Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2815: Weave

In the discussions of the Holy Land Alliance, the Barbarian Continent was not included in the plan, because in their hearts, the Barbarian Continent was very weak, and there was no powerful monk who could go to the Void and the Baizu Continent to help. It was only at the beginning of the last war that the wild continent was included in the plan.

At this time, Qin Shuang went deeper in the sea of ​​fire and thunder. Her body had been tempered to the fourth layer of Tianzun. At the speed of decomposing and weaving a chain of laws every day, she was walking the path of Dizun again. She needs to decompose all the chains of 100,000 laws, and then weave into the chains of laws of eleven attributes, and once again stand on the peak of Di Zun before she can start to break through Tian Zun.

One by one, the chains of laws stored in the town demon tower were decomposed by him, and they were integrated into the chains of laws decomposed by themselves, and new chains of laws were generated. There are not many law chains she keeps in the town demon tower, especially the single time law chain, space law chain and so on. However, weaving the law chain of eleven attributes does not require a complete time or space, and there is also the wind and lightning law chain. For example, a chain of time law is broken down, and only a small part is extracted, and weaving with other ten laws of silk can weave a chain of eleven laws. Therefore, a chain of laws of time can weave many chains of laws of eleven attributes.

One hundred and fifty years.

Qin Shuang has been quenching her body for 150 years in Huo Leihai. With the help of Vientiane Fruit, her body finally reached the peak of Tianzun.

At this time, she was already standing in the center of Huo Leihai, and here she had reached the body of the peak of Tianzun ten years ago, and she had practiced for another ten years, but there was no progress. It is simply impossible to raise one's own body to the holy level, that is, the legendary holy body.

She knew that Huo Leihai had no effect on herself, so it was time to go out. But her chain of laws has not been completely rewoven, that is, most of it has been woven.

Qin Shuang left Huo Leihai and first went to the meeting hall. There were only eight monks guarding one of them, and one of them sent a jade slip to Qin Shuangdao:

"Sovereign, this is left to you by the masters."

Qin Shuang took over the jade jade, walked into the hall of deliberations, sat on a chair, and explored the mysterious knowledge into the jade jade.

Inside this jade jade are all the messages left by the eight patriarchs. And the time is different, who left the retreat, or left Zongmen to go out and sharpen, left some information about himself in this jade jade about Zongmen. For more than two hundred years, a lot of messages have been left. Just looking at these messages, Qin Shuang spent half a day.

The general content is that now the Zongmen has developed very well, and more than 500 respects have broken through the earth respects, and more than 200 more respects. As for the monks below the esteem, there are more monks. Generally speaking, as the monks of the rule of the patriarchal clan today, they have broken through to one million.

But there is also bad news. The first is that there are not many chains and chains, and it is estimated that they will be used up in another hundred years. There is also a lot of monks who went out to experience. Soul lamp hall has 80,000 rules of monk soul lamp extinguished, of which there are 28 deities and six deities.

"It seems that there are a lot of monks who have been immortal emperors. Instead of staying in the world of Shenlong, they ran out!"

Qin Shuang sighed and put away the jade jade.

Go out and go out. Only through the cruel test of survival can we have the hope of surviving in the future battle of the world.

"It has been more than 500 years since the Bais were connected in series. According to the time calculation, all the Bais should be connected in series at this time. Choose a place where the Bais will gather to discuss major events?"

Time is running out, I have to improve myself as soon as possible!

Qin Shuang left the meeting hall and flew towards Xuan Yuefeng.

Too Xuzong.

The six giants got together again.

A glance of joy emerged from the eyebrows of Daritianzun: "Our plan in the void and Baizu is well implemented. Now Baizu is constantly harassed by us and intercepted by us in the void. So far, we have not completed the tandem. It is estimated that at least they still have It will take three hundred years, or even four hundred years."

"Not bad!"

Wu Tianzun smiled with a smile on his face. Although he was not in the holy land, he fell into the eye because of his absence from the holy land. The most serious casualties were the loss of the holy land. But he brought back a large number of chains of law, law locks and law fragments from his lost eyes. For hundreds of years, the strength of the lost continent has leaped forward and has restored its original strength.

"What are we going to do next?"

"Do you want to take the lead to attack the 100-nation continent?"

Xu Qinyang shook his head slightly and said, "No, that is to provoke the world war ahead of time. The Baizu is not ready now, but we are not ready. Let's prepare according to the original plan."

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Also, yes, I don't know what happened to the brutal continent of Qin Shuangxiao's friends now?"

"What else can we do?" Xu Qinyang sighed: "It takes a long time for that continent to develop. If in the future world war, the hundreds of people do not think of Qin Shuanglai, I don't want to treat the barbaric continent Pull in. In this battle of the world, strength like the barbarian continent will disappear in the long river of history."

Quite a continent.



Qin Shuang sat in Banyue Xiaozhu, holding a jade jade in her hand, which was left to her by Qin Jingyun and three disciples. Qin Jingyun went out to practice again, and has been away for eight years. Eight years ago, he broke through to the peak of his respect. But her three disciples, who had just returned, had already broken through the first layer of Venerable Master and are now in the sea of ​​fire and thunder.

Seeing Qin Jingyun and his three disciples safe and sound, Qin Shuang was relieved. She cares most about her brother and three disciples.

"Let's complete the chain of laws first."

Qin Shuang entered the Zhenyao Tower and began to re-knit the chain of laws using the time flow rate in the Zhenyao Tower.

Qin Shuang came out of Zhenyao Tower more than two months later.

Cultivation is still the pinnacle of Di Zun, but the breath has become more powerful. Because at this time she is already an eleven attribute, every move, as if shaking a world.

What she has to do now is to weave the tenth and tenth law chain. If the weaving is successful, she will break through to Tianzun.

Qin Shuang's eyes flashed with excitement. From cultivation to now, she has been more than a thousand years old. Finally stepped into the realm of heaven. After taking a deep breath, Qin Shuang began to weave the chain of laws when the state of mind was not in the water. A little rule of law was extracted from the town demon tower. These are the eleven kinds of rule wires she has prepared, all of which are decomposed from the preserved rule chain in advance. The silk is woven under the control of Qin Shuang.

A little bit, a little, one rule lock, two rule locks...


Thank you very much bookkeeper 20200621054231510 (500), white leaf qaq (300) for the reward!



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