Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2771: Farewell to Fuyao

"Fuyao Senior!"

When Qin Shuang looked, he knew the purpose of Fuyao's coming here, and there was a gratitude in his eyes, and he saluted Fuyao Tianzun. Fuyao was even more shocked than Qin Shuang. Looking at Qin Shuang up and down, the tone was still unreliable:

"Little friend, have you... Di Zun peaked?"

"Yes, encounter some adventures in the lost mainland."

Fu Yao Tianzun nodded, and the lost continent is also one of the holy places, and the lost continent is more mysterious than several other continents, and it is not too strange to be able to encounter adventures.

"Senior, this is my younger brother, Qin Jingyun. Jingyun, this is the Great Heavenly Venerable of the Holy Land of Light, swaying seniors."

Qin Jingyun was shocked in his heart. The other side turned out to be a Great Heavenly Venerable, but the Holy Land Great Heavenly Venerable. Hurry to respect Shi Lidao:

"Have seen seniors!"

Fuyao Tianzun looked at Qin Jingyun and found that Qin Jingyun and Qin Shuang had a six-point resemblance.

"Your brother?"


Fuyao Tianzun took a bead from the storage ring and handed it to Qin Jingyun:

"I think you are the root of water spirits, this water elemental pearl is helpful to you, it is my gift of meeting."

Qin Jingyun looked at Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang nodded. Qin Jingyun took Shui Yuanzhu, and once again politely said:

"Thank you senior!"

"Fuyao seniors, please also go to the junior's Zongmen." Qin Shuang invited.

"No!" Fu Yao Tianzun shook his head and said: "After I came here, Tian Xingzong everything was fine, and no hundred people came to harass. And Xiaoyao Tianzun sat in Tianxingzong, since you come back, I should also leave Now."

Qin Shuang nodded and reached their level. Once someone made up his mind, there was no need to persuade him. Then, what happened to the two holy places of the mainland and the starlight continent has already been talked about by the two great gods. Fu Yao Tianzun's face became dignified. However, he did not worry about the Holy Land of Light. The Holy Land of Light has the light array method of double arrangement of the piano, and it will not matter. However, this also added to the idea of ​​going back, and said to the Qin Shuang arch:

"Little friend, we will tell my brother these things and we will leave."

"Take care!"

Fuyao Tianzun's figure faded in space and disappeared without a trace.

Qin Jingyun these days, the joy on his face has disappeared. Facing Da Tianzun, although Fuyao Tianzun did not deliberately release his breath, the pressure really made him realize that even if he broke through to the fairy emperor, it was just an ant.

"Sister, is this Tian Xingzong?"

"Yes, go down with my sister!"

The two figures fell towards the gate of the Tianxingzong, and the faces of the eight monks who guarded the gate changed. How many years has this been?

It should be a hundred years?

No monk dared to land directly on the steps of the mountain gate, at least they would fall under the steps, and then walk up the steps. This is respect for the first door of the barbarous continent.

Who is this?

How dare you despise Tianxingzong?

Or was it something that Zong Men had been worried about a hundred years ago?

A hundred monks are here?

"Ready to warn!" a monk headed snorted, and then looked up at Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun, who were about to fall, and then looked blankly, then ecstatic:

"Sect Master! Sect Master is back!"

The monk who had just prepared to issue a warning was a meal, and then suddenly raised his head, his face also showing ecstasy, and hurriedly turned the warning into a good news, and sent it out through the jade.

Tianxing Peak.

This is the mountain where the ancestral hall is located. There are no elders and lords sitting here, only the lord of the eight halls is in turn. At this time, it was Ma Qian, the master of the Muxing Palace, who was on duty. The profound knowledge penetrated into the vibrating communication jade jade, and his face appeared ecstatic.

Over the past 100 years, although the Tianxing Sect has developed well, the Bai people have not sent monks to attack the Tianxing Sect. Tian Xingzong has become the co-owner of the entire barbaric continent. However, they have always been worried. Although they had confidence in their own suzerain, and their own suzerain was also a former congregation, they often disappeared as soon as they went out, and then returned intact.

However, more than 100 years have passed this time, and the suzerain has no news, saying that he is not worried that it is false.

Each of their monks knew very well that although the strength of the Tianxing Sect is now greatly increased, it is still a sect of a person, that is, Qin Shuang. If Qin Shuang is gone, Tian Xingzong will reach the end, maybe it will go downhill.

And there is one biggest worry.

The Barbaric Continent can now be said to be the first continent to annihilate the Chaos clan in the entire fairyland, and the first to decompose the chaotic law of the entire continent. Therefore, the current wild continent can be said to be the best cultivation environment in the whole fairyland, even the Shangyuan continent is not comparable. Such a continent, but the strength of the Tianxing Sect is very low. The Zongmen only has a few masters of the sect, and in the entire fairy world, it can only be barely regarded as a third-rate sect.

This is like a child walking on the street holding gold.

Right now, no one has discovered the entire treasure land of the Barbaric Continent, but as time goes by, it will definitely be discovered. At that time, other continents, or just other continents, including a second-class sect, or even a third-class sect in the Shangyuan continent, may be swarming, even if the sect is not able to break the Tianxing sect Attacking your sect is to set up a sect on a very continent, and it will squeeze the space for development of the Tianxing sect.

Because of the current strength of Tian Xingzong, Zongmen from other continents really came to seize the site. Tian Xingzong really had no way. They could not beat them, so few people, so they could only hide in Zongmen. In large formations. In this way, they will be divided into savage continents by sects from other continents.

The savage continents are all divided, so the resources are divided. Tian Xingzong hid in the Zongmen Great Formation, sat in the mountains and emptied the sky, his strength could only decline, and finally drowned in the long river of history.

How can this not make them worry about their suzerain?

Now that Ma Qian knows that the Sect Master is back, is it an excitement?

As soon as his figure moved, he came out of the hall and came to the top of the bell tower. He shouted to the monk on duty:

"Sovereign is back, ring the bell!"

"Dangdang Dang..."

The bell rang, with a special rhythm. Tianxingzong monk heard the bell of this rhythm, first stunned, and then realized that this was the return of the Sect Master, and all the figures rushed out of the cave house and flew towards the direction of the mountain gate.

Qin Shuang heard the bells and saw the monks flying in the sky and understood their mood in his heart. Instead of leaving, he stood at the gate of the mountain and smiled at the monks of Tianxingzong who had fallen down.

Suddenly, the voice of visiting the suzerain continued. Qin Shuang's eyes glanced at the monks, and the others in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face:

"Good! Very good!"


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