Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2874: The Shackles of the Holy One

This is also making fun in hardship, and it is also an indulgence, an indulgence in the face of no future.


No one had imagined that men and women who blended through the divine consciousness would give birth to a newborn baby. It's just that this baby doesn't have a physical body, but there is a soul and soul at birth. As he grew up, he gradually gave birth to an unusual body. That is, it is similar to the body we built by ourselves, and it needs to be perfect. But there is still no flesh and blood.

what is this?

This is to give us monks the opportunity to pass on the inheritance and tradition. As a result, the despair dissipated again.

When everyone was hiding in the east, everything started. As a result, our number finally stopped decreasing, but began to gradually increase.

After 30,000 years, we, the first batch of monks who came in, discovered that our law chain had begun to change. For example, it was originally a monk with a single metal law, but he discovered that there was an extra in his metal law chain. This law, that law and the metal law are woven together.

After careful observation and research, it was finally determined that the extra law was exactly the same as the breath of the soul, and we named it the law of the soul.

From the birth of the soul to the change of the law and chain, we are all born unconsciously.

However, the birth of the soul, because the time is too short, we have no time to study. But the change of the law is different. For example, our Tianzun has hundreds of thousands to a million law chains. When the first law chain is changed, we naturally feel it, so we observe and study the changes in other law chains.

The more research, the more mysterious.

Of course, the soul is inherently mysterious, and the phoenix and feathers that can be researched are rare, but the people who have been researched and gained further understanding have broken through the holy rank. "

Qin Shuang's heart beat violently.

"Holy level?"

"Yes!" Xia Fenfang nodded and said, "This is how our sanctification came. Of course, it is still difficult and very difficult to enter the sanctuary. On the one hand, the soul is mysterious and obscure, and on the other hand, the soul is mysterious and difficult to find. The two are added together, and it is more advanced. There is also a third aspect, where you need to master eleven laws, plus the soul law, it is even more difficult. Therefore, so far, there have been thirty-nine saints. By."

"Thirty-nine?" Qin Shuang almost jumped up in shock. There are only seven in the entire fairy world... No, there are only six now.

Do not!

Still seven, plus chaos.

However, there are 39 in this world!

"It's thirty-nine!" Xia Fenfang nodded, "But... Qin Shuang, do you feel that your strength in this world is weaker than that of the Immortal Realm?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang said: "And it's a lot weaker, it's no surprise, after all, if you lose your physical body, you lose your vitality...Senior, what do you mean is that you are not as strong as those with physical bodies. ?"

"Yes!" Xia Fenfang said: "Before we entered here, although we were not saints, we were once followers of the saints, and we were all the strongest people under the saints. We have seen Too many battles between the saints, although they are only viewed from a distance, they have a clear understanding of the power of the saints.

We are not as good as them, such as the three of us, not as good as the King. "

"How much can it be?"

"Compared with the human emperor of the same rank, it probably has less than half the power."

"Is there a difference between the heavens here and the heavens in the immortal world?" Qin Shuang asked thoughtfully.

"Except for the Soul of Heaven, there is no difference. In fact, there must be Soul of Heaven in the immortal world, but it is not obvious. But here is obvious. The most important thing is that in this world, there is no physical body, only the soul, and then the yuan The soul is born in the gods, and it feels... just a feeling, it is easier to enter the sacred world than in the immortal world, but the cultivation after entering the sacred world is more difficult than the immortal world.

It is not difficult, but this world seems to have limitations, it is possible to enter the holy, and it is almost impossible to continue to improve the cultivation base. "


"Yes!" Xia Fenfang sighed: "I have been in the Holy for more than 60 million years, more than 60 million years ago, I became the Holy One and became the first level of the Holy One. 60 million years later, I am still It is the first floor of the saint."


Qin was dumbfounded, this is a false holy road, right?

"However, when we became sacred, we undoubtedly saved us monks and began to conquer this world. There are no sages in this world. They quickly suppressed the beasts here and opened up our territory. , And then reproduce offspring. For nearly hundreds of millions of years, our offspring have actually forgotten that their ancestors came from the white hole, and they don’t even know that there is a world on the white hole, let alone what the flesh is? what?

Only those of us remember, and only those of us who know that there is no real flesh body, and the strength is less than half of the monks over the white cave. We always want to go back. We know that our flesh body is probably gone long ago. It has been hundreds of millions of years, how could it still be there?

However, there are many ways to recast the flesh. As long as we find the material to recast the flesh, we can recast the flesh. Therefore, we always remember that Baidong is our hometown. "

The ancient well in Qin's eyes did not wave, but there was waves in his heart.

Xia Fenfang was right. There are materials for recasting the body over the white hole, and although the exercises for recasting the body are not bad, there are several ways. If they return to the immortal world over the white hole, it is possible to recast their flesh.

Moreover, after recasting the flesh, it is possible for them to go farther on the road of the saint level, otherwise it is likely to stay on the saint level forever.


It is the fairy world over the white hole, how much material is used to recast the flesh?

Searching all over the fairy world, maybe you can find enough two or three people to recast their flesh, right?

There may not be two or three, you must know that most of the immortal world now is shrouded by the laws of chaos. Materials are extremely scarce.

So, what will happen?

In order to go further in the path of monasticism, these monks will probably take another path.

Take home!

That is simply a disaster in the fairy world!

"Qin Shuang, we have the earliest method of constructing a body here. However, it requires the cooperation of the soul to build a body like ours. Don't worry, if you live here, you will open a cave next to it, waiting for you When the soul is born, the soul can be used to construct the body with the exercises we created. I think you are also eleven attributes, and maybe a million years later, you will be holy.

We have a lot of books here, just read them. If you want to see the stele, it's in the holy city. "


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