Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2738: News

"Today is the day when the Holy Land is broken and the death is gone? Brother Wu, why haven't you returned yet ..."


A long distance away, a series of roars sounded, and the roar was like a sky collapse. The huge mushroom cloud rushed to the sky from thousands of miles away, the law of frost, the artistic conception of the avenue, and the vacant vibration.

"Brother Wu is back!" The mysterious Tianzun's spirit was revived, and Taoism became sharp again.

However, in the eyes of the two Chaos Datianzun opposite, they were not surprised. They know that there are only three Great Heavenly Venerable Lost Holy Lands, and Wu Tianzun is the strongest and the administrator of the Holy Land. If he can be shot to destroy the lost Holy Land, it will be natural.

"Dobby! You are entangled with these two Great Heavenly Venerables, and the three of us will first cut that Wutian Supreme." A chaotic Great Heavenly Venerable shouted.

The Doubian Tianzun responded, and the two ribs and thousands of arms stretched suddenly, attacking the brothers of the mysterious master, and entangled the two Holy Land Datianzun tightly, even if they destroyed several arms, and the remaining three chaos. Da Tianzun immediately turned around and rushed towards Wu Tianzun.


The sound barrier was broken and two figures came and went.

"Two?" The three chaotic Datianzun looked stunned.

However, Wu Tianzun and Weiji had already rushed up. Wu Tianzun's two big sleeves flew over, instantly covering two of them Chaotian Da Tianzun in a world of ice and snow. The law of the avenue, intensively circling and cutting towards the two Chaos Datianzun.

"So strong!"

The two Chaos clan Da Tianzun shook their hearts, and they couldn't look up to see who the other Da Tianzun was. Chaos and Taoism poured out, fighting with Wu Tianzun. And Weiji has now suppressed another chaotic Da Tianzun. He knew in his heart that Wu Tianzun entangled two Chaos Tianzun at once, not to show his strength, but to expect his old venerable Tianzun to be able to kill this chaos before he could not get entangled with those two Chaos. Zu Da Tian Zun.

He is a dual attribute of ice and fire. At this time, two large sleeves flew over, and there were countless fire dragons and ice dragons winding out. One fire dragon and one ice dragon hovered in the air, merged, and attacked toward the chaotic Great Heavenly Sovereign.

Worthy of being the venerable Tianzun!

The power of the fusion of ice and fire is amazing, especially when it is displayed in the hands of the old fairy monk, Weiji. Only between two and three, he suppressed the chaotic **** and gained an advantage.

However, Weiji frowned.

Chaos monks are very powerful, and the most powerful thing is their body. Therefore, although the Chaos clan Tianzun fell, it was able to resist. Although both parties know that under such hard resistance, it will eventually fall. However, how long it can resist, this is a worrying question.

If this Chaos Clan Da Tianzun can resist for a long time, and the other two Chaos Clan Da Tianzun has an advantage over Wu Tianzun,

Or simply kill Wu Tianzun, the Weiji side is meaningless. And the reason the guardian frowned was because he felt

It is completely impossible to kill each other in a short time.

He is the veteran big Tianzun, and that is the big Tianzun, not the saint, and the other party is also a big Tianzun, or a big Tianzun with a strong body. The two sides are heads-up. If you want to kill the other party, where is easy?

All of a sudden, in the high altitude, the Seven Heavenly Heavenly Sovereigns rolled over, but could not see the outcome.

Under the high altitude, the space was also oscillated, and the broken limbs flew.

Wu Tianzun could not help frowning. He was not without a way. If he sacrificed tokens at this time, he would be able to kill the two Chaos clan Da Tianzun in front of him. However, if that is the case, his token will have the last blow. This can't be wasted casually. This is his hole card, and the next three thousand years. Who knows what dangers will be encountered in the future?

Therefore, he is waiting, whether the guard can be robbed before he is invincible, beheading the Chaos clan Da Tianzun.

He saw the holy monk below continue to fall, but his heart was as hard as iron. For the future of the Holy Land, the death of the monks of the Holy Land is insignificant.

As long as he can keep the Holy Land, even if he falls, he will not hesitate!

The next three thousand years will be a moment for a great Tianzun like him. However, for the holy place where the saint Zuoyan was lost, three thousand years is a long time. He can conclude that there will be countless dangers in the future, and all he can rely on is the token of the two attacks.

Through the conversation with Qin Shuang, he already knew the situation of the whole fairyland nowadays, and the hundreds of people constantly monitored and tested the Holy Land. He firmly believed that this time the lost holy land was attacked by the Chaos clan, it must be that Chaos wanted to detonate the chaos of the whole fairyland. But only Chaoxue and the five holy places know chaos. This is because the saints are from these holy places. Bai people do not know. Therefore, they do not know the existence of chaos, nor will they believe that chaos exists, even if the five holy places tell them.

Therefore, the five holy places must be attacked by the Chaos clan at the same time, and the hundreds of clan must also be found.

What will happen in this way?

Hundreds will find that the saints have disappeared!

What will they do?

If you think about it with ass, you will know that they will start a war and **** the inheritance of the Holy.


No one can refuse this attraction!

As long as the inheritance of the saints is grabbed, even if the seven saints did not fall, it just happened. But, before the return of the saint, once the monk who grabs the inheritance of the saint breaks through the holy level?

What about the Seven Saints?

The war must be launched!

The difference is that the Hundred Coalition will attack the five holy sites first, or the Yuanyuan Continent first.

Therefore, Wu Tianzun did not dare to use the token easily. Once the war broke out among the Hundreds, the danger was much more severe than the siege of the Holy Land by the Chaos.

After all, the Chaos tribe besieged the Holy Land, just a Chaos tribe of a continent. But the war broke out among the hundreds of people, and it was a coalition of dozens of continents. Lost the token card, the so-called holy land, can not stop the attack of the hundreds.

At this time, Qin Shuang is still on the road. At the same time, what are the Bai people doing?


The Hundred Clan monk squads once sent to the five holy sites have all returned to the continent and brought back the news that the five holy sites were attacked by the Chaos. The most important news is that the saint has never appeared.

This could not help the spirit of the Bai people to rise, greed rose from the heart.

This is an opportunity for them!

The Seven Saints have always been on their heads like the seven mountains, and now is the opportunity to overthrow the seven mountains, and it is likely to be the only chance in their voice, and the only chance to have a chance to be holy As long as they can grab the heritage of the Holy.

The agenda of the meeting is divided into several aspects.

In the first aspect, should we take advantage of this opportunity to break out of war?


The second aspect is to attack the five holy sites first, or to attack the Yuanyuan continent first?

The controversy is great.


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