Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2796: Sect

Very difficult!

If there are enough silks available to Tianzun, they will not do anything for a day, but they will be able to weave one by closing the chain of knitting rules. But where do you go to find ready-made, enough rules?

Even in the lost eyes, there is no law wire, and it is necessary to decompose law fragments, locks, or law chains into basic law wires, and then weave into their own law chains. Therefore, if you want to weave a chain of laws one day, that ideal situation will not exist at all.

Qin Shuang once calculated that, with her power of mystery equivalent to the peak of Tianzun peak, her perception is equivalent to the peak of Tianzun. It takes three to five days to discover the law wire, capture the law wire, and weave the law chain. It doesn't do anything. It's just the law of weaving. If you want to advance one level at the level of Tianzun, it will take about a thousand years.

not to mention……

Qin Shuang is because of the power of Xuan, which is close to the peak of Tianzun. Other monks do not have this level, so their breakthrough speed is about ten times slower than that of Qinshuang. That is to say, at the level of Tianzun, you want to improve The first order will take about ten thousand years.

This is only one aspect, and there is one aspect that is more time and energy consuming, and the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult to achieve is the strength of the body.

Without the help of Tiancaidibao, it only uses Yuanli to scour the body and increase the strength of the body. That is, the speed of a snail is ten times or even a hundred times slower than the weaving rule. It is ten times slower. It takes 100,000 years to break through one layer at the level of Tianzun. What if it is slower?

If it is a hundred times, or dozens of times?

It will take hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years, to be able to reach the condition of breaking through the first floor.

Even if there is a treasure land like Huo Lei Hai, but such a treasure land has limited help to the monks. Just like those who hunted Tian Xing and others have also entered Huo Lei Hai to practice, but the results obtained are not ideal.

Why is that?

This is because there is no corresponding quenching method.

In the whole fairyland, there are several kinds of exercises of this grade? How many monks will get it?

There is a third aspect, which requires an understanding of the world. Every weave a law chain, this law chain contains the monk's own understanding of the heaven and earth avenue, if you do not have your own understanding, you can not weave a complete law chain.

The three aspects add up, and Tianzun wants to break through one level. The fastest speed is also in units of 100,000 years. Even some monks are in millions of years. The higher the high-level promotion to Tianzun, the harder it is.

Therefore, there are really not many monks above the eighth floor.

Qin Shuang did not have an accurate concept, but he estimated that there would be no more than ten thousand monks above the eighth floor.

Ten thousand sounds like a lot, but there are really few on the hundred roads. And these monks are basically closed all year round, Qin Shuang wants to meet one, there is almost no chance. In other words, after Hua Taixiang's breakthrough, Qin Shuang can basically travel to the fairy world without any danger.

This time, she and Huataixiang were excited. I don’t have to take a flying boat, just let Hua Taixiang go to one place directly. This speed can be increased by more than two or three times. The original seven places will take at least three years. The result is less than half a year. Hua Taixiang's speed has been solved. After returning to Tianxingzong, Qin Shuang took a group of monks from Tianxingzong to leave Zongmen. He will be back in ten years.

Thousands of miles away from Tianxingzong, Qin Shuang released the flying boat from the town demon tower, and then fell on the flying boat with Hua Taixiang, and sacrificed the Thunder Sea Stone Tablet.

Fire Thunder.

One monk is practicing the jade body quenching method, and suddenly, Qin Shuang's voice echoed across the sea of ​​Huo Lei:

"Everyone, it's Zongmen!"

Everyone was shocked, how come so fast?

However, one by one still flew away from the sea of ​​fire and thunder, toward the passage of the stele, flew out of the stele, landed on the deck, and saw the sect gate that was getting closer and closer, waiting for the last one The monk came out of the stele, and the flying boat had already flown into Zongmen. Qin Shuang stopped the flying boat in the sky above Zongmen. Looking at the monks on the deck, those respects have not yet reached the critical point of the ontological breakthrough, or even much worse. However, the body of each fairy emperor has been raised to a new level, and even monks like the half-step venerable Ai Fengning and the invincible war, as well as the peaks of the fairy emperors like Shang Chunqiu and Jinbo Mountain, have raised the ontology to human Respect the first floor. Now they are only comprehending the road, and they can break through the respect.

Qin Shuang is very happy to know that among the more than 600 immortals. There are many peaks of fairy emperors. When Qin Shuang left Zongmen two hundred years ago, there were more than 100 peaks of fairy emperors. Now the body strength of the peak of more than one hundred immortal emperors has reached the level of human respect.

"Guests, where do you think it is better to put these small worlds?" Qin Shuang asked.

Everyone began to make various suggestions in a hurry, and finally, everyone synthesized them and decided to put these small worlds in the Emerald Valley.

Emerald Valley is located in the outer disciple area, close to the inner disciple area, at the junction of the outer gate and the inner gate, and is biased towards the outer gate. The reason for choosing this place is for the sake of outside disciples. If these small worlds are placed in the area of ​​inner disciples, or in the area of ​​elders, or even in Tianxing Peak, those outside disciples would find it too difficult to enter. The vitality of the inner disciple area is too strong and not suitable for the disciples outside. And if outside disciples can enter the area of ​​inner disciples casually, or even Tian Xingfeng, isn’t it messy?

It is placed deep in the outer door area, near the edge of the inner door. For example, the other disciples can enter at any time, while the inner disciples, even Zongmen, can enter at any time. External disciples cannot enter the internal gate at will, but internal disciples can enter the external gate at will.

Of course, this requires Qin Shuang to set up a large formation in the Emerald Valley, a large formation that is not weaker than the guards’ large formation, to protect the entire valley, and to arrange for the monks to take turns on duty.

It is impossible for such a secret realm to let people enter at will without paying, and no sect can do so. Zongmen must have Zongmen rules. If you want to enter the secret realm, you must turn in certain fairy crystals, or Zongmen points. As for whether it is points or immortal crystals, Qin Shuang does not matter how much he pays, and he and Li Chongtian and Bi Chongtian make the rules. As long as she is responsible for placing the small world, she can arrange a large formation.



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