Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2876: Xuan Tao

"Then wait until the holy one comes. I will make a simple transformation first."

Qin Shuang's figure began to fall, and then he pointed his fingers like a sword in the air, cutting through the tip of the mountain by two-thirds, and then slashing again. In the end, a large hand of profound power condensed, grabbed two thirds of the mountain tip, and gently placed it on a flat ground far away from here.

Shang Hai a lot of the mountain top at this time.

One-third of the mountain tip was left on one side, like a smooth cliff. The remaining two-thirds are very flat, about two thousand square meters.

"Are you going to live on this? Don't open a cave on the rock wall?" Shang Hai's eyes showed a hint of surprise.


Qin doubled his head, then grabbed his hands downward. She caught the big trees in the air, and pointed them like a sword, cutting them out again and again, and the big trees were chopped into pieces of boards of the same size and thickness.

Qin Shuang began to build a house on the left side of Guanghua Cliff.

A Tianzun builds a house very quickly. In just a few breaths, a three-story wooden building was built, and then Qin Shuang stretched out a finger, and the mysterious power emerged like a talisman on the wooden building. Rune patterns are carved on it.

Without drawing runes, just this loose wooden building would fall apart if a mortal hit it. However, the runes depicted are different. A series of runes firmly connected each piece of wood together to become a real wooden building, and then carved runes on the entire wooden building. After more than two quarters, the whole wooden building was connected by the runes and was unbreakable. . It's impossible to come to an earthly respect, wanting to blow it down with a punch.

Shang Hai looked stunned, didn't he say that Qin Shuang was an alchemist?

Why is Fudao so powerful?

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand again, and pressed it towards the ground in front of the smooth cliff, and a deep hole with a radius of several hundred meters was revealed. If it is filled with water, it is a small lake.

Then Qin Shuang volleyed from the periphery of the center of the deep pit toward the flat ground, stepping on an illusory enlarged footprint, stepping on a pit about five meters wide, much shallower than the lake in the future. These Following the advance of Qin Shuang, the pits were connected to form a channel. Qin Shuang walked to the edge of the mountain top opposite the smooth cliff before stopping.

"Are you going to build a lake here? Then the lake water flows along this channel to the bottom of the mountain, forming a stream?" Shang Hai asked.

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"Not bad!"

Shang Hai nodded and looked around. One side of the top of the mountain was a smooth cliff, and the other side was more than two thousand square meters of flat land. On the left side under the smooth cliff, there is a three-story wooden building. In front of the wooden building, about a hundred meters away, is the lake of the future. Then a canal stretches from the center of the flat ground to the opposite edge of the cliff.

"There is a wooden building on the left and empty on the right, a little asymmetrical!" Shang Hai was also idle, and gave Qin Shuang an idea: "Would you like to build a pavilion over there?"


Two quarters later, a pavilion was built on the right, about 100 meters from the lake. The runes are carved like the wooden buildings, but at this time the runes are converged. From the outside, it is a simple and charming wooden building and pavilion. There are also wooden tables and wooden stools in the pavilion.

"You have to plant some trees. It's bare and unsightly." Shang Hai continued to make ideas.

Qin Shuang looked at the trees on the mountain below, shook his head and said, "These trees are not beautiful. Are there peach seeds?"

"Yes, there are many kinds. But the best is the mysterious peach tree. But that kind of peach tree grows very slowly. It can only grow for a thousand years."

"Is there a way to ripen it?"

"Yes! The cost is huge, not appropriate."

"Talk about it." Qin Shuang said with interest.

"Use Xuan Dan."

"Xuan Dan?"

"Well, throw the profound pill in the water, wait for the profound pill to melt, and then water the tree."

"Tsk!" Qin Shuang rubbed Fang Huazi and said, "If I plant this mountain from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain and plant the profound peach trees, how many profound pills are estimated?"

Shang Hai looked at Qin Shuangdao with a look of prodigal son: "Are you crazy?"

"I just ask!"

Qin Shuang replied, in fact Qin Shuang really has this thought. She didn't like to take pill originally, even the best pill contains impurities. She felt that she didn't take the pill. Under such a rich mysterious power environment, it would take about a hundred years for herself to be able to solidify her last trace of profound power. Cultivate the power of the profound to the realm of Dzogchen.

If I set up a large array like the Juyuan large array here...

Of course, if it is completed, in this world, it should be called the Profound Gathering Array, although it will not be deployed yet, I don’t know if the Profound Gathering Array can gather here. However, Qin Shuang, a great master, will be able to deploy after studying it.

In this way, it takes only ten years for Qin Shuang to reach Dzogchen with ten times the concentration of profound strength.

Shang Hai gave her an angry look and said, "One thousand."

"This is a lot!"

Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh. She doesn't have a town demon tower now, and there is no time flow. Even if she has enough materials, she will refine alchemy for others, 12 pellets for one pot, 4 pellets for Shanghai, and 8 pellets for herself to refine 130 pots. Even if you refine one furnace at an hour, and refine ten furnaces a day, it will take 13 days.

There was a sudden movement in her heart: "Friend Shang Dao, our world has immortal veins, there is no profound veins here?"

"Yes! But it is very expensive. If you want to get a profound vein, even if it is a low-grade one, I am afraid that you have to continuously refine the profound pill for a hundred years to be able to afford it. However, there are a few in the hands of the Three Sages, I just don’t know where you are going. Ask, will the Three Saints give it to you."

Qin Shuang shook her head, she didn't like to owe favors.

"However, if you really plant this mountain with profound peach trees, and ripen them. A loss is a loss, but it is not all a loss. You can always make up for it."


"As soon as this mysterious peach tree matures in a thousand years, if you use the profound pill to ripen it, the mysterious peach tree will be able to bear fruit within ten days. Eating a profound peach is equivalent to only one thousandth of a profound pill There are no side effects at all. Let’s do the calculations. If you plant this mountain full of black peach trees, it is estimated that there are 10,000. Each tree can bear about 30 black peaches. That is 500,000. A profound peach is equivalent to about three hundred profound pills, and it is a profound pill without side effects.

One thousand profound pills, changing to three hundred is equivalent to a profound pills without side effects. "

"Is there anything like this?" Qin Shuang asked curiously.



"It's not easy to save!" Shang Haidao: "If you can't finish it, even if you sell it, you won't be able to get the price of Profound Pill. Then you can't eat much, and it doesn't help your cultivation level. Isn't that idle? "


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