Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2946: Virtual reality conversion

For hundreds of years, I have traveled around dozens of continents, learned about dozens of genres, and learned about dozens of genres. I hope this trip to Wanjing continent will not disappoint me. .

"Wanhuan Palace, Wanhuan ancestor!"

This is the opponent Qin Shuang is about to challenge, Tianzun Peak.

Qin's dual consciousness penetrated into the realm of the astral space, and joy appeared between the eyebrows.

It has been nearly a year since Qin Shuang moved the soul lotus into the world. In this nearly one year, the soul lotus began to transform the world a little bit.

The soul lotus opened up an independent space in the realm, and then absorbed all the law chains in the realm into the center of the soul lotus, and then the soul lotus closed. It is still not open. Qin Shuang didn't know what the state of the chain of laws in the soul lotus was now, but she could speculate that when the soul lotus was in full bloom, the chain of laws was very likely to be integrated into the laws of soul. Because Qin Shuang can see that the soul law silk in the world is now absorbed by the soul.

"It's not opened yet!"

Qin Shuang withdrew his consciousness and disappeared in place.

In the next moment, he appeared high above the sky and flew towards the direction of Wanhuan Palace.

At this time, in the Wanhuan Palace, Wanhuan ancestor and Ice Lotus fairy sat opposite each other. Fairy Ice Lotus looked at Wanhuan Ancestor and said:

"Wan Huan, this time I am here to invite you to catch Qin Shuang alive. With my research on Qin Shuang's challenge route, she should come here to challenge you in the near future."

Wanhuan ancestor frowned slightly: "This is a bit wrong, she is taking the road of challenge, and we have no reason to break this rule. The genius of each race has the road of challenge at all levels. If We broke the rules, and other races will also break the rules."

"I know!" Fairy Binglian said earnestly: "But is it important to be holy?"

"Sacred?" Wan Huan's eyes lit up, and then he didn't believe in: "Are you so sure that Qin Shuang can enter the Sacred?"

Fairy Binglian pondered for a moment and said, "I am not 100% sure, but 60%."

The ancestor Wanhuan was silent for a while and said: "This is already very high, can you tell me the reason?"

"She cultivated two realms!"

"Two realms?" Wanhuan ancestor's voice was a little higher, but then he shook his head and said: "Even if you cultivate two realms, you may not be able to become holy."

"You're right!" Fairy Binglian nodded: "But aren't you curious? There has never been a monk who has cultivated into the two realms in history, and Qin Shuang's cultivation has been breaking through very quickly. He has not yet One thousand and five hundred years old, have you seen the fourth floor of Tianzun who is less than one thousand and five hundred years old? And still able to challenge the fourth floor of Tianzun's peak like ours?"

Fairy Binglian looked more serious: "Every monk who can break through the Heavenly Lord has a secret, the difference is only in size. But how big do you think Qin Shuang's secret is?

You really don't want to know? "

The ancestor Wanhuan’s gaze became brighter and brighter: "Her cultivation speed, maybe only Xu Ziyan has ever appeared in history, right?"

"Not bad!" Fairy Binglian nodded vigorously: "Xu Ziyan finally became holy."


"I know what you want to say." Fairy Binglian interrupted Wanhuan's ancestor: "You want to say that Qin Shuang is a five-attribute spiritual root, and both of us are single-attribute. Don't do it between us. Hidden. If we don't have a little understanding, we won't have that dream. Do you really have no direction in the direction of sanctification? If not, will you be that strong?"

Wanhuan ancestor nodded and said: "Yes, I have some understanding and a little direction. But I am very inaccurate. After all, no one has walked this road, and there has never been a single attribute spiritual root in history. Of the holy way."

"That's why we have to catch Qin Shuang, and then search for her soul. Wanhuan, the war with the six holy places, we may not win. Because although the saints have been silent, there is no news of their fall. . And even if we are truly victorious, will we be able to obtain the inheritance of sanctification?

What if there is no inheritance?

The road is beyond words!

Perhaps this kind of avenue requires the evolution of the saint himself to be able to comprehend it, so there will be no legacy.

It is better to grasp the reality in your hands if you hope for the illusory future. "

The ancestor Wanhuan finally fixed his gaze: "Okay, let's grab Qin Shuang."

The two big Tianzun laughed, and they didn't feel that they would be unable to catch Qin Shuang. Facts have proved that Qin doubles can't be beaten by Fairy Ice Lotus, and now with an ancestor of Wanhuan, grasping Qin doubles is no problem. Therefore, no one proposed to look for a few big gods. Some secrets have as few people as possible.

"Ambush Qin Shuang there?" Fairy Binglian asked.

"It's in the Wanhuan Palace. She has always challenged her to be open and upright, just like entering your ice palace without evasiveness. I think she will enter the Wanhuan Palace without evasiveness. At that time, you will be hidden in Wanhuan Palace. In the illusion palace. Surprisingly, double-teamed her with me and caught her."

"Well, don't go wrong. Although Qin Shuang is not as good as us, she is very strong. If she misses this opportunity, she will be careful, or she will no longer challenge, and we will never have another chance."

"Nothing will happen." Wanhuan ancestor looked at Fairy Bing Lian and said: "Bing Lian, can you tell me what road you are walking? Tell me, and I will tell you what road I am walking on. When the time comes, we will get her way from Qin Shuang, and we can exchange ideas and support each other on the way to the holy.

The wealthy land!

Entrance to the holy is difficult, just like a moat. It would be too difficult to fumble alone! "

Fairy Binglian couldn't help but be moved, just as Wanhuan's ancestor said, she has been groping alone, this road is too difficult. If there is a person who is also on the road of holy communication with each other, maybe they will go faster. Dang Even nodded:

"I'm walking the road of life..."

Fairy Binglian briefly introduced the path he had taken. If the ancestor Wanhuan wanted to know more, he had to take out something and show his attitude first.

After listening to the ancestor Wanhuan, his face showed admiration and said: "Binglian, no one has ever walked this road before. Maybe it can really be done. And it is also very useful for me. Bing Lian, the way I walk is to change from reality to reality."

"Convert from reality to reality?"

"Yes, turn the emptiness into reality, and turn the reality into emptiness. For example, where we sit now, the Ten Thousand Fantasy Palace and the entire Ten Thousand Fantasy City are my realm."


Bing Lian almost jumped up in surprise, and it was extremely dangerous to enter other people's realm recklessly. To know that the master of the realm is the one who controls it. Fight in your own world, occupy a great advantage, and at the same time suppress the strength of the enemy. Especially when the enemy doesn't know it yet, it is very likely to get a fatal blow suddenly.



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