Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2765: Nothing Thunder

Qin Shuang nodded, so was Shuang Yuan of Qin Shuang. She didn't know that once she was trapped inside, could she come out before Shou Yuan was exhausted?

After walking for three days, Qin Shuang suddenly stopped.


Qin Shuang shook his head slightly to stop Qin Jingyun. In the roar of the Thunder of Nothingness from time to time, she heard the voice of Taoism. Although mixed with Lei Yin, it seemed very weak, but Qin Shuang believed that he had heard it correctly.

Qin Jingyun saw Qin Shuang's gaze, then he raised his ears and listened. Then his face changed, and he heard faintly. He looked at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang sighed. They had walked in for three days. According to the star map, at the speed of the two of them, they could go out in two days, and they could not quit at this time.

"Come on, be careful."

"Well!" Qin Jingyun said: "Sister, some people are fighting in such a dangerous place, maybe they have already entered other paths, deviated from the correct direction of going out, we will not encounter."

"I hope so!" Qin Shuang frowned slightly.

Although the speed of the two did not change, they began to be cautious and cautious. After walking for about three hours, the two men paused with a face.

At this time, the path they are in is very wide, and there are thousands of miles. But in front of them, there are 16 monks fighting. These 16 monks are all heavenly priests.

When Qin Shuang crashed, Qin Jingyun was taken into Zhenyao Tower. Sixteen Tianzun are fighting, even if a trace of power can meet Qin Jingyun, Qin Jingyun can't resist. Then she began to observe the 16 Tianzun who were fighting fiercely.

The eyebrows couldn't help but the sixteen monks were divided into two camps, one camp had only three monks, and one camp had thirteen monks. The three monks are human races, but the thirteen monks are not human races. But it is not a race, it is composed of monks of five races. But in common, both sides are heavenly respected.

The three human races are all mid-day ancestors, and the thirteen monks of the hundred races, one of which is the late epoch of heaven, six of them are the middle epoch of heaven, and the rest are all in the early days of ancestral ancestry.

Even so, Qin Shuang has no intention of reaching out. The battle between the monks is very common, and it cannot be distinguished by race. Intrusive insertion is a scourge. And at this time, both parties also saw Qin Shuang, but the three human races did not ask Qin Shuang for help, nor did they try to kill Qin Shuang in this direction. It seemed that they did not want to implicate Qin Shuang, but gave Qin Shuang some Goodwill.

Of course, it may also be disappointed to see Qin Shuang as a Di Zun.

However, the three human race monks did not turn to Qin Shuang for help, but those 13 Baizu Tianzun did not want to let Qin Shuang go. There will be one immediately

At the beginning, Ge Tianzun broke away from the battlefield and rushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and knew in his heart that this was the fact that those Baizu Tianzun did not want to kill the human race Tianzun here, so he had to kill himself as an insider.

Qin Shuang couldn't help but smile, he just took a short cut and went back home, and encountered this kind of thing. Before that Tianzun's early approach, he shouted to him:

"Hey, I'm just passing by, you hit you, don't entertain me!"

Qin Shuang is not a late-tempered temperament. From the moment when Tianzun rushed towards her, she was ready to start. Shouting to that person, just paralyzing each other, the last "I" was just spoken, and the vibrating sound was sent out from the throat.


The monk on the opposite side has rushed within ten miles. Within this range, he was confident that a deity could not escape his killer, and now ridiculed:

"Let you understand, later..."

A large clock with a diameter of three hundred meters suddenly appeared on his head. The void was even more primitive, with dimples flowing and buckling down.


The two sides in the fierce battle couldn't help but look blank. The big clock in the void space became illusory and eventually disappeared, but the head of the Tianzun burst and the corpse floated in the void.

Since Qin Shuang had already shot, he no longer hesitated, rushed towards the battlefield, and released a violent bell. At the beginning of another day, Tianzun's head shattered, the void concussed, and the thunder of thunder suddenly sounded on both sides.


One of the three Terran monks raised his hand to break the law of greatness, bombarded a startled Tianzun in the initial stage, broke a gap in the surrounding circle, and drank:


Then he took the other two people out of the gap and rushed towards Qin Shuang, and said at the same time:

"Daoyou, we stopped them for you, and asked Daoyou to inform the next three people of this matter."

When the words fell, he threw his hand and threw a jade jade. Qin Shuang raised his hand to catch the jade jade. He saw that the three human races, Tianzun, had turned around and stood in a line, facing the hundred who were chasing them Zun Tianzun. One of the Baizu Tianzun shouted:

"Black monster, don't hide your nothingness, let that girl run back to deliver the letter, we will all be in trouble later."

A monk with a horn on his head bites his teeth, and throws a fist-sized black ball with his hand. At this time, not only the faces of the three human race monks became pale, but also Qin Shuang's face.

She knew that there was no thunder, and Yun Hao gave her not only the star road, but also various dangerous places in the star road and some treasures that would appear.

This Void Thunder is a treasure that appears in the Void Thunder area. In the Void Thunder area, a thunder ball will condense. This type of thunder ball is Void Thunder. Occasionally, there will be nothingness floating out of the area of ​​nothingness. This kind of opportunity is very rare. Perhaps only one will come out in tens of thousands of years, which is extremely precious.

Nothing Thunder is born naturally. Although there is no such thing as a spirit, the power is not weaker than the innate immortal treasure. It is praised by the monks as a one-time innate immortality treasure. Excited by the monk with mysterious knowledge and exploding, the void of the void that condenses in the thunder ball will explode in an instant. The three human races Heavenly Venerable are irresistible, and a void of thunder can destroy all three of them. It's only that the Void Thunder is too precious, and the Baizu Tianzun has not been willing to give up.

At this time, no matter how reluctant, they were blocked by the three respects and let Qin Shuang run away. In the future, these monks, I am afraid that they will be chased and killed by the three men's ancestry. As long as three human clan gods were killed at this moment, only Qin Shuang had one Di Zong, which meant that Qin Shuang had no cards and could not escape their killing.


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