Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2746: Become a master of the book, 170317232920044, and become a master of Gadget!

Tian Xingzong does not have that strength, and put it rigidly in that position, it is not grateful, it is destroying Tian Xingzong.

What role are the youngest brothers of this Holy Land Alliance?

For example, the Holy Land Taixu Sect, their younger brother is the Nine Great Sect Gates of Shangyuan Continent, and within the Five Great Holy Lands, there are naturally forces similar to the Nine Great Sect Gates.

The others are followers. In fact, in the eyes of the Holy Land, Tian Xingzong is a follower, or even cannon fodder.

What do you have?

How many respects are there?

Does anybody respect mid-term?

In addition to your Qin Shuang, it is estimated that there are some early respects?

Such strength is at the bottom of the entire fairy world, that is, the third-class sect gate. Even if you count the peak of your dignity, is it barely the bottom of the second-class sect gate?

Such strength is not cannon fodder?

According to Wu Tianzun's idea, he accepted Tian Xingzong into the Holy Land Alliance at that time, and then avoided placing Tian Xingzong in the position of cannon fodder and elevating Tian Xingzong to his position of follower. Although the position of the follower is not good, it is safer than cannon fodder?

Qin Shuang has the sentiment to go to Taixuzong and send the jade jade and tokens to the five holy sites. Compared with the position of a follower, all parties will not say anything.

However, it is different now.

Tian Xingzong is weak, but Tian Xingzong's piano pair is strong. Beheading the two great Tianzun and the five Tianzun later alone is the only person who can raise Tianxingzong to the first-class sect, of course, it will still be a bottom presence. However, at the bottom, it is also a first-class sect, and has the qualification to be a younger brother. If you lose the Holy Land and cannot kill Da Tianzun, in the future, you will lose face in front of this little brother.

In fact, Wu Tianzun knew in his heart that if there were a few more heavenly ancestors, a dozen earthly esteems, and dozens of esteemed ancestors in the Tianxing Sect, let alone the first-class sect, they could barely sit on par with the Holy Land, because There is no saint in the alliance.

It is a pity that Tian Xingzong is only one person strong, and it is not strong enough to be formidable.

However, no matter what, Wu Tianzun must show the dignity of the Holy Land, and they must behead this big Tianzun.

Four Great Heavenly Venerables, Qin Shuang slashed two. If Weiji slashed one more, in the end they only slashed one, which is already shameful. If you can't even kill one, you really can't lift your head before the two sides of the piano.

Qin Shuang didn't spend all her life doing loose training. She had been an emperor and a suzerain, so as soon as she saw Wu Tianzun's three fights, she thought about Wu Tianzun's psychology after thinking a little. In this way, she was really bad to help Wu Tianzun three monks.

"Forget it, let's go to each other's destiny. If you go to help kill Da Tianzun and Tianzun at this time, it's not a help, it's a face-slap, a hatred!"

Qin Shuang turned his gaze back, and he didn't think about helping him. Everyone has the upper hand, what are you going to do?

That's robbing monsters!

Will offend people!

Therefore, she looked at the battlefield on the ground.

In fact, on the battlefield on the ground, the Holy Land is still downwind. Although it has left more than 30 Chaos Clan Heavenly Venerables, there are too few monks in the Holy Land. The number of Chaos Clan plus Chaos Beast is tens of thousands of times that of the Holy Land monks. Although because of the departure of more than 30 Chaos Clan Tianzun, the holy land was vacated for more than 20 Tianzun, each of which could be one enemy. However, this has only changed the local fighting situation and has not affected the whole situation that much.

"Then help the following!"

Qin Shuang put away the Zhuxian crossbow. She was ready to help the Holy Land quantitatively. Now there are too few Holy Land monks, and they can no longer completely prevent the Chaos from continuing to attack the large formation. They were all entangled by the chaos monks, and the remaining chaotic beasts like the sea were powerless to stop them. The chaotic beasts continued to slap the holy land like waves. Although their attacks are too far away from the Chaos monks, they are all brute force or low-level supernatural powers, because they have no laws of comprehension, and there is no substantial threat to breaking through the large array, but they can delay the recovery of the large array.

This is the most terrible!

The monks who lost the Holy Land risked falling, what is the purpose of rushing out of the large formation?

Isn't it that the large array can't hold on to being continuously attacked?

They came out to intercept the Chaos clan's attack and allow the large formation to recover. However, the continuous attacks of this chaotic beast delayed the recovery of the large formation.

The monks who lost the holy land rushed out for the first time to intercept the attack of the Chaos tribe, and when they were restored to the large array, there were still many monks in the holy land at that time, and they were really able to intercept the attack of the Chaos tribe. Regardless of whether they are mastering the rules, the chaotic monks who were born with wisdom, or the chaotic beasts who have not mastered the rules and are muddy, they all use their lives to cut off the attack. Therefore, at that time, it took only one day for the Lost Holy Land Great Array to fully recover, and the monks who lost the Holy Land returned to the Great Array, and the Great Array was able to persist under the attack of the Chaos for one year.

A year later, the monks who lost the Holy Land came out again to intercept the Chaos clan ’s attack, but the last time many monks fell, and the chaos clan ’s interception was slightly worse. restore. However, they spent longer than the first time to intercept the Chaos outside the large formation, and there were more monks falling, more monks falling, fewer monks left, and fewer monks left, third The time it takes to intercept the Chaos attack is longer, and then there are more monks falling, and fewer monks are left.

This is a vicious circle. There are fewer and fewer monks in the Holy Land, and the attack time for cutting off the Chaos clan is getting longer and longer. By the time they last came out, they had to fight for 16 days outside the large formation. It is because they are too small in number, they can only intercept the attacks of Chaos clan monks, but not the attacks of Chaos beasts.

And now?

Fewer monks have lost the Holy Land!

If it were n’t for Qin Shuangyin ’s death of the two Great Heavenly Venerables, which attracted more than thirty Heavenly Venerables, and made the pressure on the ground less, now the Holy Land monks would fall more. It took only a month to recover the big formation.

How long can the monk who lost the holy land persist for twenty days?

I am afraid that one year later, it will be cut off once again, and the monks who have lost the Holy Land will be almost dead. What if Wu Tianzun remains?

In such a war, the individual's power has been reduced to a very low level.

For example, in a mortal world, an ant and a mortal would effortlessly pinch the ant to death. But when the ants that can't see the edge spread towards a city, the number of ants is more than a thousand times that of mortals. Juniors, when the ants cross the border, the mortals will only have the bones and no one left.



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