Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2748: Be careful

You have to know that after Qin Shuang's Xuan Zhiji has solidified ninety-nine, no matter how she practices, it is already difficult to gain a trace of growth. In this way, Qin Shuang has another motivation to release the violent bell.

Going out of the town demon tower, watching dozens of Tianzun around and more than 100 Dizun bombarding around in the late stage. At this time, hiding in the field, assassination of these Chaos with the Zhuxian crossbow is the most effective, but Qin Shuang does not. Those Zhu Xian crossbows are all hard-worked by Qin Shuang. The refining process and energy consumption are very It's huge, it takes a long time, and the materials needed are very advanced. Qin Shuang does not want to waste here, this kind of hole card should stay in the most dangerous situation.

She remained in the town demon tower for more than a month, and still did not reduce the violent bell. Therefore, it did not have much effect on the monks with more than one level of Tianzun. She turned her eyes to those deities. Lips opened slightly, and a vibrating sound came from his throat. A big clock with a diameter of only one mile appeared on the head of a Di Zu later, and then buckled.


The big bell dissipated, and the late Di Zun's body fell from the air.

"Dangdang Dang ..."

Qin Shuang continuously released the bell of violent bells, and within a short time, six Di Zun later became headless corpses and fell from the air.

"Hulah ..."

Those Heavenly Venerable and Dizun could not help but retreat to the distance in panic, and opened the distance from the array, so that the encirclement circle expanded and the loopholes became larger. Qin Shuang once again built the Baizhang Rune, closed the position, slammed his body forward, slapped a hand, and slapped a Di Zun later, once again throwing those Tian Zun and Di Zun behind him, flying around the Holy Land Get up, and at the same time release the bells of violent bells, and the bells ring for thousands of miles.

"Dangdang Dang ..."

Crowds of Chaos beasts on the ground kept falling, but this time Tianzun and Dizun were hesitant when chasing Qin Shuang. Their hearts originally thought that Qin Shuang's violent bells could only kill Chaos Beast. These law monks have no effect. However, after Qin Shuang killed six Di Zuns with violent bells, they knew they were wrong. Not only Di Zun was afraid, but those Tian Zun were also afraid in the early days. Although the two sides of the piano did not release the violent bells to them, who would have no effect on them!

Therefore, these Heavenly Venerable and Dizun chased a bit procrastination, far from being as crazy as before. This alleviated Qin Shuang's pressure, and violent bells fell around the lost holy land. In the sky, the chaotic clan Datian is anxious. If this continues, it will greatly shorten the recovery time of the Holy Array. Now that they are in a falling trend, how can they let those low-level chaotic clan get idle?

The order of the immediate death battle was given, which was also the will that Chaos left to them in this space. In this space, there was no Chaos Clan and Chaos Beast that dared to violate the will of Chaos, even the muddled Chaos Beast, instinctively and thoroughly execute the Chaos The will of the person.

Therefore, Chaos Clan and Chaos Beast are crazy again, Chaos Beast furiously attacks the large formation, Chaos Clan furiously attacks the Holy Land monks, those Heavenly Venerable and Di Zun, frantically chase Qin Shuang. When he reached Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang drove the Baizhang Rune crazy to fly while releasing the violent bell.

The power of Xuan was almost consumed, so he sacrificed the battlefield and entered the town demon tower, while restoring the power of Xuan, while comprehending the violent bell.

The town demon tower was more than a month inside, and there was not much rest outside. When Qin Shuang realized the accumulation of violent bell sounds in the town demon tower for more than ten years, she finally reduced the violent bell sounds to a diameter of 400 meters, and the accumulated time from the outside world had passed by nearly three days. Qin Shuang has turned around the Holy Land six times in these three days. Basically, he looks like two circles a day, that is, he will kill the Chaos Beast in a ring of thousands of miles in diameter around the Holy Land.

The killing six times back and forth seems to kill a lot of Chaos beasts, but compared with the total amount of Chaos beasts, it is really tiny. However, it played an effect of interrupting and continuing to attack the large formation to speed up the recovery of the large formation. With Qin Shuang's vision and line-up experience, give the large array another four days, it is estimated that they will be fully recovered, and they can hide in the large array and repair for one year. In this year, monks from all over the world will come one after another to add new strength to the monks of the Holy Land. The balance of war will tilt towards the Holy Land over time.

The key is to survive these four days, and within these four days, Qin Shuang still needs to interrupt the Chaos Beast's attack with a violent bell. If Qin Shuang can't interrupt the Chaos Beast's tide attack as before, the time for the large array to recover Will be extended.

However, now that Qin Shuang has encountered problems, her rune cannot last so long.

The Rune is made of Immortal Rune, and is consumed every moment. Although there is no Datianzun attacking her like before, it is also necessary to fly in this way. The rune of Qin Shuang can only be no longer. Hold on for two days, it will be exhausted and dissipated.

Without the protection of Rune, Qin Shuang was in extreme danger. Of course, she could hide in the array, but in that case, she could not continue to circle around the Holy Land and could only release a violent bell around a place, For the large array of recovery help effect is not great.

Looking up at the sky, the chaos clan Da Tianzun, who was fighting against Weiji, had completely fallen into the downwind, covered with blood, and all the wounds on his body, the bones inside were exposed, not far from the fall, but The Chaos clan is still fighting.

Qin Shuang was relieved that there was no longer any concern in this battlefield. If the Chaos clan Datianzun did not retreat to death, he would eventually die. Turning his head to look at another battlefield, nearly thirty Tianzun have already left more than a dozen at this time, and more than ten Tianzun have been killed by three Wu Tianzun, but the Chaos clan big Tianzun has not died, and still carries With the remaining dozens of Heavenly Venerables, three crazy attacks on Wutianzun, but the situation of the three Wutianzun is very bad.

However, Qin Shuang was not worried. When the heavenly **** of a certain holy land was about to fall, Wutianzun would not be stingy with that token anymore.

Then go for it!

Qin Shuang stopped flying, sacrificed the position, and hid inside the position. Although this hundred-footed man can still persist for two days. But the main function of these two days was to fly, and from time to time, they were attacked by some less violent ones. If something happens to the lost holy land, Qin Shuang needs to run away. At that time, maybe she was under the attack of Datianzun, so let alone two days, it may not be able to hold on for two quarters. Therefore, she needs to keep this charmed person as a means of escape, which can relieve some of the pressure of her escape.


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