Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2884: Hallucination

"If you focus on cultivating the soul, why didn't anyone rush out of the white hole before the soul was born, and no one became holy?"

"It's even more a joke to focus on soul training."

"Now that we are all in one soul, how can we practice exclusively?"

"Shall we separate the unity of spirit and soul?"

"Even if we want to do this, how do we peel it off?"


The wind was surging, and there was a sound of reprimanding Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang wasn't talking, she originally wanted to give a good idea and let everyone think in this direction. But it is obvious that everyone rejects this idea very much. And Qin Shuang did not have a mature theory to refute the other party, and could only remain silent.

Everyone refuted it in less than a quarter of an hour, and resumed the previous conception dispute. Three days passed in a flash, and everyone dispersed.

Qin Shuang sighed, feeling a little dazed.

However, these two months have not been without gains. The soul and soul have gained a lot from understanding their own directions.

I have to say that the inheritance left in this homesick monument is very extensive and profound.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the saints and countless gods, and the core of the understanding of the heaven and earth. Although it is about the unity of spirit and soul, the various explanations and comprehensions of the soul and soul in Qin Shuang's view are extremely profound and broad. It was Qin Shuang who absorbed part of it from here, separated it to comprehend the soul and soul, which also improved the soul and soul.

Curing is not the end.

There is also a difference between curing and curing, and the density is different. Now Qin Shuang felt that his soul and soul were a bit stronger than before. A bit stronger than before.

However, Qin Shuang felt that he should leave. Although she only stayed for two months, she could stay for another month, but she felt it was unnecessary.

All that can be absorbed are absorbed, and the rest cannot be comprehended because he does not have the unity of soul and soul. There are still some confusing places. It may not be impossible to rely on your own comprehension, but it will last for a long time, and the opinions of the deities in the homesick stele have not solved the confusion of Qin Shuang.

Therefore, Qin Shuang decided to go out and ask the Three Saints.

Qin Shuang flew out of the homesick monument and immediately flew away. Do not stay at all. She was afraid of those Tianzuns outside the homesick monument, and asked some unfocused questions.

After returning to the Holy Mountain, Qin Shuang returned to his Xianyue Peak first, adjusting his breath to restore the profound energy he had consumed, while combing through what he had gained in the homesickness tablet.

The second day.

Qin Shuang flew out of Xianyue Peak and landed at the foot of the mountain, respecting the saint. Qin Shuang would not directly fall in front of Xia Fenfang's cave, but walked up step by step.

There was no one in the back mountain and it was very quiet. Qin Shuang walked towards Xia Fenfang's Dongfu step by step. Instead of looking for Situ Dao and She Huan, she looked for Xia Fenfang, who is also a woman.

"It has been more than four months since entering this world!"

Qin Shuang relaxes himself, walking up and watching the scenery on both sides.

The morning sun is rising, the sun is not hot, but it feels very warm. It was scattered on Qin Shuang's body, as if a layer of color was plated on Qin Shuang's body. In the space behind Qin Shuang, a woman walked out slowly, silently and closely behind Qin Shuang, with the same footwork. . He stared at Qin Shuang's back.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly and stopped.

The woman behind her suddenly disappeared, silently, as if she had never appeared before.

Qin Shuang suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, where the woman appeared.

"How do you feel that someone is staring at me just now? And so close to me?"

The profound knowledge spread out, and after a few breaths, the profound knowledge was recovered, and nothing was gained.

Frowning his brows, Qin Shuang turned and continued to move forward, without the feeling that had happened before. She came to Xia Fenfang's cave. Xia Fenfang's cave also has a simple warning formation, and Qin Shuanggang wants to touch the warning formation.


The door of the cave opened slowly, but only opened a slit, and then stopped. Qin Shuang's eyes looked inside through the crack of the door, and the inside of the crack was dark.

Qin Shuang walked two steps forward and reached the door, his brows furrowed.

How could it be dark in Xia Fenfang's cave?

She stretched out a hand, trying to push the crack in the door a little bit, to see clearly.


The dark hand suddenly stretched out from the crack of the door, grabbed her wrist, and then came a strong force, pulling the piano in both directions in the crack of the door.

The color of the piano has changed for too long. I haven’t felt this way for a long time. My wrist was hooped, and even the constructed wrist began to sway violently, as if it would break at any time. The power of that black hand is real. It was too big, and the pulling force made Qin Shuang a little unstable.

Qin Shuang had a feeling instinctively. At this time, inside this door, it was definitely not Xia Fenfang's cave, but an unknown terrifying space.

"Can't be pulled in!"

Qin Shuang made a decision in an instant, his feet rooted in the ground, his arms pulled back vigorously. Both hands were vying, and both hands were shaking violently.

"What the **** is going on?"

Qin Shuang's heart was frightened, the soul burst out with power, and eleven attributes burst out in his hands. At the place where she and the black hand were gripping, a small earth and earth grinding disc appeared, grinding the hands of two people.


Both hands were gone, and the body felt light, as if there was a flow in front of his eyes, everything returned to normal. She was standing in front of Xia Fenfang's cave at this time, standing in front of the warning formation, and the gate of Xia Fenfang's cave was closed, and there were no cracks in the door.

"I have hallucinations?"

It's not that Qin Shuang is not confident, but Qin Shuang has come into this strange world, a world completely different from the fairy world. Who knows what secret things can happen here?

There is no immortal vitality, only profound power.

In this environment, Qin Shuang doesn't know if he will have hallucinations?


Qin Shuang looked down at his hands, showing signs of collapse. This shows that what happened just now is not an illusion.

"Why is this?"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shuang tried to calm his mind. Profound knowledge went out and touched the warning formation in front of the cave mansion.

The door opened automatically, and Xia Fenfang's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Qin Shuang walked into Xia Fenfang's cave. This was the first time she had entered Xia Fenfang's cave. Before, she went to Situ Tao's cave.

This cave was elegantly decorated by Xia Fenfang, and one could see the delicacy of women. Even if it is a saint, it is a woman. Speaking again, saints like Xia Fenfang and the others, always stay at the saint level, breaking through hopelessness. What do you spend your time doing?


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