Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2802: Holy Land Alliance

Although Qin Shuang's Yuanshen now has the time and space of golden wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark wind and thunder, it is not a whole, but is divided into five parts.

The golden wood, water, fire, earth and light have completely integrated into one, regardless of each other, forming an independent part, and then the wind and thunder time and space are each a part, thus forming five parts that do not blend with each other. Qin Shuang's primordial spirit and body flow, but they are irrelevant.

Qin Shuang speculates that his next step is to merge these five parts into one. Perhaps it will be able to break through to Tianzun, and if it can't, it should be very close. By then, you will let yourself know that you should go this way next.


For a mortal, it is almost a lifetime, but for a deity, it is a moment in a long life that can determine a direction in a hundred years, which has made Qin both excited. The only regret is that the five-element evolution here is coming to an end. Although there are nearly half of the chaos laws that have not been completely decomposed into the five-element law, the evolution of the initial chaotic separation is no longer there. Continue to sit here. For Zhang There are still huge benefits in the realm of dust, but there is no help for the realm of Qin Shuang.

"Look at the jade briefing. Now all the altars should show signs of disintegration, should there be eleven attributes of chaos?"

Qin Shuang explored the metaphysical knowledge into the communication jade jade, connected to the communication post, and saw that there were tens of thousands of news about his concern for the altar. Sure enough, all the altars have already begun to divide chaos. Quickly one message at a time, Qin Shuang flew up suddenly and flew away in one direction.

In these hundred years, there are two places where eleven attributes were born, the first was chaos 93 years ago, and the other was 81 years ago.

Qin Shuang naturally flew toward the altar 81 years ago. Even so, he missed the time of 81 years of comprehension.

However, Qin Shuang didn't regret it. If he didn't understand the wind and thunder in these five elements, he would go to the altar of the attributes of consciousness, but it might not have an effect. It's just a pity in my heart that it would be nice if the chaos of the eleven attributes appeared later and later.

Qin Shuang even bred the energy of feeding, but it took less than a month to reach the place marked in the jade slip.

There was no one here, Qin Shuang's figure fell on the altar, and his face appeared excited.

Sure enough, there are eleven attributes!

Qin Shuang didn’t dare to delay any more time, and immediately sat cross-legged, took out the December fruit and ate one. It took him less than three breaths to calm his state of mind. There was no restless time. The empty heart wanders in the heaven and earth avenue.

Too Xuzong.

The representatives of the Celestial Palace from the Starlight Continent, the representatives of the Lost Continent and the Holy Land, the representatives of the Butian Continent Butian Palace, and the representatives of the Giant Continental Giant Hall, the representatives of the Bright Continent and the Holy Land congregated in the Taixu Sect.

After a hundred years, the five holy places with deep roots finally wiped out the chaos who attacked the holy place.

This is a clash that broke out suddenly, and it was a decisive battle.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the five holy places have also experienced several battles with the Chaos clan, but that was only a clan battle, not a decisive battle. It often takes a few years, or even a dozen years, for the Chaos to retreat. However, this time the clan battle was a decisive battle, and I did not know what the wind was up against the Chaos clan. It took more than fifty years. At the beginning, all the five holy sites suffered a big loss except for the Taixu Sect was not attacked, but then one by one was a holy site after all, standing firm, and began to gather monks from the entire continent. The Chaos tribe carried out a counterattack.

This is an endless battle. If one side is not completely extinct, the clan war will not end. The five holy places do not understand, what kind of wind did Chaos tribe draw?

They certainly did not expect that this was Chaos issuing a death order to the Chaos of the five continents. In fact, Chaos also knew of such a decisive battle, and the Chaos on these five continents were completely extinct.

The five holy sites are not other hundred-nation continents. The continents of the five holy sites are not on the same level as the other hundred-nation continents. They are higher than any other hundred-nation continent. Can the disciples taught by the saints be poor on the continent with the saints? Can the disciples taught by the saints disciples be poor? And can the inheritance flowing out be poor?

This is an all-round gap, so if such a decisive battle erupts in the other hundred ethnic continents, there may not be much chaos remaining, but the hundred ethnic groups are basically eliminated. However, the Holy Land continent is different, and Chaos knows that it is the Chaos who are eventually extinct. However, just like the effect of other continents, he believes that even in the continent of the five holy sites, the Chaos tribe was extinct, the strength of the five holy sites must be greatly reduced, and the number of monks was more than half of the casualties.

Actually it is true!

The strength of the five holy sites has never fallen. If there is no saint, before the outbreak of this decisive battle, any decisive battle between a hundred continent and any holy land continent is a dead end. If ten If the continents unite and attack any holy land continent, there is a possibility of defeating the holy land continent. But now, I am afraid that the union of the five hundred continents will have the potential to defeat the Holy Land continent. It can be seen how much the strength has dropped.

The five holy sites were also aware of this problem. They began to let the low-level monks start to put altars on their respective continents while uniting with each other. Finally, they set the location in Taixuzong to discuss how to overcome the difficulties.

Xu Qinyang personally received the representatives,

In the conference hall of the Taixu Sect, Xu Qinyang of the Taixu Sect sits, the Great Sun Heavenly Venerable of the Light Holy Land, the Puguang Heavenly Vengeful of the Heavenly Holy Land, the Fog Heaven Venerable of the Lost Holy Land, the Yunhao Heavenly Venerable of the Starlight Continent, and the Chenghua Heavenly Venerable of the Giant Continent.

These six monks are all Tianzun, the pinnacle of Tianzun, but at this time there is a little worry between the six Tianzun's eyebrows.

"Xu Tianzun!" Dayi Tianzun said: "Now that our five holy sites are greatly reduced in strength, if there are five hundred continent continents attacking any of our holy sites, I'm afraid we can't keep it."

Xu Qinyang nodded, and he was also worried. The Shangyuan continent is strong, the Taixu Sect is stronger. It was the Hundreds of people who united and attacked the Taixu Sect together. As long as the Taixu Sect shrank, it would have been ok for thousands of thousands of years, but the Shangyuan Continent would become a ruin. Even if the Taixu Sect is stronger and the Shangyuan continent is stronger, if there are 30 continents attacking the Shangyuan continent jointly, the Shangyuan continent will be at a disadvantage, and there are more than 30 continents?



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