Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2879: Refining

"That's right! This girl is messing around!" She Huan also reacted.

And at this moment, Qin Shuang had already begun to gather the dark clouds, and then smashed a thousand profound pills into the dark clouds. Then it began to rain in a space above the mountain, and every drop of rain fell on the mountain.


On the bare mountain peaks, young shoots burst out of the soil. In an instant, the mountains were verdant, and the next moment the shoots turned into small trees, which grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in less than half an hour, they grew into towering trees. Then the mountains and peach blossoms are all over the eyes.

The peach blossoms withered, like a rain of colorful flowers.

Many mysterious peaches grow out and mature.

The mountains are fragrant.

Xia Fenfang walked out of the pavilion, stood with his hands in his hands, and looked at the mountain.

It is very different from before.

On the cliff, a wide waterfall fell into a lake.

Surrounding the small lake is a sea of ​​flowers. On the left side of the lake is a three-story wooden building, and on the right is a pavilion. In front of the lake is a peach forest. The stream flows through the peach forest and flows down the mountain peak. Under the mountain peak, there are peach forests everywhere.

Pleasing to the eye.

With a wave of the Qin's sleeves, a dozen mysterious peaches fell off the tree and flew into the pavilion, landing on the wooden table. Qin Shuang also fell down and said:

"Dongfu has just been established, and there are only some Xuantao entertainers. Please don't blame the three seniors."

The three saints smiled and picked up a mysterious peach and said to the piano: "Sit down, you are the master."

"Thanks, senior!"

Qin Shuang also sat down and picked up a black peach to eat. She did not deliberately refine it, and it was impolite to refine it in front of the three guests. Just taste it.

Don't say it, it tastes so good!

"Qin Shuang, don't you know? Xuan Tao can only be stored for seven days."

"Yes. Senior, have you seen the pile of sacks at the foot of the mountain?"

"Yeah!" Xia Fenfang nodded, wondering that the sacks couldn't save Xuan Tao.

"I bought it from Shang Hai. After a while, I put all the black peaches into sack, piled them up, and then set up a formation, there is no problem."

"Your formation has the effect of a storage ring?" Xia Fenfang's eyes showed surprise.

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "The storage ring opens up a space inside, my formation is not good. The space Xuan Tao occupies, the larger my formation. It just has the storage ring preservation function."

"That's it!" Xia Fenfang's face showed disappointment.

Situ Dao was moved in his heart: "Qin Shuang, can you build a big one?"

"This is no problem, as much as you want."

"Then can you set up such a formation in the treasure house of the holy city?"

"Wait until I can, but I set up a formation to store the mysterious peaches I planted. I don't need to enter the formation. I will just be outside the formation and grab a sack with my profound knowledge. If you put the entire treasure house Set up with such a large array, living people cannot get in."

"That's it!" Situ Tao thought for a while and said: "We transformed the treasure house into small warehouses. You set up the warehouses and we classify the warehouses. Each warehouse stores one thing, and now it can stand. In the corridor, outside the warehouse, I used mystery to fetch goods."

"That's it!" Qin Shuang frowned and said, "It is very tedious to arrange warehouses one by one. It's a waste of time."

"Set up a warehouse and give you ten thousand profound crystals."

"All right!" Qin Shuang couldn't refuse either.

She Huan said, "We also set up a warehouse for our Dongfu."

"Okay!" Qin Shuang agreed very decisively this time. Then took out a blank jade slip, conveyed the names of some materials, and handed it to Xia Fenfang:

"Senior, prepare these materials and send them to the refining room. Then I will refine the formation flag."

"Okay!" Xia Fenfang took the jade slip, looked at it and said, "You can go to refine the formation flag tomorrow."

"By the way, arrange dozens of people to help me move the flag." Qin Shuang said: "It's inconvenient to not have storage rings."

Xia Fenfang smiled and said, "This is also no way."

Then he took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Shuangdao: "Qin Shuang, it is estimated that you will have a sixty-odd day before the profound strength is completely cured. However, curing is not the final result. In addition to curing, there is another Yuhua."

"Yuhua?" Qin Shuang was shocked.

"Yes, curing can only allow you to cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Sovereign. If you want to break through the holy level, the soul must be transformed into a jade. This jade slip contains my practice and insights about the jade transformation of the soul."

Qin Shuang was overjoyed, but hesitated. Seeing Qin Shuang's hesitation, Situ Dao took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Shuangdao:

"Don't hesitate, to be honest, we have all been enshrined for hundreds of millions of years, but we are still at the holy level. If you quickly enshrined, we can also have one more person to discuss the Tao. Some resources in this world are that there is no resource dispute. Therefore, there will be no competition between us. Not only us, but also the holy ranks of other races, we all hope that there will be one more holy person, and the number of people is powerful. Maybe whoever has the inspiration will realize the key point."

Qin Shuang is relieved now.

That's right, the reason why the cultivators kill is for resources. If there are too many resources to use, who will fight and kill?

She Huan also took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Shuangdao: "This is mine."

"Thank you three seniors." Qin Shuang put away the three jade slips and was overjoyed.

The Three Saints got up, told Qin Shuang to practice as soon as possible, and then flew away.

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand, and the sacks flew into the air, opened the mouth of the sacks, and then the mysterious peach on the tree fell off and flew into the sacks. Five hundred thousand mysterious peaches were packed in sacks and piled at the foot of the mountain in less than an hour. Then Qin Shuang set up a large array around the sacks piled into hills.

She sat at the foot of the mountain and grabbed a sack, the sack was broken, and the mysterious peach was floating in the air. Then more than one hundred black peaches were squeezed into peach juice, Qin Shuang opened his mouth to inhale, and then sucked all the peach juice into his mouth, sat cross-legged, and began to refine.

On this day, Qin Shuang refined nearly seven thousand mysterious peaches. Half of them were refined by the soul of Qin Shuang, and half were refined by the soul of Qin Shuang.

The next day, Qin Shuang went to refine the formation flag.

The low-grade formation flags are very easy to refine, but there are a lot of them. Qin Shuang has been refined for more than 20 days, and then they are deployed for the treasure house of the Three Sages and the Holy City. After a total of one month, Qin Shuang returned to his mountain and stood outside the mountain. After thinking about it, he grabbed a piece of rock and cut it into a stele, inserted it at the foot of the mountain, sliding his fingers, and carved three big characters. :

Crescent Moon Peak!

Entering the big formation, sitting cross-legged at the foot of the mountain, while starting to refine Xuan Tao, while taking out the jade slips that the Three Saints gave her, they looked at them one by one.

I saw it very quickly. I finished three jade slips in less than an hour, but it took time to realize it.

One day.\n

Two days.

Three days.\n

Qin Shuang was refining Xuan Tao while deducing and comprehending the method of transforming jade.



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