Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2905: Shadow world

Qin Shuang found a valley in which there was no Shadow Demon. In the valley, on the cliffs, there are countless poisonous fruit trees growing on them.

No evil fruit in the shadow world dared to pick it up, so it accumulated a lot. Qin Shuang began to pick the poisonous fruit, and then piled it up in the valley. After all the poisonous fruits were picked, the poisonous fruits in the valley were already piled up like a mountain. Qin Shuang turned on the talisman for receiving things, collected all the poisonous fruits into the talisman for receiving things, left the valley, and continued to search for a secluded place.

At this time, Qin Shuang was no longer in a hurry, she wanted to collect as many poisonous fruits as possible. She moved more than eight hundred talismans into a sacred talisman, and then began to collect poisonous fruit, so Qin Shuang carefully collected poisonous fruit in Jiu'ai Mountain, collecting for more than three months, and eighty-four receiving talisman Fully loaded.

Finally stayed in a secluded valley, sat under a big tree, stretched out his hand to pluck the poisonous fruit, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

"His hiss..."

The life soul nourished by the rich soul energy, this energy is full of light and holiness, and the jade of life soul begins to improve.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

In a flash, three years later, Qin Shuang's life and soul has become jade. The soul of life began to crack from time to time, and was bridged by Qin Shuang. Every time it cracked, it caused extreme pain.

"Unexpectedly, when I was outside, the soul of Yuhua spent more than 20 years and spent only three years consuming poisonous fruit here. However, it has reached the limit. If the jade continues, the soul of life will collapse.

Time to go back!

I don't know what the primordial spirit is like now, will I think I'm dead? "

New Fairy World.

Xia Fenfang Cave House.

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged in the living room for more than two years, the shadow world never appeared again, and the black-clothed woman never appeared again. There was no news from Mingxue, either dead or alive.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"It shouldn't be dead. If it's dead, I should be somewhat sensitive.

I hope I'm not dead!

In the past three years, several saints have suspended their lives. The beast had already begun to move around. "

"I wonder if the future is a blessing or a curse!"

Nine Aishan.

Qin sneaked into the depths in both directions. One day later, when he heard a roar, Qin Shuang took out his cloak and mask to cover his breath and sneaked into the depths carefully. As they dived in, the roar grew louder and deeper, and gradually felt the fluctuation of space.

Qin Shuang became more careful, dived for three more days, quietly climbed up a mountain, and saw a thousand miles away from her, more than a hundred great demons were bombarding the space node, and there were already lines in the dark sky. Cracks, those cracks are spreading continuously with the attacks of those big demons.

"It's really going to be opened!"

Qin Shuang slowly climbed onto a big tree, hid among the leaves, and quietly looked thousands of miles away.

She is waiting!

Now she has no idea where to return to the new fairy world. So, I had to wait here, waiting for these big demons to open a passage, and then she left the passage.

"It takes at least half a year!"

Qin Shuang sighed softly. Now for her, every day is suffering, because she can't practice now. If she dares to practice again, her life and soul will collapse. And in the shadow world, she didn't dare to comprehend the Dao Fa, once there were fluctuations, so many great demons here would definitely find her. Therefore, she can only do nothing and wait here.


Qin Shuang sighed quietly. This sigh was not meant to wait for half a year here. With Qin Shuang's patience, waiting for a hundred years is nothing. She sighed, even if she returned to the new world, what would happen?

Both the soul of the soul and soul have cultivated to the extreme, and they dare not continue to practice. Once you practice, it will collapse. And she felt that she couldn't get through the white hole, so wouldn't she be trapped here for a lifetime?

Almost sixty years have passed now, and I don’t know what happened to my own body in the black hole?

It is estimated that no one will find a black hole, and no one can go so deep. I just don't know if the black hole has twisted its own body into dust?

No way!

I want to leave!

Want to leave, it seems that only one step is taken.

Unity of Soul and Soul!

If my soul is one, the soul formed must be strong. So, can I continue to jade my soul?

Two-fifths of Yuhua can pass through the white hole?

Two-fifths won’t work, but three-fifths?

Can't wait any longer, after going out this time, immediately began to study the unity of spirit and soul.

The unity of Xia Fenfang and their souls is relatively simple, because Xia Fenfang and their souls were born here, and their souls were born in their souls.

And I am not!

My primordial spirit is the primordial spirit, and the soul of life is the soul of life, which I cultivated individually.

How is this one?

Qin Shuang was caught in the deduction, and she began to deduct how the spirit and soul were united.


A loud explosion like the sky awakened Qin Shuang who was immersed in the deduction. Looking around, he saw the sky shattered, forming countless space fragments, and those spaces blasted randomly, and there was a dense roar.

New Fairy World.

Situ Dao and She Huan rushed out of the cave and looked in the direction of Jiu'ai Mountain, their faces changing.

In the next moment, the figure disappeared on the holy mountain, leaping towards Jiu'ai Mountain. At the same time, each sage crossed the space and rushed to Jiu'ai Mountain.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar lasted for half a day, and gradually stopped, and a passage appeared in front of Qin Shuang's eyes.

New Fairy World.

One by one saints appeared in Jiu'ai Mountain.

Nine Aishan.

In the land of countless wars, the evil spirit is so strong that it is full of intensity, and the evil spirit is fogged to obscure the vision. It is strangling profound knowledge.

But at this time, in the vision of each sage, the Jiu'ai Mountain, which was enveloped by the gray and thick mist, suddenly appeared black, and then the black began to spread and expand, covering Jiu'ai Mountain.

"Shadow World!" All the saints were shocked.

"On such a large scale, does the shadow world really show up?"

Every saint was filled with anxiety, before the shadow world only appeared occasionally, and the coverage was very empty, and the time was very short. The area covered is also very small.

But this is obviously not the case now, the coverage area is very large, at this time it has occupied one-tenth of the Jiu'ai Mountain, and it is still spreading at this time. The most important thing is that these saints can perceive that the coverage of the shadow world this time is very real and not virtual!


The sky and the earth trembled, the shadows gradually covered, the light of Jiu'ai Mountain disappeared little by little, and the faces of the saints began to become ugly.

"Swish swish..."

Tianzun started flying towards here.

this moment.

The world shook, and the sky seemed to be missing a piece, and was swallowed by darkness. Countless monks flew towards this side, looking at the space swallowed by darkness, all stunned.



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