Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2784: Set up

This time, Qin Shuang practiced for a long time. After six hours of practice, the medicinal effects of Vientiane fruit were almost completely consumed, and then he turned around and ran. Qin Shuang stopped only when he reached the area on the first floor of Tianzun. The fire and thunder here could no longer harm her.

"The effect is extraordinary!"

Qin Shuang's eyebrows can't hide the joy, and the effect of going deeper. Qin Shuang doesn't know, but she knows that she can use Vientiane fruit to assist in body training in the five-story area of ​​Tianzun. Raise the ontology from the first floor of Tianzun to the second floor.

This is already great news for Qin Shuang. You have to know that with her current cultivation practice, it is extremely difficult to upgrade one level.

However, it can also be expected that this area of ​​Huo Leihai and Tianzun's fifth floor can promote the Qin Shuang body from the first layer of Tian Zun to the second floor of Tian Zun. It is estimated that the center is the most central. I want to promote the body of Qin Shuang to the peak of Tian Zun... Even in the late days of Tianzun, I am afraid it is also extremely difficult.

However, even so, Qin Shuang was extremely satisfied. She can't think so much now, as long as she can raise her to a higher level, let her be satisfied.

not to mention……

It has not yet reached the center of Huo Lei Hai, and it can still be raised several floors.

Qin Shuang began to skim overseas towards Huo Lei, with some regrets in her heart. When she came here this time, she also had a thought. She wanted to find out why this environment was formed here, but she could not enter the center, even if she used the town. When the demon tower enters the center, it is impossible to come out to investigate. But she still believes that there must be treasures here, otherwise it is impossible to form such an environment.

She had also asked about Fire Thunder Wings, and Fire Thunder Wings did not know. At that time, Fire Thunder Wing had just been born with wisdom and limited knowledge of the environment. Now Fire Thunder Wing has fallen asleep because of the Thunder of Nothingness, and Qin Shuang has to put this matter down temporarily.

When he came out of Huo Leihai, he found that no one was still there. Qin Shuang flew into the air first, revolved around this Huo Leihai, and explored the range of Huo Leihai.

Flying in the air was extremely fast. After three days, Qin Shuang returned to where the flying boat stopped. This sea of ​​fire and thunder is not small, even covering a thousand miles.

The body sank, running the earth, Qin Shuang went deep into the ground, and kept going deep into the ground.

One thousand meters.

Two kilometers.

Three thousand meters.

Qin Shuang continued to dive to the depth of about fifty miles before reaching the edge of Huo Lei Hai, and this Huo Lei Hai came out about 50 li underground and began to appear as a funnel, still extending towards the ground. Qin Shuang slanted again, went along the edge of the funnel-shaped Huo Leihai toward the depths, and submerged for about a hundred miles, a total of about 150 li deep, Qin Shuang finally reached the limit of Huo Leihai underground, The top of that funnel. Penetrating Xuanzhi from the top of the funnel into the sea of ​​Huo Lei, the power of Xuan Shuang who was close to the peak of Tianzun, but it was only ten miles into it, and he could not sustain it, and he would be shattered by Huo Lei.

Qin Shuang recovered his metaphysics and was not surprised. This shows that this fire thunder sea has the peak power of Heavenly Venerable. And Qin Shuang also felt that in this underground, Huo Lei's power would exceed the surface.

"Set up!"

Qin Shuang began to throw flags around the Huo Leihai underground. She wanted to set up one circle at a time. She had to set up a large array of moving mountains and arranged them layer by layer without destroying Huo Leihai. Qin Shuang calculated It will take at least half a year to complete the deployment of this array.

half year later.

Qin Shuang came out of the ground tiredly, and he saw hundreds of days of monks who were on the deck of the flying boat, or around Huo Leihai. When Qin Shuang appeared, he flew all by himself.

"Sovereign, how are you?"

"You didn't enter Huo Leihai to practice?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Isn't this afraid that you will come out and you won't see us?" Some monks laughed and said: "It's not good to delay the removal of Huo Leihai by then. Sect Master, how effective is this Huo Leihai?"

"This is a treasure place, and it has an effect on Heavenly Venerable."

"It's great!" The monks were pleased.

However, Qin Shuang shook his head secretly. I can promote the ontology from the first level of Tianzun to the second level of Tianzun within ten years, because I have the universal fruit. Qin Shuang's Vientiane fruit looks a lot, but in the five-layer Huo Leihai area of ​​that day, the consumption of Vientiane fruit is very staggering. I have to eat three Vientiane fruit at a time, which can only be maintained for less than seven hours. It takes ten years to upgrade from the first floor of Tianzun to the second floor. In ten years, how many vignettes must you eat?

From the second floor to the third floor?

Vientiane fruit may not be enough for itself, and naturally will not be given to other monks. Without the Vientiane fruit, these monks can’t go deeper, at most they go deeper than their own. For example, the three-tiered Hunter's Sky Hunter can only enter the four-tiered power zone of the Venerable Lord.

Di Zun's ontology is much easier to upgrade than Tian Zun's ontology. Qin Shuang estimated that it would take about a hundred years. This is still with the help of jade body quenching tactics, otherwise it will take longer.

However, the Xiandi's quenching body will be faster. It is estimated that practicing here, with the help of the jade body quenching body tactics, will increase a layer in about ten years. The fairy king is estimated to be five years, and the fairy king is estimated to be able to upgrade one level in about a year. As for the fairy king, the speed will be faster.

Qin Shuang told his monks his estimates, and the eyes of the fairy emperors shone. It takes only about ten years for each level to be promoted. So, wouldn't it be a hundred years to rise from the level of Immortal Emperor to the peak of Immortal Emperor? Moreover, the vast majority of these people are not the first floor of the Immortal Emperor. There are many people who are in the middle or even the late Immortal Emperor. Doesn't it mean that it only takes decades to raise one's own body to the peak of the fairy emperor?

And those fairy emperor peaks only need a hundred years to raise the ontology to the level of human respect?

"The approximate time should be like this, but it also depends on the individual's qualifications. Some people should be able to hurry up, and some people should be slower. And no matter what level of monk, the more time it takes, the more time it should take More, for example, it takes ten years for the Immortal Emperor to upgrade from the first floor to the second floor. From the second to the third floor of the Immortal Emperor, it may take ten years and several months, or longer."

Qin Shuang further explained to them.

Every monk's eyes shined and he wanted to go in and see. Qin Shuang calculated the time, and it took about eight months to rush, and about half a year to set up the array, and about ten months before the agreed time.

"Give me your findings, then go in and practice, and come out half a year later."


Thank you very much, Zuyu Taizi Xu Ziyan (100) for his reward!



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