Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2908: Projection lockdown

"The Shadow Realm has corrupted us too much. Let's put the matter of entering the Shadow Realm temporarily, let's defend it first. Think about how to break the Shadow Realm projection attack."

"Yes, the entrance to the shadow world is open, and these projections actually ignore the distance. This threat is too great."

"Don't think about it, let's stop these projections first. Anyway, this is our home court. If we let these projections, the entire town of mountain city monks will be tempted to enter the shadow world, and we will lose our face. , And the trouble is also big."

"Go! They should be afraid of thunder, light and fire thunder."


Thirty-nine saints rose from the top of the city to meet those projections, and the entire sky was suddenly dazzling. That was the method released by the thirty-nine saints.

The projections flew out in ashes in an instant, but projections continued to fly from the direction of Jiu'ai Mountain, Situ Road shouted:

"Dear friends, I am afraid that the demons of the shadow world have already begun to gather at the entrance, and they are taking turns releasing projections. So these projections will attack us all the time, and even those of us who are saints will be exhausted to fight. A moment.

Immediately announce to the world that all the monks will gather towards Zhenshan City, and we must also attack in turn. "

"But... those monks may not be able to withstand the temptation of the Demon Shadow."

"With us watching, the situation can be better. Once we consume too much and cannot take care of them, they will be more dangerous. Let the monks in the world come, which is also a tempering of their will. Once we can resist this temptation , They will grow up quickly. That's when we can really resist the shadow world."

"Okay, just do it."

The voices of the saints instantly sounded in their own clan land, and the holy places responded quickly and began to spread the word, and the monks began to gather towards Zhenshan City.

Qin Shuang flew low while looking up at the sky. Shadows flew towards Zhenshan City like water, obscuring the light. When they flew over the heads of the Qin Shuang, they also saw the Qin Shuang, and the power of temptation fell from the sky.



Long Fengming roared out from Qin Shuang's mouth, shaking away the temptation, and looking up at Zhenshan City that had already appeared in his field of vision and the sages fighting in the sky.

"That's Qin Shuang! How can she not be affected by Shadow Demon?"

Sage Thirty-Nine saw Qin Shuang and was surprised. How could Qin Shuang come from that direction?

At this time, Qin Shuang had already taken out the remaining 800-odd talisman early from the containing talisman, and gathered it within two large sleeves. When he came under the sages, his figure suddenly rose, and he came to Xia Fenfang's side, standing in the air.

"Qin Shuang, why haven't you been affected?"

Qin Shuang did not answer, but looked around. At this time, in the sky, not only thirty-nine saints were fighting, but countless monks were also attacking the projections, but these projections were very strange. They were projections. , About 70% of the monk’s Taoist attacks pass through the projection, and it is unable to cause damage to the projection. Only about 30% of the power can cause damage to the projection. Only the light attribute, thunder attribute, and fire attribute can be 10%. The ground causes harm to the use.

"Boom boom..."

From time to time, a monk was confused by the projection, fell from the air, and then walked towards Jiu'ai Mountain, which is thousands of miles away, with a dull expression.


The projection is like a black Tianhe River. From under the monk's feet, head, and even through the monk's body, she flows towards Zhenshan City, and soon a huge whirlpool is formed above Zhenshan City. There are countless cultivations in Zhenshan City. The low monks were bewildered in an instant, and one by one walked out of Zhenshan City from the city gate and walked towards Jiu'ai Mountain.

Qin Shuang's profound knowledge quickly spread out and enveloped Zhenshan City.

Today's New Immortal Realm has been comfortable for too long. What they pursue is not strong, but longevity, but wind and snow. In today's New Immortal Realm, few people go to refine immortal artifacts, because at most they will refine a low-grade immortal artifact, which simply cannot withstand the power of even a fairy king.

However, many people have refined a lot of pianos in order to pursue the beauty of the wind. Be apart from time to time, playing piano and singing. Therefore, Qin Shuang soon discovered that there were more than a thousand immortal pianos in the small town of Zhenshan. Although they were all low-grade immortal instruments, they were of great help to the current Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang's figure receded and landed on the top of the city. Xia Fenfang and the surrounding saints couldn't help but follow Qin Shuang's eyes. They didn't understand why Qin Shuang did not accept Shadow Demon's confusion, and they did not answer Xia Fenfang. The problem.

Qin Shuang stood on the top of the city, his profound knowledge turned into more than a thousand strands, and then I saw a piece of Xianqin flying out from the houses in the city, and landed around Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged at the head of the city, reached out to grab a fairy lute, controlled his power, flicked his fingers, and the sound of the dragon and phoenix sound spreading around her centered on her, and soon covered the entire Zhenshan city. Spread to the outside of the city.

The monks who were bewildered and were walking towards Jiu'ai Mountain, outside the city, woke up from the confusion the moment they heard Qin Shuang, and their expressions changed drastically, and then some ran towards Zhenshan City in a panic. The monks in the city ran toward the house in a panic, as if running into Zhenshan City, and running into the house, it would be safe. There were also a small number of monks who attacked the Shadow Demon after the initial panic.

Qin Shuang couldn't help but shook his head lightly and sighed.

This monk in the New Fairy Realm... is really useless!

I hope that the birth of the shadow world can make them self-reliant!

In the sky, Xia Fenfang and other thirty-nine saints, the moment they played the dragon and the phoenix on the piano, there was a joy on their faces. They also

It's not that it is not affected by Shadow Demon's confusion, but it is less affected. However, the moment the dragon and the phoenix played on the piano sounded, that little influence disappeared. At this time, they still don't know why Qin Shuang is not affected by Shadow Demon?

Immediately, the spirits were energized. The thirty-nine saints are all attributes, not all attributes, nor can they become saints, one by one releases the bright Taoism, as if thirty-nine red and red suns rise in the sky, a large number of projections Dissipated under the sun.

The Shadow Demon Projection that had invaded the sky above Zhenshan City was also aware of the threat Qin Shuang posed to them, one by one projections swooped down towards Qin Shuang from the sky, and they wanted to cling to Qin Shuang's body. Entering the monk's body, although the number of monks affected is reduced, the deceptive power is the greatest.

Seeing hundreds of shadow demon projections, if a torrent of water flows down from the sky towards Qin Shuang sitting on the head of the city, Xia Fenfang's face changed and he flew towards Qin Shuang. Qin doubled his mouth and said clearly:

"Senior Xia, don't worry about me."


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