Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2743: Dogfight

Seeing Qin Shuang's miserable situation, Wu Tianzun's three Great Heavenly Venerables were anxious, completely abandoned their defenses, and furiously attacked that Chaosian Great Heavenly Venerable, who was already injured.

However, it is really not easy to kill a big Tianzun, it is not so easy to kill one big Tianzun with three big Tianzuns, because everyone is a big Tianzun, the realm is the same, but the accumulation of the number is a lot harder . At this point, they are really not as good as a large array of pianos.

The large array of Qin Shuang in the Tianxing Sect can kill Da Tianzun, and can even cause a little trouble for the saints. This is the transcendence of the realm, the transcendence of the quality, not the accumulation of quantity. At that time, Qin Shuang was not in a perfect position. Today's Qin Shuang is in a perfect circle, and the layout is improved. So if Qin Shuang can make the big formation, it is really more simple than the three Da Tianzun.

Qin Shuang's current power on the line can no longer be improved, unless she enters the Holy, the Holy Road into the large array, and Qin Shuang now has a short board, it can not be formed in a flash. She sometimes wondered if she could use the flag to capture the law of the avenue between the heavens and the earth.

She also studied it, but then it became clear that she wanted to form a group, and I was afraid that she would have to be holy.

Therefore, the current piano pair can only use the appearance of embarrassment to cover up the fact that they are in formation.

And she is really embarrassed, not pretending!

She was really beaten by the opponent without any counterattack. Even if she is an adult, she only has the strength of Tianzun's later period. How is it a big Tianzun's opponent?

The opposite Chaotian Datianzun became more and more wild, and the mighty Chaos Taoism was pouring down, with a wanton laugh in his mouth:

"Ha ha ha ... ants, how many fairy signs do you have? Stay away from the holy land and escape, otherwise you will fall here."

This is also the chaotic Da Tianzun seeing Qin Shuang always able to take out the Xianfu to make up the rune. It seems that it only makes up to 30 feet. It seems that there are not many Xianfu. Before the Holy Land, his companion was already at stake under the three siege of Wu Tianzun. Therefore, he would rather let Qin Shuang respect the ants, rather than waste time on Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang did not speak, and once again made up Fu Ren's body to thirty feet, and then tumbled and fled. The chaos clan Da Tianzun's killing intention became stronger and stronger, the attacks were more intensive, and the destruction of the fairy symbol on Qin Shuang became faster.


Qin Shuang breathed out inside the rune, and she finally arranged the large array. Immediately Xuanzhi sent a message to Weiji:

"Senior, I have set up a large formation to enclose the two of you. You are now rushing to the chaotic clan Da Tianzun who is fighting me, and your opponent is handed over to me."

The look of Weiji was stunned, and the hands that were fighting against the Chaos clan Datianzun were all shaking, thinking that Qin Shuang was just fleeing in embarrassment, arranging a large formation meaninglessly, but did not expect that this girl secretly laid out a large formation, Circle yourself and Chaos Clan Da Tianzun in it.

This not only gave him a trace of fear for Qin Shuang, it was too unpredictable.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang is on his side!


There was a muffled sound in the void under Weiji's feet. Under his feet, the void violently rippled a circle of broken ripples, and Weiji's figure was like a meteor, towards the great Tianzun who played against Qin Shuang When he dashed away, in just an instant, he rushed out of Qin Shuang's large array, stopped in front of Qin Shuang, and attacked Da Tianzun who was releasing Chaos Dao to Qin Shuang.

The Da Tianzun, who was left behind by the guardian, was obviously stunned. No one would think that the guardian who had been fighting with him for a long time would suddenly let him go.

In this stunned time, Wei Ji rushed out of the envelope of the large array, and that Da Tian Zun was hesitating whether to continue to chase the Wei Ji or attack Qin Shuang.

"Buzz ..."

His face changed, and a large formation enveloped the void, covering him inside. The war with a diameter of five hundred miles alarmed all the monks in the sky. All the battles could not be eased, and each monk's heart could not help but have a strange idea.

"This is another formation? It turns out to be another one!"

"Booming ..."

A violent and dense roar came from within the large array, and every monk knew in his heart that the chaotic clan Da Tianzun was finished.

Because there is precedent!

Wei Ji and Wu Tianzun shook their hearts, Qin Shuang ... became the point of victory ...


Qin Shuang detonated the large array, and everything in the large array was revealed, blood was spilled, residual limbs and flesh were shot at Tianwei, and the rules were scattered.

Datianzun fell ...


The Tian Tianzun, who was besieged by the three Wu Tianzun, looked up at the head and shouted, and saw dozens of figures flying from the ground. These dozens of figures all exuded the power of the Tianzun. Although it is not the Datianzun, it is also the Tianzun From early to late Tianzun. Most of them went towards the siege of Wu Tianzun, but there were also five Tianzun who came towards Qin Shuangbao.

Originally on the ground, the Chaos tribe had an advantage. Although dozens of Heavenly Venerables made the Chaos tribe on the ground begin to be at a disadvantage, as long as the Great Heavenly Venerable such as Wu Tianzun above the sky was killed, the winning balance will once again go to the Chaos pouring.

Because of their large number.

"Shoot ..."

There is also a Heavenly Venerable of the Holy Land on the ground flying towards the air, wanting to stop those Chaos of the Celestial Venerables, but there are Chaos of the Celestial Venerables on the ground, and there are not enough Chaos of the Celestial Venerables on the ground, so there are a large number of Chaos of the Celestial Venerables, giving birth Forgetting towards the holy places Tianzun, the battle instantly became fierce.

Qin Shuang's face showed a trace of anxiety. There were not many fairy signs in her storage ring, and she could barely construct a hundred giant. But the five Chaos tribes that rushed to her were all in the late Xianzun period, and she once laid out opponents in the inner circle, dying the big heavenly venerable, and once arranging the formation of the anti-circle and defending the big heavenly venom, and the dying opponents. This time it is impossible to try to kill opponents with the formation method. Regardless of whether it is the inner circle or the outer circle, it will be noticed by the Chaos and there is no chance. There is no chance to win against the opponent with the other person, but only how long can I hold on.

After glancing at the taboo, there is no Tianzun as an attack, and his opponent is only the Chaos clan big Tianzun, so he has the advantage. Take another look at the three Wu Tianzun. At this time, the situation began to become unsatisfactory. He was besieged by nearly 30 Tianzuns who were unequal, and one of them was injured. Although he had not fallen into the wind, this moment, It also killed two Tianzun, but it was impossible to get out to help Qin Shuang.


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