Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2800: plan

How to seize this opportunity?

Instead of going to the mainland to take luck? "

Everyone looked at Qin Shuang with little stars.

"I am going to refine a communication column!"

"Communication column?"

"Well! The communication post is the fastest way to get the news I want. I put the communication post on the outside door. In this way, all monks can upload their tasks in the communication post, and every monk can Check whether there is a transaction you need through the communication column. This is the normal usage. For the usage of this opportunity, all the law monks above the fairy king leave their own brand of communication jade on the communication column, and then Pay attention to the same news. No matter what happens to this news, all the law monks will be reminded, and then the law monks will know that there is new news, and they can find the news that they are concerned by sending news.

Did everyone realize anything? "

Everyone fell into contemplation, and Bi Chongtian's eyes lit up: "The patriarch means that all the law monks leave the sect gate and go to the altars that have not yet reached the chaos law of the decomposition of the positive area, where they are guarding."

"Good!" Qin Shuang nodded. "It is estimated that there are less than 40,000 altars that have not yet begun to break down to the critical point. Am I not wrong?"


"And how many monks do we have? I told me that there were about 600,000 monks. That is to say, there can be fifteen people per altar.

In this way, once an altar has just broken down to a critical point, a tendency to reveal a rule of law. The monks guarding there will immediately know, and then upload the message to the law column, so that 600,000 monks will know that the monks belonging to this attribute can immediately set off and rush there. The monks who are not there can leave there. Forty thousand altars, I think there will always be various attributes, or even a fusion of various attributes.

This is our opportunity, and it is the only opportunity!

Because within three hundred years, the chaotic laws of the wild continent will completely disappear, and there will be no such opportunities in the future. For other continents, we do not have the strength to control them, and we cannot arrange it like we do in a very continent. Therefore, missed this opportunity, we only have to go to other continents to meet the opportunity, and this opportunity is very small. "

Everyone understood and was completely excited. It takes three hundred years to elevate your state of mind. It does not require to be elevated to Heavenly Venerable, but to Earthly Venerable.

This is not a delusion!

When it comes to their cultivation, if they can experience a similar beginning of the world, they will definitely get a breakthrough.

"Of course, there is an unfavorable condition that everyone has to go to the altar and wait, maybe it will take a few years, maybe a dozen years to reach the critical point of the decomposition of the chaos law. So, in these years For more than ten years, you are surrounded by chaos and chaos laws. Chaos is nothing more, Zongmen provides you with enough medicine and fairy crystals, and does not delay your accumulation of strength. But you But we cannot weave the law."

The crowd was not frustrated.

As Qin Shuang said, accumulating vitality is not a problem. It may be said that Xianjing may not be enough, but the most important thing for Tianxingzong is the Elixir. Qin Shuang has left too much Elixir to Zongmen. Every time he leaves Zongmen, before leaving for a tour, he will leave a lot of Dan Medicine, and Qin Shuang went out to travel very often, so the inventory of Tianxingzong's immortality is really too much.

As for the law of weaving, you can't just chant, just three hundred years. If you use cultivation as a stagnation for three hundred years, you will get your mind to break through to Di Zun and be willing.

"I have prepared something new for you!"


A big tripod landed on the ground, and everyone looked at the big tripod, which was covered.

"Sovereign, what's inside?"

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and grabbed Ding Ding's cover and said, "Look for yourself."

A bunch of immortal emperors and human respecters explored the mysterious knowledge into Dading, and then Huo Ran raised his head and looked at Qin Shuang, who was unbelievable all over his face. His lips were trembling, and he said to himself:

"This, this... how is this possible?"

"How could there be so many law fragments and law locks?"

"How much is this!"

"How can there be hundreds of millions of law fragments, and nearly ten million law locks?"

"With these law fragments and law locks, is it a place of chaos? Where can't we disassemble and weave the law chain?"

"When decomposing rule fragments and rule locks, it can also deepen the comprehension of the world."

"Oh, there are law fragments and law chains of various attributes!"

"Give me enough law fragments, I can definitely break through to the peak of the fairy emperor within a few years! If you watch the chaos law break down again, the state of mind will break through, break through the human respect, and then quickly reach the peak of human respect, it is not a problem."

The rule fragments and rule locks in this big tripod are not all that Qin Shuang owns. Qin Shuang left a layer, which is reserved for his own brother and three disciples. With these rules, washing fragments and locks is enough for my brother and three disciples to practice for a long time. However, even if the Qin Shuang was taken away by 10%, the remaining fragments and chains of laws were enough for the monks of the day to use for a long time. What's more, just 600,000 law monks?

"Statistics on how many Xianjun peaks there are in Zongmen, and then everyone sends them a rule fragment to let them enter Butianfeng. If a rule fragment, and still on Butianfeng, they will not be able to break through to the fairy Wang, then they will take time to grind slowly."

Hearing what Qin Shuang said, everyone nodded. In the holy place such as Butianfeng, you will be given a piece of law to decompose and understand. If you can’t break through the fairy king, then there is really no training value.

"Each fairy king sends a thousand rule fragments, a fairy emperor sends 10,000 rule fragments, a fairy emperor sends a hundred thousand rule fragments, a half-step deity and a deity send a million rule fragments, and all go to the altar. These Although the law is enough to decompose and weave for a few years to more than ten years. Once you find that the chaos that suits your attributes begins, there will be no time to weave the law in the future, but you must devote yourself to the road of understanding. You Arrange it, and after I put the post on the outside gate, the monk of the sect ruler set off immediately."


Everyone looked excited. At first, everyone raised the problem of restricting the rapid increase of the strength of the sect, and the sect master solved it, and the solution was beyond their imagination.

Qin Shuang left and went to his own Yueyue Peak. And Bi Chongtian and others began to get busy, and arranged the item by item leaving Zongmen.


Thank you very much, Xu Xu Nianzu (100) for his reward!



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