Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2942: Blooming

Is Fairy Ice Lotus the right path?

Qin Shuang didn't know, but he knew it was definitely worth a try.

"I don't know which step she did?

Her world is now released and integrated into the sea of ​​flowers. I wonder if her world can be recovered?

It is the maturity of a system that can be released and retracted!

Moreover, this ability is not only to take back the world, but to bring the rhyme of the sea of ​​flowers, in other words, to take back the body with vitality. It is not that once the world is taken back, the world will be separated from the vitality of the sea of ​​flowers.

What step did she do?

and also……"

Qin Shuang's heart beat violently: "This breath seems to be familiar... this is... the power of the soul..."

"The power of the soul!"

Qin Shuang almost screamed out, the expression on his face changed drastically at this time.

At the same time, the expression on Fairy Binglian's face changed drastically.

Fairy Ice Lotus: How could there be life force on her Human Sovereign Tower?

Qin Shuang: Her vitality is very similar to the astral power. No, it should be one level lower than the power of the soul. Does that mean that I can also have vitality in the world?


Qin Shuang couldn't help but frowned. She had also let the Divine Soul enter the realm, but once the Divine Soul entered the realm, the realm would have a tendency to transform into chaos. Instead of having vitality. This is because there are many laws of chaos in her spirit.

"Do I need to get rid of the Law of Chaos?"

After hundreds of years of research, Qin Shuang found that it was impossible to decompose the law of chaos and then get rid of it. But she can pull the Law of Chaos directly out of the body, and then throw it away at will, or put it in the Demon Town Tower for complete decomposition. But in this way, Qin Shuang's cultivation base will be greatly reduced, and it will take a long time to re-weave the rules. Therefore, Qin Shuang has been suppressing the Law of Chaos. Fortunately, with the improvement of Qin Shuang’s cultivation level, more and more chains are woven, and the suppression of the Law of Chaos is getting stronger and stronger, but it is not affected by the Law of Chaos. influence.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Tower of the Human Emperor shook violently, showing a tendency of collapse.

Qin Shuang's strength was originally inferior to Fairy Ice Lotus, but now that it has entered the realm of Fairy Ice Lotus, it can be said that it has fallen into a disadvantage.


Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief and withdrew his thoughts. With a thought in his heart, the world of the sea of ​​knowledge flowed out and merged into the Tower of Human Emperor.

She had never done this before, because she had never thought about it. This is the method borrowed from the fairy ice lotus. However, it is not easy to integrate the world into supernatural powers.


Human Emperor Tower is exploded!

It wasn't the ice lotus fairy's petals that was bombed, but the Qin Shuang's realm burst.

The surrounding petals were suddenly blown into powder, and Qin Shuang was also blown up by his own Emperor Tower, his face was pale.

"Haha..." Fairy Binglian couldn't help but laughed: "Your way of breaking my attack is amazing."

Qin Shuang's face turned red, silent, and he released another Human Emperor Pagoda, which enveloped himself, and then tried to integrate his own world into the Human Emperor Pagoda again.

Fairy Binglian couldn't help but shook her head. She couldn't give Qin Shuang a sharpening stone, and kept giving Qin Shuang a chance to learn from herself.


The ice lotus fairy around disappeared, and only one ice lotus fairy was left standing in Qin Shuang’s vision.

In the sea of ​​flowers. The sea of ​​flowers rolled up like a scroll, shrank towards Fairy Ice Lotus, and merged into Fairy Ice Lotus.

"It can be released and retracted!" Qin's eyes lit up.

"Follow me!"

Fairy Ice Lotus flew out of the ice palace and flew towards the ice field. Qin Shuang stepped out and followed closely.


One by one cultivators flew up and chased after Fairy Binglian and Qin Shuang.

Endless ice field.

Qin Shuang and Fairy Binglian stood opposite each other.


With Fairy Ice Lotus as the center, ice flowers bloomed on the ice field, spreading towards Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang still adopts a defensive trend. A human imperial pagoda envelops the Qin Shuang, and the Dao patterns of various attributes flow like a dragon, which makes the imperial pagoda appear brilliant.

"Boom boom..."

The ice flower collided with the Renhuang Tower, and the ice flower was broken layer by layer, but like a sea tide, it continued to slap towards Qin Shuang. The Tower of Human Emperor shook violently, and the dragon-like Dao pattern began to break.


Qin Shuang tried again to integrate Jie into the Human Emperor Pagoda, this time she was very careful, deriving and integrating. The broken Dao pattern began to be recast, and the violently shaking Human Emperor Tower gradually stabilized.

"Good savvy!"

Fairy Binglian frowned and shook his side with one hand.


A world of flowers pouring out of her body was her world, and the world of flowers condensed into a foil in her right hand.

The sword of the world!

The ice field, Baixue, a world of flowers are cut.

Qin Shuang did not dare to take the slightest contempt, sacrificed the Sky Sword and stabbed the Five Elements Slash. A shield appeared in front of Qin Shuang, which was a five-element shield constructed by five elements.


The sword of the world stood on the shield of the five elements, and the shield of the five elements shattered suddenly, and the sword of the world continued to cut.


Qin Shuang's Skywalking Sword stabbed on the sword of the world. The colorful sea of ​​flowers bloomed in an instant, the boundless power came, and Qin Shuang instantly flew upside down. Opposite her, Fairy Ice Lotus was like a delicate flower, killing towards her.

The Ice Race watching around let out a cheer.

The inverted Qin Shuang opened his mouth slightly, and a voice of vibration vented from his mouth.

Rage bells.

A big clock suddenly appeared on Fairy Bing Lian's head, and draped it down towards Fairy Bing Lian. Before the bell sounded, Fairy Bing Lian cut off with a sword, and the big clock shattered with a crash. But at this moment, Qin Shuang's upside-down figure was stabilized, and he was ready to fight, so that Fairy Ice Lotus lost the advantage.


Qin Shuang sensed that Fairy Binglian was the strongest person she had encountered since challenging the continent of the Hundred Races, so he pierced out the Great Grinding Plate without hesitation.


A huge grinding disc was born in the air, and it instantly sucked Fairy Ice Lotus into it. With a click, the big grinding disc of Heaven and Earth began to grind Fairy Ice Lotus' body.


Layers of petals appeared from the cracks in the grinding disc. The petals were ground into powder, but more flowers bloomed.


The blooming flowers are like life in full bloom, exploding the world. As soon as Fairy Ice Lotus rushed out, the sword of the world slashed towards Qin Shuang. The whole space is trembling and humming.

The Tianxing Sword in Qin's hands has a colorful flow. It is the realm of the Qin Double Consciousness that flows out of the sea, and it merges with the Tianxing Sword to form a sword of realm.


The two swords of realm collided, Qin Shuang's figure flew upside down in the air, glanced at his sword of realm, his nervous expression slightly relaxed.


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