Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2759: Void Wars

"Hmm!" Qin Shuang just nodded and asked nothing.

"This is because both the Immortal Venerable of our Human Race and the Immortal Venerable of the Chaos Race went to heaven. In the Star Continent, only the monk of the Immortal Venerate is left. Of course, there is still me in the Human Race, and one in the Chaos Race Tianzun. The two of us are only co-ordinating, but not directly.

The key to all changes is beyond heaven.

Sect Master Qin, you came from Shangyuan mainland, but what news did you hear?

This clan war is different from the past.

The Chaos clan seems to have a mortal heart. It is not that the Tiangong Palace was destroyed, the human clan is destroyed, or that their chaos clan is extinct. Why is this happening? "

Qin Shuang did not answer, because once this matter was answered, there was more to say, and some things could be said, and some things could not be said, it was better not to say at all, but asked directly:

"Where is Yuntianzun outside of heaven?"

Ou Yezi shook his head.

Qin Shuang raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, some headache. The sky is so vast, where does she go?

"However, I guess they should not be too far from Shangyuan mainland." Ou Yezi said.

Qin Shuang thought for a while and then said: "So, the juniors go to heaven and see."

Ou Yezi didn't stop it, and couldn't stop it. He only said: "Master Qin takes care."

Accompanied by Ou Yezi, Qin Shuang walked out of the hall, and soon Hua Taixiang and Qin Jingyun came out of the side hall and looked at Qin

Double, Qin Shuangbian Road:

"Let's go!"

Ou Yezi has always sent Qin Shuang out of the Tiangong Palace, and the two parties paid a courtesy farewell. Qin Shuang walked out of the city with Hua Taixiang and Qin Jingyun. Ou Yezi returned to the Temple of Heaven, stood above the main hall, and looked at the Qin Shuang in the city. He wanted to see if Qin Shuang would actually go to Tianwai.

Qin Shuang and his party walked out of the city of Tiangong City and came to the wilderness. Qin Shuang raised his head and looked at the starry sky. After his figure rose, he flew straight towards the starry sky, and Hua Taixiang and Qin Jingyun followed. .

Gang Feng layer, Lei layer, Qin Jingyun is struggling to resist, Qin Shuang's metaphysics is concerned about Qin Jingyun, when Qin Jingyun finally can not resist Zi Lei, the body begins to collapse, Qin Shuang will Qin Jingyun into the town Demon tower.

Qin Jingyun was not the first time he entered the town demon tower. He had come in when he was in the warrior continent. However, his jaw almost fell off in shock.

"Change ... changed ..."

Where is this the town demon tower he remembered?

At that time, there were only two or three Lingshan in the town demon tower, but look now?

There are thousands of fairy mountains, and the fairy spirit in the town demon tower is so outrageous. Just taking a breath, I felt my body becoming transparent.

Zhen Lao's figure appeared beside him, handing him a Vientiane fruit, Qin Jingyun saluted Zhen Lao, and then ate the Vientiane fruit. He knew that he would stay here for a short period of time, where the immortal spirit is strong and there is no shortage of roads, just to improve his cultivation.

He also knew in his heart why Qin Shuang let him bear the thunder layer all the way until his body began to collapse. This was because a lot of erysipelas had accumulated in his body, and the erysipelas was eliminated by the thunder layer. At this time, although he was seriously injured, he discovered that there was no trace of erysipelas in his body.

Sitting cross-legged, he began to exercise his strength.


Qin Shuang and Hua Taixiang rushed out of the Starland and stood in the void. In the void, everything is silent, and Qin Shuang and Hua Taixiang haven't moved. The two are looking for fluctuations in the void.

After a long time, the flower Taixiang, who still has space magic power, looked in one direction:

"Sister, over there."

Qin Shuang jumped into Hua Taixiang's back and said, "It's all up to you!"

"no problem!"

Hua Taixiang turned into a big dog and flew in that direction.


His figure disappeared into one space node, sprang out of the next space node, and plunged into another space node.

After such a quarter of an hour, Hua Taixiang came out of a space node and no longer plunged into it. Standing in this position, Qin Shuang can feel the fluctuations in space. The fluctuations are getting larger, more and more, and more and more intense. Qin Shuang knows that he has found a place.

Qin Shuang did not rush to go. First, he explored Xuanzhi into Zhenyao Tower. Then he saw that Qin Jingyun in Zhenyao Tower had recovered his injuries and was practicing. In front of Qin Jingyun. Qin Jingyun opened his eyes and said:

"Old town!"

Zhen Lao handed a jade box to Qin Jingyun. Qin Jingyun took the jade box and saw a heavy seal on the jade box. He looked up at the old town. Old Town Road:

"You can open it directly!"

Qin Jingyun knew that these seals had been released, and he could open it directly. He reached out and opened the jade box. The jade box had just opened a gap, and the breath of the Dao Law came out of it.

Qin Jingyun was not surprised but rejoiced, because the law of the avenue was exactly the water attribute he needed. Open the jade box completely, and you will see a piece of water property law lying inside. Old Town Road:

"You are here to disintegrate the law fragments, and then re-knit into your own law. When this law fragment is exhausted, you call me again, and I will give you another one."

"Thanks to the old town!"

Qin Jingyun rejoiced that Zhen Lao's figure faded away. Qin Jingyun took a deep breath and began to peel off the pieces of the law.

Qin Shuang recovered his consciousness, and then said to Hua Taixiang: "You should also enter the town demon tower, go to the town to rule the fragments of the old master law, and upgrade your cultivation to the peak of human respect as soon as possible."

Hua Taixiang laughed: "Sister, if I ascend to the peak of human respect as soon as possible, then as long as I sleep, I will be able to break through to earth respect, maybe I will soon overtake you if I am cultivated."

Qin Shuang shook his head, waved his hand, and put Huataixiang into Zhenyao Tower.

Magical monsters like Huataixiang can be upgraded by sleeping, and there is no bottleneck, but his sleep is extremely long, and he wants more than Qin Shuang's cultivation, just thinking about it.

Qin Shuang has condensed her breath and slowly leaned towards the center of the turbulent space. She has already arrived here. She is not in a hurry and is mainly safe. Gradually, a group of monks appeared in her field of vision. It was really a group. The total number of human races and chaotic races was more than five thousand. There were heavenly, earthly, and respectable people. Of course, the most respected people, followed by earth respected, the least respected.

Qin Shuang was separated by thousands of miles, and he stood still, looking towards the battlefield.

The battlefield is very broad, and every pair of monks who fight against each other occupies a thousand miles of void. This is no way, let alone the Heavenly Venerable, that is, the battle between the human respects, its power can also spur thousands of miles, if the distance between them is small Now, that's a dogfight. However, it is clear that neither the Chaos or the Terrans want to fight.


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