Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2894: Tentative

Qin Shuang thought for a while, stretched his hand into the shadow world again, and his hand disappeared from his vision.

Qin Shuang retracted his hands and looked down at the arms he had constructed. There was no change. This time, he did not hold his hands and dragged them inward.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, the primordial spirit emerged, stretched out a hand, and dived into the shadow world.

Twitter, as if countless whispers, came out from the shadow world. Then it was sparse, as if countless creatures were flying in the direction of Qin Shuang. At the same time, Qin Shuang's primordial spirit came in severe pain.

Qin Shuang hurriedly retracted the outstretched hand of the soul, and looked down at his hand, and saw that his hand was corroded by a kind of energy, and the pain of the soul came from that kind of corrosion.

Qin Shuang hurriedly began to push the mysterious power to get rid of that kind of corrosion, and the corrosive power and the mysterious power restrained each other. But it was in this world at this time, not just stretched out his hand into the shadow world. The corrosive power lost its origin and was quickly driven out by the profound power.

However, at this time, Qin Shuang was covered with sweat, and his hair almost stood upright, and his body was numb. She saw a crowd of people standing in the shadow world on the opposite side. She couldn't really see them, but she could see them, staring at her motionlessly.

The distance between the two parties was less than three inches.

Qin Shuang took two steps back quietly, and the people in the opposite shadow world did not come out of it. Just staring at Qin Shuang motionlessly.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

The shadow world began to twist, rippling, and then disappear, regaining light in front of him.

Qin Shuang suddenly turned his head and looked at the door on the third floor. He was already standing in front of the door, and reached out to push the door. The door just opened a gap.


Suddenly a dark hand came out from inside and grabbed Qin Shuang's wrists. This time, Qin Shuang was ready, his feet were rooted, and he held the opponent's wrist with his backhand, pulling it out. The strength of the other party was so great that the two of them were deadlocked. Thunder suddenly burst out of Qin Shuang's wrists, and he heard a scream from inside the door, the strength of his hands lightened, Qin Shuang's hands were empty, Qin Shuang's shoulders shook, and his hands pulled back from the shadow world.


Qin Shuang kicked the door open and saw that the shadow world was receding like a shadow. If it seems to be stained with ink, the color stained with ink is now fading, and the original color is restored.

Qin Shuang stood quietly at the door, and a few breaths passed. Qin Shuang turned up and down the stairs, returned to the hall and sat down cross-legged. Think carefully.

With the emergence of the shadow world, Qin Shuang made an experiment. The situation is very bad. When Qin Shuangjiang's body, that is, arms stretched into the shadow world, there was no harm. However, when the primordial spirit is exposed into the shadow world, the primordial spirit will be corroded and will attract a large number of demons in the shadow world. It seems that those demons treat the soul as a great medicine.

In other words, if the soul enters the shadow world, it should be a situation of being hunted down and corroded.

This shows that the soul cannot enter.

So, if the primordial spirit does not appear naked and is wrapped in a constructed body, which is the current situation of Qin Shuang, what will be the result of entering the shadow world?

According to the Three Saints, someone tried to get in but never came out.

Is it possible to speculate like this, even with a constructed body, the breath of the soul will also be emitted in the shadow world, but the breath that is emitted is very shallow and very close. Only the demon that is close can perceive it, won't it be like the naked primordial spirit, with strong aura, will attract the demon far away?

It should be so, otherwise it is impossible for the monks who have been in to return without returning. It should also have a breath leak. Eventually swallowed by demons.

This is because the monks in this world are the unity of spirit and soul, unlike Qin Shuang who are pure primordial spirits, whose breath is pure and strong.


Qin Shuang's heart came to light.

Is it the primordial spirit, the soul, or the unity of the soul that attracts the demons, or the demons desire to swallow?

"Try it next time."

Qin Shuang closed his eyes again and began to derive Dao Fa, especially the Great Mopan of Heaven and Earth.

This time the shadow world came faster than last time, only seven days have passed. Qin Shuang heard the footsteps again. When I opened my eyes to look for the reputation, I saw the back of the woman in black again, walked up to the third floor, opened the door, walked in, and the door slammed shut.

"Why does that woman enter the same house on the third floor every time?"

Qin Shuang thought about it for a moment, but then put it aside first, and he stood at the door when he was tall. He lifted his leg and kicked, and kicked the door completely open.

The door opened and it was completely dark inside. It seemed that the original house was stained with ink. A woman in black was standing inside the gate, less than a foot away from Qin Shuang, staring at Qin Shuang.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang was prepared and was not surprised. Even so, Qin Shuang did not dare to act rashly. But she knew that if she went in, she would be corrupted and chased down. Even more knowing that this woman can come out, but until now, she doesn't know what power this woman has after she comes out of the shadow world?

At this time, Qin Shuang was very nervous.

Without him!

She had always seen the woman's back before, but this time she saw the woman's face.

Just like Xia Fenfang.

In this way, this is the evil thought Xia Fenfang cut off.

Does that mean that her strength is as good as Xia Fenfang?

A door separates the two worlds.

One is the new world, the other is the shadow world.

One light, one darkness.

At this time, the boundary between the two worlds is this door.

Inside the door stood Xia Fenfang's evil thoughts, and outside the door stood Qin Shuang.

Both men looked at each other directly, motionless.


Qin Shuang suddenly felt a little trance, everything in his vision seemed to be distorted and rippling.


The life soul in the soul sings the dragon and phoenix in a low voice, and the Qin Shuang's sanity is lightened. I found that I didn't know when with my hands, he had been caught by the black woman, and half of his body had been pulled closer to the shadow world.


Countless thunder bursts out of Qin Shuang's body, and Qin Shuang at this time is like a thunder group. The woman on the opposite side screamed and disappeared in no time. Qin Shuang hurriedly backed away and withdrew from the shadow world. A trace of fright flashed in his eyes.

The other party can actually affect his sanity!

So hanging!

Gazing inwardly, the woman had disappeared.


Ming Hun walked out of Qin Shuang's body, stretched out a hand, and dived into the shadow world.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

In about half an hour, the shadow world began to recede slowly, and the light in the room returned to light. Ming Hun's arm was not damaged in the slightest. Qin Shuang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


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