Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2773: Scold

I hope Ma Qian's cultivation can be promoted as soon as possible. Zongmen is now only in the early stages of development. Under his own prestige, as long as he is still alive, these people will not dare to mess up.

Qin Shuang looked at the monks who were recruited later.

He Hongtu, the master of the empty line palace, the peak of the fairy emperor. Qin Shuang is not surprised that He Hongtu has never broken through to Tianzun. The attributes of space and time were originally the most mysterious laws of the avenue. Not to mention the past 100 years, it is a millennium. Ten thousand years, no breakthrough is normal.

Ai Fengning, the master of Fengxing Palace, is a half-stepper.

The elders of Fengxing Hall are still spring and autumn, and the peak of the fairy emperor.

The main battle of Lei Xing Dian Dian is invincible, a half-step respect.

Jinbo Mountain, the elder of Leixing Hall, the peak of the fairy emperor.

There were also three monks. Qin Shuang thought about it for a while and remembered their names.

Han Rui, Fire Spirit Root, later joined the monks of the Tianxing Sect, and now he is respected.

Song Xiong, Jin Linggen, and later a monk who joined the Celestial Sect, are now respected by one level.

Lin Qing, Mu Linggen, a monk who later joined the Tianxing Sect, is now respected.

These three people now serve as deputy hall masters in Huoxing Hall, Jinxing Hall and Muxing Hall.

At the beginning, Qin Shuang formulated the rule that, except for the first batch of positions, the main hall of the eight halls must be held in the honorable period, and the elders of the eight halls must be held in the position of respect.


There is indeed a qualitative leap in the practice of the monk of the Tianxing Sect, but apart from the lord of Qin Shuang, there is still no deity. Therefore, the rules formulated by Qin Shuang before are still a lie. The Eighth Hall Hall Lord Zhen Renfeng, the Lord of the Tuxing Hall Hall, is worthy of the name. None of the remaining Seven Halls and Hall Masters attained the Venerable Lord at all.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t reach the Venerable Lord, but it’s in the Golden Hall, the Wooden Hanging Hall, and the Fire Hanging Hall. There are later Han Lei, Song Xiong, and Lin Qing who broke through to the Venerable Lord, but their masters It is a fairy king.

Will this create contradictions?

Will do!

You a fairy king is pressed on the head of Xian Zun, where is Xian Zun's face?

And this also involves the allocation of resources and so on.

Qin's mind quickly thought about how to solve this problem. If this problem is not solved, it will become a hidden danger of the Tianxingzong. Once the hidden dangers have accumulated to a certain extent, it is natural for the Tianxingzong to break out of a crisis.

"It's time to determine the direction of Zongmen!"

Qin Shuang knew that no matter whether it was an empire in the world, or a sect in the fairyland, there must be a clear direction, so that everyone can work hard together, there can be no contradiction, but the contradiction will be within the controllable range .

At this time, the people in the hall were excited when they saw the return of the suzerain, and now they watched the suzerain silently and began to be nervous.

In fact, as Qin Shuang thought, Zongmen had begun to appear contradictions. It is just because for more than 100 years, the Zongmen has been doing something, not being idle, continually strangling the Chaos and throwing the altar, so that this contradiction is still in its infancy. However, now that the Chaos tribe has all been wrecked, and the altar has been completely thrown in, these contradictions have begun to grow. If Qin Shuang returns more than ten years later, or decades, Zongmen does not know what will happen. Even so, the current high-level inside the Zongmen has begun to be divided into two factions, one is the old man of the Five Elements Sect, and the other is later into the Tianxing Sect. Both sides have begun to have small movements and small frictions. Now when I see the patriarch sitting there, without saying a word, my heart begins to be disturbed.

Qin Shuang was like a **** in their hearts. Not only fear but also worship. After all, Qin Shuang once preached at the altar, and it can be said that each of them was a guiding light in the direction of spiritual practice. And they also know very well that Tian Xingzong can have the current situation, and it has little relationship with them.

It is said that the cultivation environment in this gate, those fairy veins, were all obtained by Qin Shuang alone. This large guardian sect was laid out by Qin Shuang alone, and there was a breakthrough in the inheritance of the respect. The people brought it back, which made them feel less confident before the two sides of the piano.

In particular, Qin Shuang traveled every time he went out. This time it is a direct breakthrough to the peak of Di Zun, which makes them more awe in their hearts.

"Everyone!" Qin Shuang finally opened his mouth, which made everyone feel refreshed and all sat upright.

"Have you not traveled for more than 100 years?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally Bi Chongtian said: "Sect Master, we have been busy strangling Chaos and throwing altars for more than a hundred years, so we have not left the wild land to travel."

"That is to say, people don't understand anything outside of the wild continent, do they?"


Everyone heard, his face could not help showing a trace of shame. At this time, they also reacted. In any case, some monks should be arranged to leave the barbaric continent, that is, they should not go to other continents, but also establish a news point on the Shangyuan continent. Come back, otherwise Tianxing Sect has become a blind man in the fairy world?

Once something happened in the fairy world, it would be caught off guard.

"Then let me tell you about it."

Everyone looked at Qin Shuang. After the reaction, no one wanted to be a blind man and listened carefully to Qin Shuang's story. Qin Shuang spent more than an hour and told everyone what he was able to say. The more people listened to their expressions, the more dignified, and at the end, there was a trace of uneasiness on their faces.

After Qin Shuang finished his speech, he swept his eyes and said, "Everyone, when I come back this time, I find that some of you have some arrogance. You are a little arrogant and swelled. You feel like you are the boss.

Not bad!

In the quite continent, our Heavenly Sect is the boss.

However, have you ever thought about placing Tianxing Sect in the whole fairyland, and what position is Tianxing Sect? Bi Chongtian, you say. "

Bi Chongtian's forehead exuded a cold sweat: "There is a pinnacle of the deity, should we be regarded as a second-rate sect?"

"Second Class Sect?" Qin Shuang smiled with anger: "Hunting Sky, you."

Lietian Xing thought about it and said, "Sect Master, we should be regarded as second-rate sect gates. After all, the rule of immortal world is that one sect gate has a divinity, which is the second-rate sect gate. However, the rest of us are too weak, that is, It is said that the position of the sect gate is all pinned on the sect master. Therefore, although we can be called the second-rate sect gate, it should be the weakest sect gate on the second floor."

"Hmm!" Qin Shuang nodded, then glanced across the crowd and said: "A barely regarded as the weakest sect in the second-rate, what do you have to be arrogant? What is arrogant?

Why do you have this kind of psychology? Haizhen, you. "


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