Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2869: Holy city

There are already 20% similar to the people here, but there are still 80% different. You can still tell at a glance that you are not a person in this world.

Sitting at the gate of the first floor, Ji Yue heard the footsteps, opened his eyes, and saw Qin Shuang walking down from the second floor, and hurriedly stood up:


"Let's go and make alchemy for you. By the way, get me a satchel."

"it is good!"

One day later, Qin Shuang made two furnaces of pills for Ji Yue and gave Ji Yue twelve. He left twelve, plus the previous two, and got fourteen. They were packed in a jade bottle. Put it in your backpack. Carrying a satchel, Qin Shuang shook his head.

It's been too long, I haven't carried my bag!

"Senior, I have arranged a place for you to rest. The ancestral land of our human race is in the Holy City. After I arrange it for you, I will report your affairs to the Lord of the Holy City. Look?"

"You first tell me what you know about this world." Qin Shuang said as he walked.

"it is good!"

Walking all the way to the place arranged for Qin Shuang to live, the two of them sat down, and Ji Yue talked about it for more than an hour before stopping. Qin Shuang couldn't help feeling a little nervous at this moment.

The city lord of the holy city doesn't matter, it's just an early stage of Tianzun, but the human race actually has a saint here. And there are three more.

Qin Shuang is not a person with shallow knowledge, but she has met the holy-ranked monk more than once, and she is deeply aware that her strength is not enough to be crushed by a finger of the holy-ranked monk.

If the saints of this world are hostile to themselves...

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Qin Shuang's mouth, and she knew she had no other way to go. That is, they escaped, but in their own state, people here can recognize the difference between themselves and them.


A holy monk wanted to search for himself, it seemed... there shouldn't be much difficulty.

What's more, there are not only Human Races in this world, but also a hundred races such as Dragon and Phoenix Races. It is far better to meet Human Race by yourself than to be caught by other clans. So he nodded and said:

"You inform the Lord of the Holy City!"

In front of Qin Shuang's face, Ji Yue reported this time to the city lord of the holy city, and then put down the jade brief for transmission:

"Senior, within half an hour, the owner of the mall will be there."

Qin Shuang nodded and said: "Ji Yue, I have read your collection of books, but there is no method to construct the body. Do you know the method of construction?"

Ji Yue stretched out his hands and said: "Senior, I really don't know. We don't need to build our bodies, we are born with this kind of energy construction."

Qin Shuang couldn't help being a little disappointed, but nodded, she could feel that Ji Yue hadn't lied.

Ji Yue thought for a while and said, "I guess there should be a holy mountain, or the three holy ones should know."

Qin Shuang's heart moved, but the saint had endless years. If the three of them had entered through the white hole, their bodies would have been constructed by themselves. Then my heart sank again, I want to see the saint!

I don’t know the attitude of the saint!

However, Qin Shuang then became calm again. She knew that whether she was active or passive, she would definitely want to see the three saints. Since I must see, I don’t have to worry about it.

What's more, looking at the attitude of the people you are in contact with now, it is still kind!

The two started chatting, sometimes Qin Shuang said it, sometimes Ji Yue said it again, each talking to each other about things in their own world, and both of them were very surprised.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the two turned their heads at the same time and looked out the window. They all felt the spatial fluctuations, and then Qin Shuang felt a mysterious sense sweeping in. The profound knowledge stagnated for a while, it seemed to be frightened, and immediately retracted.

The visitor was Shang Zhen, the lord of the Holy City, a female cultivator at the peak of Tianzun’s early days. When she swept away her profound knowledge and found that Qin Shuang’s profound strength had almost reached the peak of Tianzun, she was shocked. She dared to be careful. Probe?

He hurriedly withdrew his profound knowledge, and said respectfully: "Junior Shang Zhen begs to see Senior."

As soon as the door opened, Qin Shuang and Ji Yue walked out. Ji Yue only watched Qin Shuang seriously now, of course he didn't dare to look at Qin Shuang with profound knowledge, just measuring with his eyes, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

The physical state at this time is indeed different from this world, but it is also 20% similar.

Is this really from Baidong?

Ji Yue saw Shang Zhen’s doubts, and his heart jumped, but he didn't dare to be misunderstood by Shang Zhen. The credit became a sin, and he hurriedly said:

"Senior Shang, Senior Qin is so wise, after reading the secret books of the younger family, he actually constructed a body similar to 20%."

Shang Zhen suddenly admires Qin Shuang in his heart. What a savvy is this!

She saluted Qin Shuang again: "Senior Qin, the old saint must be very happy to hear that you are here. I wonder if Senior Qin is convenient to go to the Holy City with me now?"

Qin Shuang opened his mouth and asked, "When I go, can I see the saint immediately?"

"This... I'm afraid it will take some time, I need to report to it..."

Qin Shuang nodded, where is the saint so easy to see? So he asked: "Can the library of the holy city be open to me?"

"Fully open!"

Shang Zhen said that there was no pressure at all. The ancestral training is placed there, and once there is a monk from the white cave, it will be provided with all conveniences, and at the same time it will be brought to the saint at the fastest speed. Therefore, Shang Zhen agreed very happily.

After half an hour.

Qin Shuang arrived in the Holy City and landed directly at the City Lord's Mansion. Shang Zhen took Qin Shuang directly into a secret room, and then said apologetically to Qin Shuang:

"Senior, you don’t know how important your arrival is to the world here! Not only the human race is waiting for the monks on the white cave side, but the hundred races are waiting. Therefore, if you are known by other races, there will probably be Unpredictable things happen. I will report to the above, and I have been wronged by seniors to stay here these days."

Qin Shuang's expression just changed. Didn't he put himself under house arrest?

Of course, Shang Zhen's words are also very reasonable. A person from his white hole suddenly arrived here, and he was the only one in hundreds of millions of years, and it would definitely cause a sensation. The previous Baidong Town was too small, even if it wanted to cause a sensation, the news would have to spread for a long time. Unlike the holy city, there must be a hundred cultivators here. If you expose yourself, I am afraid that the news will spread throughout this world within a quarter of an hour.

But will the result be unpredictable?

It must be unpredictable, because what will happen is unpredictable, maybe it is good, all the people want to know about the immortal world and release their kindness to themselves. But it is also possible to catch oneself and study it.

However, no matter what, I cannot be placed under house arrest. This is a question of attitude. Once you agree, you are weak, and you must assume a posture that is better than jade, or else you will let it go and lose your freedom in the future.



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