Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2848: meet

"Good strength!" said the Dragon clan variant: "Unlike the two people above, just try it out and kill it directly. So weak, what do you do here? Do you give food to monsters?"

Qin Shuang pouted, and didn't care about shooting in the opposite direction. The opponent was only attacking his palm, which was obviously just a temptation. But she still pouted and glanced at the human race in the counter. The human race in the counter only said that when he came in, he was still respected. If the Qianyuan ancestors came in front, then the first two people are almost all Tianzun, why are they weak?

The humans at the counter saw Qin Shuang's expression and smiled: "It's different now. When I came here, the barriers in the dark realm were still very strong, far less dangerous than they are now."

"How did the dark world form?"

Qin Shuang asked, at this time she also saw that these people definitely did not introduce themselves to the wine because they had spent Xianjing to buy wine. They should want to win over themselves if there was no accident. Otherwise, why did you test your strength?

"I don't know!" said the human race at the counter: "Why do you care so much? We just kill it."

"Oh?" Qin Shuang frowned slightly: "Why have I never heard of this place?"

"I heard?" The monkey clan said funny: "The monks on the surface will not hear about it. Perhaps the monks in the ancients knew the dark realm, but now, no one on the surface should know. We are all by chance. Enter here. Then I never went out again, and the people who came in did not go out. How could the monks on the ground know?"

"Are you going out, or don't you want to go out?" Qin Shuang was a little worried.

"Of course, I don't want to go out!" said the Monkey Clan monk: "What are you doing out there? Eat and die? What is the goal of my monk's cultivation? Isn't it becoming stronger?

Going out is equivalent to giving up, and no one wants to give up to become stronger. "

Qin Shuang thinks about it too. If you give yourself a chance to become stronger, you won’t be able to go out unless you don’t have much help in this place. Then he asked:

"How big is the dark realm?"

The people at the counter thought for a while and said, "It should be as big as the five Shangyuan continents!"

"........." Qin Shuang looked at the Terran in the counter in shock.

The Terran outside the counter picked up the glass and touched Qin Shuang with a drink: "Want to join us?"

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said: "No, I still have some personal affairs to deal with. I will wait until I have finished dealing with them."

"Kill the thousand ancestors?" asked the human race outside the counter.


"Monkey, go inquire about these two waves of new monks."

The monkey monk got up and left. After about two quarters of an hour, the door opened and the monkey monk came in.

"I found those two waves, but I don't know who is the Qianyuan Patriarch."

Qin Shuangbian arched his hand and said: "Trouble leads the way."

"Little things! Come with me!"

Qin two-wayed to Yu Yuan and they waved, and Yu Yuan's four people stood up. Both the Terran and Dragon variants outside the counter also stood up and followed Qin Shuang to the gate. Only the Terran inside the counter did not move.

A group of people walked along the road toward the inside. Under the leadership of the monkeys, the speed of the crowd was very fast. It was only a quarter of an hour before they stopped in front of a house. The man explained to Qin Shuang:

"There are many houses here, and from time to time there are monks dying, there are more empty houses. At that time, you can also choose a house to live at will."

At this time, the monkey said: "There is a wave of people living here."

"Call the door!" Qin Shuang said to Yu Yuan.

Before Yu Yuan stepped forward, he saw that the door had been opened, and three monks came out of it. Qin Shuang's eyes were fixed. Although these three people were born similar to the human race, their eyes were purple, and each hand had six fingers, which is the symbol of the Qianyuan family.

The head of an old man turned his eyes and fell on Qin Shuang's body, looking proudly:

"Dare you human race still appear in front of me?"

Qin Shuang turned his head to look at Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan grinned: "I haven't seen Qian Yuan."

Qin Shuang then turned to the monkey clan monk and said: "Monkey Taoist, please take him to another wave of people."

Then he said to Yu Yuan again: "If you know them, bring them over."

The eyes of the three monks of the Qianyuan family opposite flashed. They were the first wave to enter here. After inquiring about it in the no regrets pub, they chose a house to stay here, prepared to take a break, and restored the repair to Peak, and then came out to inquire about the situation here. Therefore, they did not know that there was a second wave, and a third wave of people came in. Therefore, at this time they heard Qin Shuang's words, their faces could not be slightly changed. He glanced at each other.

Could it be that the human race followed behind to enter here?

They didn't know, but the second wave of monks who followed them knew that, as Qin Shuang heard at the Wu regret pub, there were two waves of people coming in. The second wave of people naturally also heard the first wave of monks coming in. And they came with the Qianyuan clan, naturally knowing that the first wave of monks was the Qianyuan clan, so they chose a place far away from the house where the qianyuan clan lived.

"Who are you?" The Qianyuan clan elders on the opposite side also calmed down at this time, but Qin Shuang didn't pay much attention to it.

"Qin Shuang!"

"Qin Shuang?"

The other person frowned slightly, and had never heard of the name. Moreover, Qin Shuang's appearance is very strange. There should be nothing that he doesn't know about the thousands of people in the mainland, so he asked:

"You are not a human race of the thousand yuan continent?"

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head.

The old man's eyes became cautious at once: "Shangyuan Continent?"

"No! I'm from the Tianxingzong of the quite mainland."

"Very continent?"

The old man of the other party suddenly relaxed, and he still knew that it was a group of scum.

But just relaxed, I got nervous and stared at Qin Shuang:

"No, there will be no Goddess in the barbaric continent! You are cheating me!"

"Not before, now!" Qin Shuang said lightly.


And at this time, four silhouettes flew over and landed on Qin Shuang's side. It was Monkey and Yu Yuan, as well as two old men.

The two old men looked at Qin Shuang. Although Qin Shuang's current practice has not been completely restored, they can still feel that Qin Shuang's practice is a second level of Tianzun.


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