Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2901: Inquire

"Because once they enter the shadow world, they will be corroded by the shadow world, even if we don't besiege him, he will die by himself."

Speaking of this, Zhang Dong's eyes released a greedy light: "They dare to come in, and they will eventually become our nourishment. It is said that a long time ago, many monks from outside the territory came in, and they were eventually swallowed by those seniors. If we Able to swallow them, our cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

This is why we want to try to project outside the domain, but we can't get out, and can only project us outside the domain. And our projection only has the effect of charm outside the domain, and cannot kill those outside the domain, but we can charm them into our shadow world, or pull them in. "

Qin Shuang pretended to be puzzled: "Why should we bring in those demon from outside the realm? Our Shadow Realm cultivation environment is so good, even if we don't pull them in and swallow them, can our cultivation level grow?"

Zhang Dong shook his head and said, "There are two main reasons. On the one hand, we seem to have a demon with the same origin outside the domain. You should feel this too?"

"I feel like a fart!" Qin Shuang secretly said in his heart, but he nodded hesitantly, "I am not too clear, it seems that there is a vague feeling."

"That's right. In the legend, if we can find our own outside the domain and swallow him, our strength will have a leap. Secondly, if we swallow more of the extraterritorial demon, we have a breakthrough holy level Possible."

Qin Shuang fell into thinking.

There is no doubt that the extraterritorial celestial demon Zhang Dong said are the monks of the new fairy world like Xia Fenfang. The name Zhang Dong, maybe his body in Xinxianjie is also called Zhang Dong. And what he said is not without reason. Once he swallows the body, his cultivation will definitely take a leap...

in this way……

The evil thoughts Xia Fenfang and She Huan had cut out, if they swallowed Xia Fenfang and them, would they break through the holy level?

Do they have the ability to devour Xia Fenfang?

After all, there is no saint in the shadow world.


Once Xia Fenfang and the others enter the shadow world, they will be repelled and attacked by the shadow world, and their souls will be corroded. In this case, their evil thoughts in the shadow world have a chance to swallow them.

This is the leading factor that the shadow world wants to cover the new fairy world.

The woman who was born exactly like Xia Fenfang should be Xia Fenfang's evil thoughts. It's just that Xia Fenfang has never entered the shadow world.


Qin Shuang suddenly thought of her shadow Qin Ying, she has always wanted to swallow her own body, right?

He shook his head and threw Qin Ying away. She is in the shadow world now, and she thinks for nothing. Continue to sort out the news in my mind.

The shadow world cannot go out, so they can only use the projection to confuse the people in the new fairy world, and then pull the people in the new fairy world in. In this way, the people in the new fairy world can be suppressed, and then swallowed.

People from the New Immortal Realm can come in, but once they come in, the soul will be corroded and eventually swallowed by the demons of the Shadow Realm.

The reason why people in the shadow world want to cover the new fairy world is to improve themselves.

Do not!

It should mainly be the evil thoughts of those saints in the shadow world, who want to swallow the saints in the new immortal world, and thus become holy.

If the people of the new fairy world can come in as a soul, they will not be rejected and corroded by the shadow world.

The talisman made by yourself is effective against demons in the shadow world. In other words, light, thunder, fire, etc. are lethal to demons.


Qin Shuang had questions again, and asked, "Senior, I heard that an extraterritorial celestial demon came in and could release the power to kill us. Is that true?"

"It's true!" Zhang Dong sighed: "And this kind of death is terrible."

"very scary?"

Zhang Dong glanced at Qin Shuang and said, "You are also cultivating the law now, and you will feel a little bit. What is your name?"

"Qin Shuang!"

"Qin Shuang! But are you really Qin Shuang?"

"Me? Senior, what do you mean?"

"We demons are born by nature, without father or mother. How is the nature born and how the earth is raised? If you follow the law, don't you have any sense?"

Qin Shuang's mind was stable, not revealing the slightest flaw, and quickly recalled some incomplete information that he had obtained from the demon search soul:

"It feels a little bit, I... I seem to have some thoughts... I can't tell."

"Yes! When you break through the human respect, you will recover more memories. We are all thoughts cut out by those monks outside the territory. Once these thoughts are cut off, we will automatically be sucked into this shadow world. When we first came in, we had no intelligence, only instinct. We swallowed each other instinctively. Eventually the most powerful thoughts swallowed to a certain critical point, and they were nurtured by the shadow world.

Therefore, we are not a mere thought that was conceived by the shadow world, but many thoughts gathered together and were conceived by the world.

There are killings between us demons, but between us demons, after we kill each other, there are two results. One is to swallow the opponent and strengthen oneself. One is not to swallow the other party. Those broken thoughts will swallow each other, or be swallowed by new thoughts, and eventually another demon will be born.

However, the kind of light released by the extraterritorial celestial demon is different from thunder and fire. That can really annihilate our thoughts and let us die completely.

Therefore, those Lords of Heaven have repeatedly ordered that we demon are not allowed to kill each other. We are required to practice hard and continuously expand the shadow world, and one day, completely cover the extraterritorial world. "

"Then... how long?"

"It does take a long time! However, now those Lords of Heaven have found a way."

"Find a way?" Qin Shuang was surprised.

"Yeah! Now the entire Shadow Realm Master Tianzun is gathered in Jiu'ai Mountain. There is a passage ready to open up, an unbreakable passage that truly connects the Shadow Realm with the outside world. It is not like now, the magic of the law cannot be projected at all. Extraterritorial. Only the magic above the law can have this possibility. Moreover, it is necessary to find the monk who is outside the territorial relative to itself to be able to cover it in a short time. Once there is an unbreakable passage, everything becomes simple. "

"What's the use then? We can't get out again?"

"It can't be said that, for example, the magic crystals here should be very attractive to monks outside the territory. We can use this to attract them.

Secondly, when we have a connecting channel, we can easily project ourselves into the outside world and confuse them to come in.

Also, with the passage, we have the opportunity to study outside the territory for a long time. Maybe one day, we will be able to go in and out freely and let the monks outside the territory become our nourishment. "



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