Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2724: Skywalker and Skywalker

"Then set up!"

Qin Shuang thought for a while, he had enough flags, he could repeat the battle, study the battle line, and promote his battle line to the great consummation level.

"That's it!"

Since then, Qin Shuang has studied the formation in the Zhenyao Tower every night. In the daytime, he holds the Aotian Sword while rushing to the center of the Lost Eye while comprehending Qixing.

Ten days later.

A clear sound came from Zhihai, which made a smile on Qin Shuang's face in battle. Ignoring the chain of the five laws that were besieging myself, I sacrificed my position. Covering yourself, the five laws of chains, lost their goal, and wandered away.


The five-element armor appeared on the body of Qin Shuang, covering the body surface of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang carefully perceived it. Originally, the five-element armor and the five-element sword were the best-in-class post-celestial treasures, but they were only damaged and not recovered. Qin Shuang has always been warm-hearted, and has already returned to the realm of Need for Immortals. Now it has devoured and refined light and dark materials. Although there is no qualitative improvement, it has become an innate immortal treasure, but it also has a bright upgrade, making Qin Shuang feel that the five-element armor has become stronger.

However, the appearance has become ordinary.

Qin Shuang sacrificed the five-element sword again, which was also the case. The inner became stronger and the appearance became ordinary.

This is back to nature!

Qin Shuang was very excited. These days, she is holding Aotian Sword to practice Qixingjian, which is very awkward because Aotian Sword is only metallic. Now there are five attributes of five elements sword ...

"Eh, Xiaowu, Xiaokai, you are now seven attributes. It is not appropriate to call Wuxing sword and Wuxing armor again!"

"Also!" Wuxingjian and Wuxingkai spoke at the same time: "Otherwise, we called Qixingjian and Qixingkai?"

"Inappropriate!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "If I have eleven attributes in the future, what were your names at that time? Eleven-line sword? Eleven-line armor?"

"Then ... or the master, do you give the name?"

Qin Shuang thought for a moment and said, "You are called Tianxingjian and her Tianxing armor. I usually call Tianxingjian Xiaotian, Tianxingjian Xiaokai."

"Okay, thank you Master for your name!"

"Let me try your power!"

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand, put away the plate, held the Tianxing sword, and rushed towards the distance with a few chains of law ...

Fifty years into the lost eyes.

At this time, Qin Shuang had just received the chain of the last law surrounding her attack, and the color of excitement floated between her eyebrows. She could already feel that the rule of law in front of her was extremely intense, and it was estimated that it would not take a few years before she could walk to the central area of ​​what Weiji said.

But she also has a question in her mind. Although along the way, the law chain is almost complete, and there are relatively more. But it was not as dense as the guardian said, making her unable to resist. Instead, let her capture a large number of complete law chains.

At this time, in her town demon tower, Qiling Township expanded the independent area several times, and because Qin Shuang had stopped pulling silk and peeling cocoons, he had merged the two independent areas into one. In this independent area that has been enlarged several times, there are a large number of law fragments, law locks and a large number of law chains.

And Qin Shuang has realized Qixing Chuang, and now she is integrating the law of light and darkness into the world. It's just that there hasn't been any trace of the effect yet. At this time, the world is still a five-element attribute.

In the previous Qin Shuang, a sword and a big grinding wheel were pierced, and her body would shatter. If you barely pierce the second sword, there is a danger of falling. However, now that the body has reached Tianzun, she is able to pierce two sword swords, but her body is unscathed. However, if the third sword is stabbed continuously, the body will collapse.

Now Qin Shuang has greatly increased its strength. This is because of more than ten years of continuous warfare, which has gradually stabilized her peak respect. If Qin Shuang had just broken through the peak of Di Zun, it was 90% false and 10% real, but now it is the other way around, 10% false and 90% real. And through constant fighting, she not only realized Liuhe and Qixing, but also all Taoist methods have been further comprehended, more rounded, and upgraded to a higher level. Such as cover the sky big hand, Panlong palm, phoenix fist, starlight gathering, meteor pendant and so on. Originally, these Taoisms could not keep up with her cultivation, that is to say, to release these Taoisms again, there was no threat to Di Zun. However, now that I have further realized that after jumping up the grade, I still have a great threat to Di Zun.

This is the improvement of the entire combat effectiveness, and even more experience and skills.

And her position finally reached the Grand Master's consummation level, but when she tried to be able to enter the Holy, she quickly gave up. She didn't know if she could be holy, but she knew it was impossible here. There is a lack of the most primitive and basic law of the avenue. There is no way to comprehend. So, she started alchemy in the town demon tower every night, and she wanted to raise Dandao to the Great Consummation first.

And she does not lack herbs. The most important thing in the town demon tower is herbs. Qin Shuang regained his original pattern, rushing to the road during the day and alchemy at night. In the past two years, she has seen the center of her lost eyes for fifty-two years.

At the moment when he saw the center of his lost eyes, Qin Shuang almost stunned his chin.

In her field of vision, it is like seeing the dragon's nest, the endless chain of laws, all of which are complete chains of laws, which are very densely gathered together, and the endless sight of the endless. However, they seem to be imprisoned within a range, but they wander in and out of the unbounded range, but they will not come out. This made Qin Shuang greatly relieved. If the chains of these laws rushed out, Qin Shuang's first reaction was to run away, even if she is now the first level of the body's Tianzun. but.

As she approached, the boundless chain of laws gave her greater and greater shock, and she felt smaller and smaller. The power of chains of law gathers together, and the power exudes makes the piano stand sweaty. There are not only single-attribute law chains, but also multi-attribute law chains, but there are no law chains that merge more than five attributes, but Qin Shuang is sure that this is because he is on the periphery. , Will definitely come across.

She saw several Heavenly Venerables, who were either rushing inwards to capture the multi-attribute law chains they wanted, or they were pulling silk and peeling cocoons on the periphery, not to weave laws, but to realize the Avenue. The gods also saw her, but they just looked at it and stopped paying attention.

What can I pay attention to?


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