Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2788: Chase

Only in this way, Tian Xingzong will be completely involved in this world war, and no more careful thinking. Perhaps in this battle of the world, Tianxingzong became a swan song and disappeared into the long river of history. Slightly pondered:

"Senior, after the battle of the great world began, the Tianxing Sect will choose ten young disciples to hide as seeds. The remaining monks of the Tianxing Sect will go all out, even if they are crushing bones and bones, they will surely survive with each holy land."

Xu Ziyan nodded his head. This is the meaning of the title. Any party will leave seeds for themselves in this great world dispute, even if they are holy places, even if they do not notify them, the holy place managers will be like this. do. And I am afraid that the selected seeds have now been sent away. Qin Shuang only asked ten young disciples, which was not excessive.


Qin Shuang nodded and began to refine a stone stele. Qin Shuang’s current strength of mystery is already very much solidified, which is higher than Xu Ziyan’s guess, so there is no time at all. The stele was refined, and after thinking about it, I communicated with the stele weapon spirit, and the words Huo Leihai appeared on the stele. Afterwards, Qin Shuang refined one by one, named each stone tablet, and their respective names appeared on the stone tablets:

Golden Realm, Wooden Realm, Water Realm, Fire Realm, Earth Realm, Light Realm, Dark Realm, Wind Realm, Thunder Realm, Time Realm, Space Realm, Wuxing Realm, the last stele Thinking of a satisfactory name, Xu Ziyan laughed:

"Since there are sky towers that incorporate eleven attributes, and your stele must also be loaded into a secret realm of eleven attributes, it is called heaven."

"it is good!"

As soon as Qin Shuang's eyes lit up, the word Heaven appeared on the stone tablet. Putting the stele into the sea of ​​knowledge, Qin Shuang stood up and said:

"Seniors, is there anything else that needs junior errands?"

"No more!" Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly: "You go!"

Qin Shuang once again saluted the Six Saints, and then withdrew from the battle.

Outside of the Great Array, Chaos and Qin Ying both saw Qin Shuang standing there for almost a day and night, and they didn’t know what she was doing there. Isn’t she studying this big array?

Did she discover the secrets of the big formation?

When Qin Shuang finally moved, both Chaos and Qin Ying couldn't help moving, he saw Qin Shuang walked out of the Forgotten Mountain, and looked at the Qin Ying over the head, finally suppressing his inner eagerness to try. One step, he rushed towards the void.

At this time, there is also a chaos monk beside the chaos of the saints on the edge of the chaotic law area. Chaos said to the Great God:

"She is about to enter the void, follow her, grab her, and push me to the secret of raising her from a deity to the pinnacle of deity in just over a hundred years. Give me all her secrets I forced it out, including how old she was still in the bed. If I couldn't force it out, I searched for her soul."


"Go!" Chaos waved.


Qin Shuang rushed into the void, then moved Hua Taixiang out of Zhenyao Tower, and jumped into Hua Taixiang's back.

"Go to Yuanyuan mainland!"

Hua Taixiang flew towards Yuan Continent. The pair of pianos sitting on Hua Taixiang's back frowned slightly, and she felt locked.

"Is it Qin Ying?


It feels strange and powerful. "

Qin Shuang felt a little nervous, and she thought of chaos. Since Chaos can provoke the battle of the Hundreds, then you may have been secretly paying attention to Wangchuan Mountain, and you know that you have been to Wangchuan Mountain.

"He will not disobey the oath and shoot himself?"

Qin Shuangxin thought about it, held the position in his hand, and spread the metaphysics backwards, then urged Huataixiang to speed up.

Hua Taixiang raised her speed to the extreme, just like a meteor traversing the void, fleeting. The chaotic Datianzun behind him suddenly speeded up and soon broke into Qin Shuang's metaphysics.

"Great Chaos of Chaos! Not a Saint of Chaos!"

Qin Shuang's tense mood is slightly loose, as long as he is not a Saint of Chaos, even if he is a big god, as long as he does not understand himself, Qin Shuang has the opportunity to kill the other party.

Qin Shuang knew very well that his position could protect himself in front of Datianzun, but it was not a panacea. After seeing the holy saint sealed in the token, I saw that Wu Tianzun released the power of a saint in the token and shattered the gap between the lost eyes. Qin Shuang knew that he had thought too much before. The position is very powerful, can withstand one or even a few big Tianzun joint attack, but can not stop the Holy One. In the future, if a monk, with the treasure of the Sealed Holy One hit, give himself a look, this array will immediately collapse.

However, Chaos should not have imagined that he had such a position, nor would he give that Heavenly Sovereign a treasure that seals the power of the Holy One?

After all, I'm just a Di Zun. Chaos sent out a big Tian Zun. When he wanted to come, wasn't he within reach?

But what is the purpose of sending Datianzun to him?

Is it killing yourself or catching yourself?

There is no need to deliberately kill such a small Di Zun?

So, it is to catch myself.

So, what is the purpose of catching yourself?

Force yourself to find it in Wangchuan Mountain?

This should be!

He stayed in the Forgotten Mountain for a day, and then left decisively. Chaos must have doubts. He could not shoot me, so he sent a big Tianzun.

Qin Shuang looked back, she knew that she could not hide the fact that she found the other party, because the other party would perceive her own metaphysics as soon as the other party entered the range of her metaphysics, so she knew that she had discovered him.

In Qin Shuang's field of vision, Da Tian Zun's speed is extremely fast and he is approaching himself quickly. Nowadays, because of the help of law fragments and the aid of the time flow rate in the town demon tower, Hua Taixiang has already reached the peak of human respect. The flower with space magical power is too fragrant, this is the level, the speed is already comparable to Tianzun, but it is still not as good as Datianzun. But it is not that Datianzun can catch up in an instant.

"Too fragrant, try to run!"

Qin Shuang once again told her that she was afraid of chaos in her heart. The farther she ran, the farther she was from the Shangyuan continent, and the farther she was from chaos.

A quarter of an hour later, the distance between the two sides has been shortened within a thousand miles.

Two quarters of an hour later, the distance between the two sides reached 5,000 miles.

After three quarters of an hour, the distance between the two parties reached thousands of miles.


Thank you very much for the white leaves qaq (100)!



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