Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2826: Fighting fantasy

Ancestor Phantom slowly approached Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang really didn't feel the approach of Phantom Ancestor. She now has a hint of understanding of the phantom in the Phantom Forest, but it is still far from complete understanding. After all, the Phantom clan has been operating in this forest for more than 100,000 years.


Qin Shuang had a sense of danger approaching when Phantom Patriarch's palm was less than half an inch away from Qin Shuang's back heart. A defensive shield was quickly released, and the phantom ancestor bombarded the defensive shield, and then saw a gleam of sword light shining, it was Qin Shuangyi's sword.


That sword cut through the phantom ancestor's body, but there was no trace of blood splashing. That phantom ancestor was really like a phantom. The fairy sword cut through his body as if through the air, and then the phantom ancestor's The figure faded away and disappeared.

Qin Shuang quietly spread the power of the soul out and enveloped the surroundings, and then Yuanshen continued to comprehend the illusion, and his hands kept shaking the strings.

Five hundred meters away from Qin Shuang, Phantom Patriarch's figure appeared, and a trace of paleness appeared on his face. Although he escaped Qin Shuang's sword with Phantom Supernatural Power, he consumed a lot.

"That sword has the power of the four layers of Heavenly Venerable, which is similar to my strength. However, this is the Mirage Forest, my territory. Ha ha..."


Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and she heard a sword.

At this time, a fairy sword was hovering around the phantom ancestor's body. It was a real fairy sword, not a phantom.


At the next moment, Phantom Patriarch moved his hand, but thousands of immortal swords appeared around his body. Those are all phantoms, illusions formed by the communication of the phantom forest, but the real fairy sword is hidden in thousands of sword shadows, and there is no difference between true and false.

"Go!" Phantom Patriarch sipped.


Jianming rushed into the night, and thousands of sword shadows were like the side of Tianhe.

"Ah..." the woman in the painting panicked.

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and he sacrificed the array to form a light curtain, which enveloped herself and the woman in the painting.


Dense swords sounded and hit the light curtain formed by the array, but were bounced out. Phantom Patriarch's complexion changed. A sharp look.

"I want to see how long you can persist?"


Those bounced sword shadows circled in the air, and then blasted towards Qin Shuang again.

Qin Shuang no longer ignores it and concentrates on comprehension of Phantom Forest.

One day.|

Two days.

Three days.|

With the help of December Fruit, Qin Shuang's understanding of the Phantom Forest is advancing by leaps and bounds. It was originally the Grand Master of Xianzhen Grand Master and the Grand Master of Qin Yin. She copied and realized.

Gradually, the sound of Qin Shuang began to affect the surrounding illusion.

The ice and snow tornado that was approaching gradually began to disappear, appearing in the field of vision for a while, and then disappearing into the field of vision again.

At this time, Phantom Patriarch's face became very ugly. She could already perceive that Qin Shuang's piano tone was affecting the illusion of the Phantom Forest, and its influence was growing.

However, he has now experimented with this position, and he is not able to blast himself at all. He even shouted his own people, and the joint attack may not be able to blast. After all, he is a God of Heaven, and has been experimenting for so long, there is still some judgment.

This made him embarrassed!

Now that the Hundreds are united, he has joined the Hundreds Alliance, and although he has not waged war on the Humans completely in the Phantom Continent, the suppression has begun, and small wars often occur. And it is a human race. At this time, there is almost no possibility of peace.

The key point is that the main effect of Phantom Forest is Phantom, which is usually offensive. It is impossible to rely on Phantom Forest to break through that position.

The original Phantom Forest has a confusing effect, which can control the monk's mind and become a puppet of the Phantom family. However, Qin Shuang is obviously not deceived.

How to do?

He hesitated there, but the light in Qin's eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

In fact, she didn't understand much about Mirage Forest so far. It is also impossible to achieve the power of the phantom forest in this short time, like the ancestor of the phantom. With the help of the Phantom Forest, she realized a kind of sound power, a kind of sound power that can produce illusion and control the monk's mind.

"I have created two kinds of sound functions, one is a nightmare, and the other is a soul-burning. This kind of sound function that I have created is called a fantasy!"

"Ding Ding Dong Dong..."

Qin Shuang floated the strings with both hands, and saw the ice and snow tornado that had approached him less than one hundred meters, and gradually faded away. In less than three breaths, he disappeared in front of Qin Shuang.

"Ah..." the woman in the painting looked at the calm space in front of her in surprise.

With a wave of his sleeves, Qin put away Guqin, and then put away his position. Unleashing the power of mysterious exploration, after all, she is a Grand Master of the Immortal Formation. Although she only has a little understanding of this phantom forest, with her eyes, it is not difficult to get out of this phantom forest.

However, the direction of her walk at this time was not to leave, but to the center of the Mirage Forest. She believes that the Mirage family must live in the center of Mirage Forest. There should be no influence of illusion, otherwise, those children who are low or just born, are not affected by illusion?

She can't find the hidden ancestor in the phantom forest, but she can force the phantom ancestor to appear by slashing the phantom family. But at this time, Phantom Patriarch was also confused. He didn't understand, why didn't Qin Shuang leave?

He can be sure that this phantom forest cannot hold Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang wants to leave and can leave at any time. However, the direction of Qin Shuang's walking now is toward the phantom family.

What does she want to do?

Not good!

She wants to enter the Mirage Land!

What do you do when you enter the Mirage?

Is this still a question?

With the relationship between the Phantom Clan and the Human Race now, it's not that you kill me, I kill you.

No way!

Qin Shuang cannot be allowed to enter the Mirage Clan.

The ancestor of Phantom faded away. At the next moment, an immortal sword suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shuang. The tip of the sword was less than an inch from Qin Shuang's throat.


A fairy sword blocked Qin Shuang's throat, blocking the tip of the phantom ancestor.


Another fairy sword came out around the body, blasting toward the phantom ancestor. The ancestral ancestor disappeared in the shape of a retreat. In front of Qin Shuang, a green grassland appeared, and a breeze blew through, making people feel calm.


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