Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2860: Sharpen

He Bu and Lu Jue also sighed and rushed towards each other. The two of them knew that it was time to desperately. If you can kill the two Qianyuan families on the opposite side before the fall of Qin Shuang, the two of you may still be alive. If you wait for the Qianyuan ancestors to pour out. The two of them are waiting to die.

It was only an instant that the two teams of monks also fought into the sky. These two pairs of monks are really opponents and can't stand still. It's just that He Bu and Lu Jue have a desperate heart, while the two Qianyuan tribes are just wandering. As long as they waited for the thousand ancestors to kill Qin Shuang, He and Lu Jue will naturally fall. It doesn't take long for the Qianyuan Patriarch to kill a second layer of Tianzun.


They waited more than two quarters for this. Thousand Yuan ancestors also heard the roar of fighting. The four monks could not help but look around, but they saw that Qin Shuang was completely suppressed by the Qian Yuan ancestor, but he still did not lose, and still counterattacked.

Qin Shuang is now under a lot of pressure, but his heart is ethereal, completely immersed in the Divine Passage. Because he knows that it is not easy for the other party to kill himself. After all, his own body is powerful. Even now because of the relationship of erysipelas, it is no longer a half-holy body, but it is also the pinnacle of Tianzun. Even the thousand dollars strangled to death, and at most it only hurt themselves, but it didn't kill them.

Therefore, in order to put pressure on herself and let her have more comprehension under pressure, she didn't even sacrifice the Skywalker armor, and she only fought against the other party on the basis of single-level magical powers.

This is the strongest opponent she has encountered since traveling over a dozen continents. Under this pressure, Qin Shuang's comprehension of various supernatural powers began to deepen, releasing individual supernatural powers more smoothly, and the mutual connection began to become closer, and the power was gradually improved.

A thousand uneasiness rose in the mind of Qian Yuan Patriarch, for more than two quarters, he did not kill Qin Shuang.

He has now figured out the details of Qin Shuang, and he has 11 attributes. The cultivation practice of the second layer of Tianzun has the strength of the latter five layers.

It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that Qin Shuang's elusive communication of eleven attributes is often the correct attribute of magical power, used in the right place. Originally, his magical power could be above Qin Shuang, but he only let Qin Shuang have a variety of single-attribute magic combinations, even breaking his own way of doing things. Therefore, he has an advantage, but he cannot turn it into a victory.

And he actually discovered that as the battle continued, the power of various single-attribute magical powers of Qin Shuang gradually became stronger, various single-attribute magical powers, in various combinations, and almost seamlessly connected, the power was strengthened again, letting the piano The combat power of the double has crossed the fifth floor of the Tianzun and reached the sixth floor of the Tianzun.

For example, Qin released Qian Tian's ancestors and released a Tianhe backflush, and then released a thunder. Thunder came all over the Tianhe River, making Qianyuan Patriarch very uncomfortable.

But the more this is, the more Qianyuan Patriarch knew that Qin Shuang had to be killed here, otherwise there would be no chance in the future. His offensive was even more fierce, completely covering Qin Shuang in a twisted space, making Qin Shuang's range of movement smaller and smaller. Seeing that it would make Qin Shuangshuang flashless and escape, the twisted and folded space was twisted into pieces, and the corners of his mouth had already sneered. It seemed that he saw a cloud of blood erupt in front of his eyes.


With a loud sword, Qian Yuan Patriarch saw a flat, blade-like circle split by Qin Shuangyi's sword. There were five lines flowing on the circle. Although flat, it seemed to breed a world.

The feeling given to Qian Yuan's ancestors seemed to be a World Cup great force compressed into a flat circle.

Five elements cut!


The five elements cut open the twisted space, and went straight to the thousand ancestors.

Thousand Yuan ancestors were cold all over the body, standing in sweat and horror.

Those five elements clearly have the power of Heavenly Sovereign, and they can already threaten his life.


how can that be?

Does this mean that a monk with 11 attributes is powerful?

At this moment, Qian Yuan Patriarch was jealous!

Then he became crazy, attacking Qin Shuang frantically, and the heart of killing Qin Shuang has never been firmer. The fight between the two became intense in an instant.

Qin Shuang did not always release the five elements, but the five elements were combined with each other. At one time, two attributes were combined into two instruments. At one time, three attributes constituted three talents. At one time, four attributes constituted four elephants. , It is difficult to meet a best opponent, how can it be given up?

Qian Yuan Pao is really a best opponent!

Xiu Wei had just suppressed Qin Shuang, but could not threaten Qin Shuang's life. It's just an excellent sharpening stone. At this time, Qian Yuan Patriarch also saw that Qin Shuang was using it as a whetstone. Envious of jealousy, he was filled with shame and anger.

But he still thinks that he will be able to kill Qin Shuang in the end, and his practice is there. Even if Qin Shuang is so powerful, how long can he persist?

However, at this time on the other two battlefields, the psychology of both sides has changed.

He Bu and Lu Jue were ecstatic in their hearts, and they did not expect that Qin Shuang could have a tie with the Qianyuan Patriarch, who was the second floor of Tianzun.

This is the opportunity!

If the two of them can kill the two Qianyuan families on the opposite side, and then join hands with Qin Shuang, they will have the opportunity to kill the Qianyuan ancestors.


The two of them had desperately wanted to die, but now they are even more crazy and desperate.

And the two monks of the thousand yuan family started to feel a little confused. Actually, the gap was a little too big. Two or more minutes ago, the two of them laughed wildly, thinking that Qin Shuang would be beheaded by Qian Yuan Patriarch soon, but did not expect Qin Shuang to be more courageous in the war. Not only was he not beheaded, but instead he regained his disadvantages and stalemate with the Qian Yuan Patriarch.

A panic in this heart gave He and Lu Jue the upper hand, and the situation of the two thousand-yuan monks became subtle.

The monks who watched on the ground looked wonderful and got together to discuss. However, there are still a few optimistic about Qin Shuang. After all, Qin Shuang is only the second floor of Tianzun, and Qianyuan Patriarch is the sixth floor of Tianzun. It is no better than others, but it is thicker than the internal force of the body, and it is also a thousand-year-old ancestor than Qin Shuang.

In this way, Qin Shuang and Qian Yuan Patriarch stalemate together, and no one can beat anyone, which is comparable to Yuan Li's solidity. When the elemental force in Qin Shuang's body is excessively consumed, it is the time when Qian Yuan Patriarch killed Qin Shuang.

The monkey looked at Qin Shuang in the sky and said to the human race behind the counter: "Wine jar, do you want to help Qin Shuang?"


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