Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2812: life

What does this mean?

This shows that their souls are very weak, even mortal.

If this is not an illusion, this is the beginning of a fake world, the evolution of the birth of creatures, and perhaps these creatures will be passed down from generation to generation as time goes by.

However, Qin Shuang felt unlikely. Take Liuli Xiaoxiao's roar for example. In legend, this is definitely a mythical beast comparable to dragons and phoenixes. However, today's strength is too weak to be chopped to death by Qin Shuangyi. However, there is no doubt that let alone counterfeit and shoddy, it is also Liuli Xiaotianhou. Once he is converted into blood and flesh, more or less contains the bloodline of Liuli Xiaotianhou, which is an excellent material for refining the Elixir. . Such a good material, the strength is counterfeit and inferior, it is estimated that it will be killed soon.

The same is true of these creatures in the white tiger's back city pool, but they don't know if they are judged right or not. Is it true evolution of the law, a group of birth defects is born, or is the evolution of the law, a natural phantom?

"Try it!"

A few days later, Qin Shuang's injury has healed, but when she came out of the town demon tower, the outside world was just a moment away. As soon as he came out of the town demon tower, his ears were full of roar of Daoist attacks. Qin Shuang's face was slightly changed. She saw the defensive shield released by the array, and there were tiny cracks. These cracks were spreading and developing towards the state of the spider web. This would burst at any time.

Qin Shuang immediately thought about it, and an Guqin flowed out of the storage ring, lying across his knees, flicking his fingers, and the sound quickly spread out.

Sound Power: Nightmare!

In less than one breath, all the creatures who heard the nightmare piano sound lost their luster, and then the thought of Qin Shuang injecting into the dream led them to attack the other creatures who did not hear the sound.

The chaos in the city instantly became chaotic, and a large number of creatures began to fall, and then turned into a silk rule, dissipating in the air.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong..."

The nightmare piano sound continued to sound, and while the creatures in the city were fighting with each other, there were still creatures rushing toward the piano like a tide, and then received the nightmare piano sound in the air, and turned to attack other creatures.

When playing the double in the piano, the mouth is sucked, and there are countless laws like the water that are sucked into the mouth by the piano, and then Qin Shuang begins to analyze these laws. These laws are dissipated after the death of those creatures. In other words, it is these rules that construct one soul at a time.

Qin Shuang perceives these rule wires carefully, and finds that there is no problem with these rule wires. They are all basic rule wires, and there is no congenital deficiency. That is to say, there is no problem in building the foundation of these creatures, but there are problems in the process of building.

Qin Shuang guessed that it was probably because it was not a real world opening after all, but only a small area. For some reason, it triggered a singularity and formed an environment in which the world opened early and gave birth to life. Only this environment is a simplified environment. In other words, these creatures were simplified during the construction process, and the result was very weak.

As an analogy, if a real Liuli Xiaotianhou needs 100 million rulers to construct, then he can give birth to a mythical beast that is really like the legend, but the Liuli Xiaohou roar born here today has only 10 million rules. The silk is constructed and simplified to this extent, that is naturally weak.


Qin Shuang was excited!

This is also a way of life, although it is simplified, it is undoubtedly correct in the general direction.

I need to find the altar and find the altar I used to lay. All places where souls are born must be at that altar.

However, it has become extremely complicated here. How can I find the altar?

Moving in her heart, she remembered that when she first encountered the white tiger carrying the city, the white tiger jumped onto an altar. But that altar, Qin Shuang felt a little different from the altar he had laid.

However, the altar and the white tiger disappeared.

Will it connect to the altar I once laid?

Try it!

Qin Shuang put away the Guqin and the array, and suddenly jumped up from the city wall towards the center of the city. There were countless and dense laws that were gradually hiding in the space because the creatures were fighting and the creatures were dissipating.


Qin's feet landed on the ground of the city.


The white tiger made a painful cry.


The dense law of silk suddenly blasted towards the surroundings, and quickly turned into stars, colliding intensively towards the surroundings.

Taoism: Xinghai!


A large number of living creatures collapsed and became a rule of law. After Xu Yu, there was silence in the city, and there was no more living creatures, and it became a dead city.

Qin Shuang stepped into the sky and flew towards the sky. When the figure exceeded the wall, she felt a huge attraction and pulled her body towards the city. The inner force of the Qin Shuang was surging, resisting the force of terror pulling, and gazing out.

I saw a pair of huge tiger eyes of the white tiger burst into light, and the light hit the ground not far away, where an altar was quickly born, just the kind that the white tiger climbed on the altar and disappeared.


The white tiger seemed to be dead because all the creatures in the city were under pressure. He was able to trot all the way to the altar, and then climbed to the altar.

There was a flower in front of him, and when Qin Shuang looked down on the surrounding scene again, he was ecstatic.

This is the altar I laid!

At this time, the white tiger was lying on the altar.


Qin Shuang looked down into the city, and he saw that there had been a gathering of rules and structures.


Qin Shuang's sword was cut out, as if the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe had melted into a sword in an instant, the city collapsed, and the White Tiger collapsed, turning into a dense ruled wire, radiating towards the surroundings. Qin Shuang fell from the dense ruled wire and stood on the altar Above, looking around, the corner of the eye jumped with excitement.

She saw the altar as the center and could not see the border at a glance. There were countless kinds of creatures being constructed, some were just beginning, some had already constructed part of the limbs, some had been constructed, and then turned to the altar Looking up, I saw the pair of pianos on the altar, and the eyes of each creature showed the color of dependence and kindness. This made Qin Shuang's heart stunned, and then some of them thought with a smile, that many creatures regarded the creatures they saw at first glance as their mothers, wouldn't they be regarded as mothers by these creatures, or the creator?


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