Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2719: Promotion (2)

She had to first pull the rule locks to strip the cocoons, and in the process of pulling the cocoons, to understand each rule lock. She has found that the weaving of each law lock is different, even the law locks of the same attribute. She now doubts that these rule locks are not innate. Because with the common sense of the fairy world, only the most primitive and basic law wires will be born between heaven and earth, but no law fragments, law locks, and law chains will be born. If heaven and earth can directly produce these things, monks can directly refine these laws, so why weave them by themselves, which takes time and effort?

Therefore, she highly doubts that these pieces of law, law locks and law chains were all cultivated by monks, and then the monks fell in this lost eye, and both the Yuanshen and the body shattered and died. In the course of this shattering, Some laws of the chain are kept intact, while others are broken and become incomplete. And some of the broken chains of law became law locks and law fragments.

This makes sense, why there is rarely the same rule of double-drawing and cocooning. Because it comes from different monks.

Even if it is against the same law, different monks understand differently. According to different understandings, the law of weaving is naturally different.

This gave Qin Shuang a fear in her heart.

This lost eye should require many laws to maintain its existence. When the law in the lost eye is not enough, it will open, attracting many monks to enter, and then kill the cultivation here to get the law of monk cultivation. When it has enough rules, it will close the lost eyes and disappear from the lost continent.

Shake his head and throw this guess aside. Because she knew that even if she guessed accurately, she had no way to do it for the time being. Only by first improving one's cultivation practice, the higher the cultivation practice, the higher the safety of oneself. At the very least, a monk who is a high cultivator has the opportunity to survive like a bogey when the lost eyes are closed, waiting for the next time the lost eyes are opened. Perhaps, as your cultivation improves, you can still find a way to leave here.

Qin Shuang continued to pull off the cocoons. She now attaches great importance to the process of pulling the cocoons. Since she speculated that these rules are all from different monks' understanding of the road, they began to attach great importance to it.

Each rule of lock represents a monk's comprehension of Tiandi Avenue. Qin Shuang obtained the comprehension of that monk's understanding of Tiandi Avenue by threading and peeling cocoons of each rule. Summarizing these insights is of great help to Qin Shuang. Let her have a more comprehensive understanding of Tiandi Avenue, more extensive and more spiritual.

Moreover, Qin Shuang ’s seven-property law is now weaving. With her chain-of-laws weaving, not only does the breath become stronger, and the cultivation becomes deeper. For her understanding of the heaven and earth Avenue, her profound power that has not been improved for a long time is A slight ascension started. Although the ascension was extremely slow, Qin Shuang and his heart were ecstatic.

Thought that her profound strength has never improved since she was so solidified. Even if she practices every day, she has not improved a little.

However, the strength of the mysterious metaphysical force has finally started to improve. Although the improvement is extremely slow, the improvement is a great piece of good news.

In this way, Qin Shuang's motivation is even more sufficient. During the day, he madly obtained the law lock, and he did n’t let go of the law chain. Later, she was blessed to the soul, and she didn't even let go of the fragments of the law. Wherever she passed, no matter the fragments of the law, the locks of the law, and the chains of the law were put away.

Her realm is completely open, spreading, centered on herself, covering a hundred miles, with her current cultivation as the strength, the fragments of laws and the locks of laws are simply swept away and incorporated into her realm, There is no need for her to use Taoism to capture. Only when she encountered an incomplete chain of laws did she attempt to surrender. Seal it, otherwise the incomplete law chain will use her to open the boundary, break through the edge of the boundary, and escape.

In her world, she also sacrificed the town demon tower, the town demon tower opened the tower door, and all the law fragments, law locks and sealed incomplete law chains that were received by Qin Shuang in the world would be killed by the town. The demon tower was retracted into the tower.

The whole person of Qin Shuang is like a black hole. The rule fragments, rule locks and incomplete rule chains are swept away.

In the first step, Qin Shuang was included in the world, and in the second step, the town demon tower was included in the tower. In the third step, the old town of Qiling Town delineated two spaces in the town demon tower. These two spaces are independent of the space of the town demon tower. Into an independent space, leaving Qin Shuangshuang to strip and cocoon, to comprehend the Seven Attributes Avenue. Put all the law fragments and law chains of other attributes in the second space.

The reason why Qin Shuang was in his heart, he began to collect the fragments of the law. She remembered her sect. You know, in the fairy world, it is extremely difficult to get a law fragment, almost impossible. At first, Qin Shuang got a piece of law, so that she had a knowledge and understanding of the law. Therefore, she only started to collect the fragments of these laws. Once she can safely go out of her lost eyes and return to Tianxingzong, these fragments of laws will make Tianxingzong embark on a path of rapid development.

It's not that no monks met Qin Shuang, but when they saw the atmosphere of Qin Shuang Di Zun, and unabashedly released the seven-attribute world, those monks rationally pulled away from Qin Shuang. It ’s not just that there is a chain of laws on this line, so why not confront such a powerful monk?

However, after all, some people are not used to Qin Shuang, or Qin Shuang obtains so much, and seizes the opportunity of others. Or the greed in the heart obscures the intellect. Qin Shuang obtained so much, without having to think, you can know that Qin Shuang has obtained a large number of law locks and law chains. If you can kill Qin Shuang, everything on Qin Shuang is theirs.

not to mention……

They can see that although Qin Shuang is powerful, it is only one layer of respect.

Because Qin Shuang has the time flow rate of Zhenyao Tower, one night in his lost eyes is equivalent to more than 500 days of Zhenyao Tower. Therefore, in the night when she lost her eyes, she was able to weave about 300 chains of law in the town demon tower. In this way, within a month, we can basically weave a chain of 10,000 laws. That is to say, under normal circumstances, Qin Shuang can raise a small step every month, and can reach the peak of Di Zun in ten months.


Thank you so much for Ziyan (300) and seaphay (100)!



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