Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2754: Starlight Continent

Wu Tianzun did not retain it. Knowing that Qin Shuang was in a hurry, Qin Shuang went to see Wei Ji, and after leaving Wei Ji, he collided into the big battle and rushed out of the big battle.

"Click ..."

It turned into a lightning and flew away.

The eyes of the Chaos clan monks on the ground flickered, but in the end no one intercepted Qin Shuang, because they all knew that it was useless to intercept that monk, and the chaos clan monks who went were poor in strength. Clan monk is strong, she will hide in that position, and then sneak attack on you, really cunning, might as well let her go.

Well gone!

She is gone, and our chaos is missing a threat.

Therefore, Qin Shuang walked very smoothly and flew towards the passage leading to Shangyuan mainland. She flew high in the gang wind layer, avoiding encountering the monk who lost the holy land assistance, so as not to waste time to explain, so after more than three years, she fell at the entrance of the passageway, her eyebrows raised, and she perceived keenly There are many consciousnesses sweeping around, coming from all directions, far or near, Qin Shuang knew in his heart that this should be a monk who came here from a hundred people. All of them are Heavenly Venerables, so they only use their consciousness to observe themselves unscrupulously, thinking that their Venerables cannot feel it.

However, Qin Shuang also pretended not to know, plunged into the passage, and ran away in the direction of Shangyuan mainland.

The monks of the Bai ethnicity who monitored did not take Qin Shuang, they really did not know Qin Shuang, an insignificant person.

Starlight Continent.

Soul Lock River.

The gray sky, countless chaotic laws are spreading, changing the vitality of the starlight continent, turning into a trace of chaotic gas, pervading the entire heaven and earth.

The sun disappeared, and there was no moon, and the stars disappeared. They were all obscured by the dense gray chaos, like a sky curtain.

Even the snow was not crystal white, but bleak gray.

The whole Soul Lock River is completely covered by the gray mist. Along the banks of the Soul Lock River is gradually lowered land, which also has a tendency to gradually become gray.

On the left bank of the Soul Lock River, there is a fortress every kilometer, and there is a high outpost in the fort, where the monk is standing, staring at the right bank with vigilance.

On the right bank of the Soul Lock River, there is a vast forest. From the forest, from time to time, it emits gray mist, which is horrifying.

Left bank.

At the top of a sentry tower, a white-robed monk stood, and his gaze swept across the Soullock River.


A dull thunder sounded in the sky, but there was no thunder.

got windy!

The robe of the white robe monk was hunted by the strong wind, but his figure was still tall, and there was no hint of coldness.

A glance at the forest opposite, the branches shaking, the sound of the leaves clattering, heard clearly across a river.

"Shoot ..."

A figure rose from the ground and landed on the sentry tower. It was a blue-robed monk, looking at the opposite bank, and said softly:

"Is there any movement?"

"No!" The white robe shook his head.

"The situation is getting worse!"


"Zong Ting, are they back?"



There was a loud noise across the bank, but after the loud noise, there was no more noise. The two monks on the sentry tower were all condensed, and their eyes became cold.

From a short distance inside the fort came a female cultivator, slender and gentle. Void stepped and fell behind two monks on the outpost.

"What's the sound? What happened on the other side?"

Both the white robe and the blue robe gently shook their heads, gazing deeply toward the opposite bank.

On the other side, only the wind blew the sound of the leaves, as if there had never been a roar before, the unpenetrating forest, the impenetrable chaos.

The dense gray fog gives a feeling of depression.

"Isn't Zong Ting them?" Baipao whispered.

The blue robe hesitated and said: "Nothing happened to the squad that recently went to the other side for exploration. Presumably they will not have an accident?"

The nun frowned slightly: "It shouldn't have happened, nor have they usually returned so early."

All three were silent, which was not a matter of time. The nun also comforted herself. Halfway, the nun asked:

"I don't know when the situation will get better?"

"Those Tianzun in the Tiangong Temple are fighting with the Chaos clan's great Tianzun outside Tiantian. Before there is any accurate news, we have to defend."

"Defense! Every day is defense!" Blue robe's popularity fluctuates: "We are defending when we come to the front?"

A sigh of coldness flashed in the eyes of the white robe: "We will attack sooner or later."

Right bank.

Among the forest.

A small team of five people is now surrounding a killed chaos, dissecting quickly, collecting useful materials, and whispering:

"Brother Zong Ting, this area has been much calmer recently. It is not easy to find a chaotic family. It has been more than a month. There is no danger at all, but it gives us the opportunity to collect materials, and it is not too small. Fortune, hehe ... "

"This is not normal!" Zong Tingsheng said in a deep voice: "But I can't understand it, and it doesn't matter if I don't understand it. That's because our cultivation base is low. Taking advantage of our current opportunities, we can find more resources and try to improve our cultivation base. This is the way to protect yourself. "

"Brother Zong, I heard that a lot of teams have been formed on the left bank, all of them have entered the right bank, and a lot of hunting and killing of other teams have taken place. Are we also robbing?"

Zong Ting pondered a bit: "This is a good idea. Anyway, here is the front line. It is normal to die inexplicably."

"Brother Zong, our hostile Zongmen, Qingyun Zong is not far from us, and I heard that a small team led by Wu Yuzi is also active on the right bank."

"Blackfish roe! Zeng Ting's eyes flashed coldly. His brother was beheaded by blackfish roe. He had long wanted to take revenge and never found a chance."

"The mullet roe is not easy to deal with!" A female Xiu said with some worry: "At the beginning, our master brother was killed by the evil thief in a ruin. For even more profound. "

"Let's discuss it first." Zong Tingdao said.

At this time, the prey had been packed up, and the five men continued to delve deeper while negotiating in a low voice.

In the thick gray mist not far from them, Qin Jingyun converged his breath, and a trace of terror flashed in his eyes.

"Can't be found by them, you must go back and inform Brother Wu Yuzi."

Seeing that Zong Ting's five people were approaching slowly, Qin Jingyun began to move slowly in one direction. It was no coincidence that the place he was hiding was the direction of Zong Ting's movement. He did not dare to fly, as that would reveal the breath and vitality, and they would be discovered by Zong Ting and they, so he converged his breath and stepped back carefully step by step.


Thank you so much for Ziyan (500) and seaphay (100)!



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