernatural power, it took less than two months to enter the passage to the Shangyuan mainland. At this time, Xiaoyao Tianzun had tracked Qin Shuang.

Along the way, Hua Taixiang continually shuttled through the space, preventing Qin Shuang from letting out the profound knowledge and exploring the surroundings. Moreover, Xiaoyao Tianzun had just caught up with Qin Shuang for less than three days, so Qin Shuang did not know that he was being followed by Xiaoyao Tianzun. And Xiaoyao Tianzun was also extremely shocked, even for a time, he was suspecting that he was following the wrong person. Qin Shuang is only a human respect, how could it be so fast?

However, when he saw Hua Taixiang plunging into the space node, he finally understood that Qin Shuang had a beast with supernatural powers.


When Qin Shuang appeared at the entrance of the passage, it was not suitable for the space magical shuttle at this time, because the narrow space of the passage is suitable for the law of fairy world, and is the law of chaos. The moment Qin Shuang appeared at the entrance of the tunnel, he quickly spread the metaphysics.

It was only an instant that Qin Shuang's profound knowledge saw Xiaoyao Tianzun, and Xiaoyao Tianzun also felt Qin Shuang's profound knowledge. After all, their two levels of metaphysics are almost the same.

Qin Shuang was shocked. She naturally knew Xiaoyao Tianzun and turned her head to look into the distance. Xiaoyao Tianzun appeared from a distance and stepped forward to Qin Shuang in one step. Qin Shuang had already understood this time, so Shili said:

"Thank you senior escort!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun glanced at the flower too fragrant, and even he showed a trace of envy in his eyes. Today, the flower is too fragrant to be a respected person. If you break through to the respected place, he will not be able to catch up. It can be said that with the flowers of Di Zun period too fragrant, at least Qin Shuang's escape is no problem.


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