Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2793: Close


The attacks they released were blocked by the stars, but did not slow down the impact of the stars. The dozen monks panicked, knowing that they had encountered the power of the human race, and looked around, they saw that their companions had disappeared, and they were in a starry sky.


Daxing crushed their struggling Taoism, hit them hard, and made them lose their ability to move. Seven tricks kept spraying blood.

When Qin Shuang's big sleeves waved, he saw that the big stars shrank instantly, turned into rubble, and landed on the ground. Sixteen monks lay on the ground in front of Qin Shuang.

Looking at the 16 immortal emperors on the ground, Qin Shuang walked to a monk and said lightly:

"I ask, you answer!"

"Bah!" The fairy emperor spit out a **** spit.

"Bang!" Qin Shuang raised his foot and stepped on it, crushing the head of the fairy emperor with one foot, and walked to the second fairy emperor:

"I ask, you answer!"

The second fairy emperor's face was pale and his eyes dodged.

"Why don't you see the human race here?"

"Senior, I answered, can you spare me a life?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded, she didn't care about the lives of these aliens, just some fairy emperors.

"Because my family and the human race are at war."

"A war?"

Qin Shuang jumped in his heart, but then frowned slightly. Since the Bai people wanted to fight against the Shangyuan continent, they must first build their own rear to be safe. The first to wipe out the people of their own continent is when they attack the Shangyuan continent, and their backyard will be protected from fire.

Human races are spread across all continents. In this way, clan wars are starting to take place on all continents! Beginning to fight against the human race.

"Completely fighting?" Qin Shuang looked at the other party, perceiving the other party's breath, and distinguishing whether the other party was lying.

"The war has not yet been completely completed. However, some important resource land on the road has been completely occupied by us. The resource land that originally belonged to the human race is also driven by us. Like here, the human race has not dared to come. It has been We occupy. Small-scale wars often break out, but large-scale wars have not happened yet. I occasionally listen to elders raise their mouths and say what they are waiting for and waiting for. I don’t know."

She didn't know that Qin Shuang was able to guess at once. They are waiting for the result of the series connection. Once the succession of the hundreds of ethnic groups is successful, the beginning of a large-scale eradication of their respective mainland ethnic groups began.

"The troubled world has begun!"

Qin Shuang sighed, his sleeves flicked, and the other fourteen immortal emperors died, leaving only the immortal emperor who answered himself, shiveringly:

"You you said you want to let me..."

Qin Shuang was too lazy to take care of him, and as soon as his figure moved, he entered the world of Dragon God. The immortal emperor's face covered the rest of his life, and he got up from the ground and stumbled down the mountain.

Qin Shuang entered the Dragon World and then flew straight in the direction of Dragon Ball.

Nowadays, there are very few monks who have experienced in this small world of dragon gods, and all of them are immortal emperors. In fact, there are very few monks of the law, most of them are immortal monarchs. This is because the Tus of the Yuan Dynasty are planning to go to war. They need the Immortal Venerable and the Rulers to go out in series, and they need the Rulers to occupy the land of resources and clear the clan. Therefore, some monks with relatively low cultivation are entering here now.

Taking the practice of Qin Shuang as an example, these monks could not find her at all, and Qin Shuang had already flown over their heads. Every step of Qin Shuang's step is close to the horizon. Two hours later, he stepped out millions of miles and fell in front of Dragon Ball. There is no monk here at Dragon Ball.

This small world has been around for hundreds of years. If you want to refine the conditions of this dragon ball, the monks of the Yuan Dynasty have already known that at the beginning, there were monks who came to try and have fun. No monks have come here in these years.

Qin Shuang's profound knowledge spread out, enveloped Dragon Ball, and began to refine Dragon Ball. The dragon ball felt the power of Qin Shuang's five elements, and was actually a little excited. About three hours, Qin Shuang refined the last dragon ball. It was only an instant that everything in this small world was clearly presented in Qin Shuang's mind. Qin Shuang closed his eyes and looked at the small world, and there was a smile on his face.

In this small world, resources are relatively scarce. But there are also some precious resources, but the content is very small. This is not the preciousness of this small world. The treasure of this small world is battle.

In this small world, there are countless skeletons becoming demon, and there are all levels of power. It's just that there is no Di Zun and Tian Zun, and there are still some Zun Zun bone demon. Those bone demon of Di Zun and Tian Zun should be wiped out by the Tian Zun of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, this is enough for the current Tianxing Sect. Moreover, after refining this small world, Qin Shuang also knew that these bone demon will continue to grow, and as time goes by, they can grow to Di Zun and Tian Zun, although this time will be very long.

Even if the bone demon in this small world was eventually killed by the disciples who had come from Tian Xingzong, they could also catch all kinds of monsters and throw them in, and even grab monks of all races, completely turning this small world into a Tian Xingzong's experience.

This small world is big enough, and it is also one-fifth the size of the wild continent, and once the clan war really breaks out in the future, there will be a war between the Holy Land Alliance and the Bai Clan Alliance. Qin Shuang really has the opportunity to capture monks of all races Enter this small world of dragon and god, let this small world have various races, various styles of monks, so that the monks of the Tianxingzong can experience various ways of fighting without going out to travel.

She has refined the small world and can easily seal the entrance, don’t think about it inside, and don’t think about it outside. Only in accordance with the rules established by Qin Shuang can access.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and his thoughts moved.


The whole Shenlong small world was shaken. The monks of the Tusi family who were practicing in the small world looked around with fear, and they saw all the bone demon riots, forming a bone demon tide, and drowned towards them. They wanted to escape, but found that the bone demon had covered their eyes, but in an instant, there were countless monks killed by the bone demon, but there happened to be a monk who just came in. After seeing this situation, they immediately thought To retreat and leave, I found that I could not get out, and the entrance to the small world was closed.

If someone else can't get out, it doesn't mean that Qin Shuang can't get out.

At this time, Qin Shuang was standing in the void above Longshen Mountain, and his thoughts moved.


I saw that the Dragon God Mountain began to collapse, the Dragon God Small World began to shrink, shrunk into a bead, floated in front of Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang’s eyes looked into the small world through the beads, and the Tusi family monk in it had died three Two points, and their corpses will become bone demon, become the object of Tianxingzong disciples experience.


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