Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2918: Attacked

"Master, what do you cultivate now?"

Yuan Henqing looked at Qin Shuang and asked expectantly, Qin Shuang is the sky in her heart, the sky of Tianxingzong, and the sky of the savage continent. The stronger Qin Shuang is, the more stable her heart is, and she can't help asking. come out. And Yuan Tong and Zhang Chuchen also looked forward to their master.

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said, "There is no growth in cultivation, it is still on the second floor of Tianzun."

The eyes of the three disciples couldn't help showing disappointment, and Qin Shuang laughed dumbly and flexed his fingers.

"Boom boom..."

The three people's foreheads were played by Qin Shuang respectively, and the three of them held their heads and looked at Qin Shuang aggrievedly:


"Master, although my cultivation base hasn't improved, my real combat power has improved. It shouldn't be a problem to fight against the ordinary eighth floor of Tianzun."

"Really?" The three disciples were excited.

"How is the situation in the fairy world now?"

"It's quite calm!" Yuan Tong thought for a while: "It's the calm before the war. The fighting in the starry sky has begun to decrease."

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said: "It seems that the first contact of the hundred races has completely ended. Next they will gather in a certain place to discuss important matters."

"How long does it take?" Yuan Tong asked.

"Soon, it is estimated that it will be at most fifty years. If it weren't for the dispersion of hundreds of ethnic continents and the distance between each continent, it would take a long time for all parties to gather together. Maybe a few years would end this epoch-making event. Assembly of a hundred races.

The war is coming. We should also call all the monks back to the sect.


What is the situation on the Thousand Yuan Mainland now? "

"It’s a bit chaotic. Legend has it that the thousand yuan ancestor is dead, so the human race of the depleted land is strangling the thousand yuan family, trying to get out of the depleted land. However, more and more monks of the thousand yuan clan have entered the depleted land, and they also want to kill the human race. Completely annihilated in the depleted land."


There was a sudden collision in the woods, and the ground vibrated. Although exhausted, there is no aura, no rules. But these people are also very powerful. Although today's fighting methods are like mortals, the power produced is not comparable to mortals.

The water surface by the lake violently oscillated, producing a circle of ripples, which spread rapidly to the surroundings.

"The thousand yuan family, the thousand yuan family is here." Someone shouted.

"Damn, how did they find our whereabouts?"

"It shouldn't have found our whereabouts, but found this oasis."

"Squad, kill!"

All three Yuan Tong's faces sank, and the moment they stood up, they rushed to the woods.

At this time, the thirty-something human monks had already exited the woods and were fighting with the Qianyuan monks on the edge of the woods. And there are monks of the thousand yuan clan who are constantly walking out of the woods.

There is no sense of immortality in the fighting style of the two sides, it is completely the way a group of mortals are fighting. The weapons in his hands are also various, but they are surprisingly powerful, and countless trees are shattered by bombardment. The ground cracked open.

"The thousand yuan clan of the brigade we met, everyone approached me, we are ready to withdraw." Yuan Tong pulled out the long sword behind, swinging the long sword, has already killed two thousand yuan clan monks.


The corpses of the two thousand yuan family fell to the ground, Qin Shuang's eyes fell on it, and they could see everything in their bodies, spiritual power, essence and blood, etc. were absorbed to the ground, and their bodies were shrinking rapidly.


The aftermath of the battle swept away, and the two bodies dissipated into powder.

At this time, there are no more monks of the thousand yuan clan appearing in the woods, and Qin's eyes swept away. At this time, there were about five hundred thousand yuan clan monks. The headed one was powerful. Although he could not release the Taoism, it broke out. Qin Shuang's power made Qin Shuang recognize at a glance, reaching the first level of Tianzun.

That day, Zun held a long knife in his hand and walked towards Yuan Tong without hurries, while the human races were gathering in Yuan Tong's direction.

"Finally caught you!" A grin appeared on the face of the Tianzun: "A disciple of Qin Shuang? In the past few decades, you have not killed our thousand yuan clan less."

Yuan Tong stepped forward two steps and came to the forefront, blocking dozens of people behind him, with a trace of tension in his eyes, with one hand behind him, gesturing towards the human race behind him. The dozens of human races showed unwillingness on their faces, and slowly backed away.

"Want to run?" The Tianzun sneered: "The deity goes out in person, can you run?"

"Tian Zun! Ha ha... Thousand Yuan Clan really values ​​me, and sent a Tian Zun to kill me." Yuan Tong just finished speaking, he heard a voice in the forest:

"Of course I value you, so more than one Tianzun came!"

Following the sound, a figure walked out of the woods. Yuan Tong's face changed. Although he couldn't see how many levels the other party was, he could perceive that the other party was definitely Tianzun.

"Two Tianzun!" Yuan Tong's face changed: "The boy has a low level of cultivation. I can't see how many levels are the two? Can you tell the boy?"

"Of course! I'm very kind, let you be a ghost. I am the third floor of Tianzun, and he is the first floor of Tianzun." The Tianzun who had just walked out of the woods said with a smile.

Yuan Tong's face changed again, as his master had just said, it was only the second floor of a Tianzun. Can you beat the third floor of this Tianzun? The Dao Fa cannot be released here, and everyone is relying on the ontology. After Master breaks through the Heavenly Lord, is the body still as powerful as before?

Yuan Tong couldn't help but feel distressed, Master was too able to run away, and there was too little time for himself and Master again. I don’t even know what strength Master is!

"Don't worry, our Thousand Yuan Clan will not only kill you, but also kill all the human races. From now on, the Thousand Yuan Continent will become a real Thousand Yuan Continent, with only the Thousand Yuan Clan and no one else."

"Don't be ashamed!"

A clear and beautiful voice rang behind everyone, and Qin Shuang came slowly. The Terran monk involuntarily stopped his retreat, stepped away to both sides, giving Qin Shuang a passage.

Qin Shuang slowly walked out of the crowd, walked past Yuan Tong, stood in front of Yuan Tong, and looked at the opposite Tianzun coldly:

"Who is the strongest of the thousand yuan clan now?"

"Want to know the strongest of our thousand-yuan clan? You have a big tone!" The two thousand-yuan clan Tianzun's eyes fell on Qin Shuang's body.

"Master..." Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen also came behind Qin Shuang.

"It doesn't matter!" Qin Shuang turned his head and smiled at his disciple, and then walked towards the two Tianzuns opposite: "You two go together."


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