Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2881: Different ethos

"No, according to strength. Normally, according to the realm of cultivation. For example, the person sitting on the No. 1 stone futon is the peak of the fifth floor of Tianzun. If you are on the sixth floor of Tianzun, let go in the past. You can take his place. In that position."

"What if he is not willing? Or my cultivation level is low, but my strength is strong. What should I do?"

"Then fight, go outside the city to fight. Who wins, who sits there. Why? Do you want to try?"

That Tianzun laughed. In his eyes, Qin Shuang is a little guy who has just broken through Tianzun.

Yes, for them, Qin Shuang, a person on the second floor of Tianzun, must be much younger than them.

Qin Shuang did not answer him, but continued to ask, "So many people, it seems that many people want to return to the world over the white hole."

"Nor!" The Tianzun shook his head first, and then sighed: "Actually, the monks today don't even know what the world over the white cave is like. For example, I don't know."


"Ah what? Do you know?" The Tianzun sneered: "We people were all born in this world. How do we know that there is another world over the white hole? It's just passed down from generation to generation. .

In fact, we don't think there is anything good about the white hole, we are good here. There is no dispute, how nice everyone is! "

"That you?"

"There are mainly two aspects. On the one hand, comprehending something here is also helpful for improving cultivation. On the other hand, our ancestors still want to return to the world over the white hole. But seeing us Without enthusiasm at all, he came up with a competition project.

Break the white hole! "

"Crossing the white hole?"

"Yes! Every hundred years, all monks of the 27 races, no matter what your cultivation level, can go to the white hole. The ten monks who make the deepest journey will be rewarded by the combination of 27 races. .

What rewards, you don’t need to know now, the opposite is rich. Therefore, those of us are interested in coming here to understand. "

"That's it!" Qin Shuang was also interested: "How long will it take to break the white hole next time?"

"Not long, less than three years."

"Wait here slowly." A Tianzun on the other side said: "Where is cultivation not cultivation? Here weave the chain of laws while waiting."

Qin Shuang nodded and sat there thinking for a while, she didn't have time to wait here, she wanted to return to the fairy world as soon as possible. So he stood up.

"What are you doing?" the Tianzun next to him asked.

"I'm going to discuss with Senior One."

"Discuss and discuss..." The Tianzun was dumbfounded.

Qin Shuang walked to the No. 1 stone futon. In fact, he had heard Qin Shuang's words a long time ago, and the look at Qin Shuang was a bit unkind.

Are you a Tianzun on the second floor challenging me a Tianzun on the fifth floor?

"That...senior..." Qin Shuang walked to the top of the fifth floor of Tianzun, and said, "I want this position."

More than a hundred gods around him became interested. Each one looked at these two people with interest.

How long?

For tens of thousands of years, no challenge has happened.

This excitement has been waiting too long!

Surprise came suddenly!

That Tianzun didn't feel annoyed either. I have to say that this world has been at ease for too long, and the monk's temper has become much milder. He even smiled to Qin Shuang:


Then he stood up from the ground and flew towards the outside of the holy city. In fact, he didn't treat Qin Shuang as the same thing at all, a second-floor Tianzun, he shot her flying with a slap.

Teach this girl a lesson, otherwise, with this girl's arrogant temperament, she might go to the beast to show off his cards and be beaten to death by the beast.


More than a hundred Tianzun flew up, and I didn't know who it was and shouted: "The Tianzun is fighting, watch the fun!"


The monks in the entire square are flying, there are heavenly respect, earthly respect, some respected, immortal emperor...

Then the news spread at an extremely fast speed, and countless monks flew outside the city.

Above the sacred mountain.

The Three Saints stood on the peak with a smile on their faces. Xia Fenfang laughed and said, "This Qin Shuang will do things as soon as it leaves the customs."

"I want to see the fighting strength of our monks!" She Huan said.

Situ Dao sighed softly: "It is estimated that the fifth floor of Tianzun is not her opponent, but I just hope that it won't lose too fast or it is too ugly."

"Definitely not the opponent of Qin Shuang!" She Huan said: "Although he is on the fifth floor of Tianzun, and Qin Shuang is on the second floor of Tianzun. However, Qin Shuang has eleven attributes, and he is a single attribute. There is no comparability. However, it will not lose. Too fast, too ugly."

"It's hard to say!" Xia Fenfang said: "The monks in our world have been at ease for too long. Since we became holy, we have completely suppressed the beasts of this world, and it has been too long, too long since no major war broke out. How many of these gods have experienced the baptism of death?

He hasn't experienced the baptism of death, and his strength can't be played by 80%.

But Qin Shuang is different, she can find it here, I am afraid that she is not a safe master, I don't know how many baptisms of life and death have been experienced. "

"Let's see!"

The three saints stopped talking, their eyes penetrating thousands of miles.

Outside the city.

Thousands of miles away from the holy city, Qin Shuang and the fifth floor of the Tianzun stood opposite each other in mid-air. In the surroundings, hundreds of miles away from them, tens of thousands of monks gathered, one by one, as if they were celebrating a festival, they were talking excitedly while looking at the two heavenly masters.

"I know the fifth floor of Tianzun. It belongs to the merchant, called Shanghu. It is said that it is about to break through the sixth floor of Tianzun. Who is this cloak? Who knows?"

"I don't know, I have wrapped myself tightly, only two eyes are exposed, who can recognize it? So mysterious?"

Suddenly someone shouted: "Brother Shang Hu, defeat her and unmask her."

Shanghu in mid-air laughed: "Friends, did you hear that? I defeated you, but I want to unmask your mask."

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, she was a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere here.

In the immortal realm, whether it is a life-and-death fight or the same school, it is all solemn, both sides are cautious and full. Because only

Only by fighting like this can you improve yourself and survive if you encounter danger outside.


it's here……

You look at the atmosphere here, like a holiday?

Just looking at the business tiger on the opposite side, he also looked sloppy, without a trace of tension at all.



Qin Shuang exhaled and said to Shang Hu earnestly: "Brother Shang Hu, please be more serious."


Thanks a lot to book friends 20200621054231510 (200), Xuan and Zhengfeng (100) for their rewards!



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